Please provide answers to the following questions in the space provided.
1. Summarize your involvement with FCCLA on the local, regional, state and/or national levels.
2. What are your three top training needs?
3. During your year as a state executive council member, you may need to speak up for career and technical student organizations as an integral part of career education. How will you do this? What will be your major talking points?
4. Missouri FCCLA can only afford to select a few officers to attend this training. Why should we select you?
5. If selected, you will be expected to share your experiences with others in your community. Would you be willing to give a presentation to a school or community group? YES NO
6. Is your adviser interested/available to attend the training with you? YES NO
7. It is possible if you are selected that you may travel with students from other schools, another adviser or with the state adviser. (Students will be roomed with other students and will not be roomed with adults). Is that acceptable? YES NO (Please explain)
I will adhere to the code of conduct for state officers and FCCLA Capitol Leadership training rules. I acknowledge that I may be required to submit an emergency health care form and travel permission form. I agree to work cooperatively with my school and teachers to get, in advance, assignments that will be required of me in my absence from school.
State Officer Signature and Date Parent/Guardian Signature and Date
Return this form, with signatures, to the state adviser during the
State Executive Council Summer Planning Meeting.
The state staff will notify all applicants of the scholarship recipients. The state adviser will process registration for the scholarship recipients. Travel arrangements are made by the SEC members and SEC advisers with reimbursement from the state association. It is the SEC member’s responsibility to share any mailings or other information sent from national FCCLA with local school officials and parents or guardians.