

12 Booth Street


M2 4AW

To whom this may concern

Dear Sirs


EVENT ORGANISER/COMPANY: ……………………………………………………..… DATE & TIME ………………......

EVENT DETAILS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Further to your recent application. I confirm that GSEhereinafter referred to as the “Licensor” is prepared to permit you (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensee”)to have access into its Estate in connection with the above-mentioned event, subject to the following and attached terms and conditions. (Appendix 1)

1.For the purpose of this letter the term "licensee" shall mean …………………………………………………………………………………..

2.Venue fee (part day): £0.00 (see Appendix 1 Clause 2).

Venue fee (Full Day): £500.00

3.License administration fee: £0.00

4.Services fee (estimated): £0.00

5.In return for the Licensor permitting you (and any person(s) accompanying you to enter and visit its property).

6.The Licensee shall be liable for and shall indemnify the licensor against any reasonable expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings arising under statute or contract or at common law, in respect of claims for personal injury to, or the death of any person (including the Licensee’s Invitees) or damage to such person’s property, arising out of, or in the course of, or in connection with any activity or incident or condition of the Site, arising during the License period,to the extent any such damage or personal injury results from the negligence of the Licensee, its servants or agents.

7.Licensors Property:The Licensee shall be responsible for and indemnity the Licensor in respect of the cost of making good all damage (fair wear and tear excepted) sustained to the Licensor’s property, both real and personal, during the License period, to the extent it results from the negligence or willful default of the Licensee or its servants or agents.

8.Exclusion of Liability

The Licensor shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to property belonging to the Licensee or its invitees, howsoever caused (including the negligence of the Licensor its servants or agents).

If you wish to proceed, please sign and return the attached agreement together with the following documentation

  • Proof of a minimum £5 million Public Liability and Employers Liability Insurance...
  • Programme of events or schedule of visit
  • Health and safety risk assessments as applicable.
  • Cheque inc.VAT made payable to Savills

Yours faithfully

For and on behalf of Gower Street Estates

Barbara Turner



Appendix A




1On arrival contact GSE estate security on 0151 707 8384 to agree access and a safe method of work. Vehicles must use Pay and Display. NB. Licensee must sign in on arrival and agree location and safe method of work.

2Whilst the Company is agreeable to the location specified in the accompanying letter being used, neither the Company nor the Company's personnel can give any undertaking or warranty that the location is suitable for your purposes and reserves the right to vary it should the need arise.

3.Any fee specified in the accompanying letter shall be paid in advance. If it is not paid, the Company may exercise its right to refuse you access to its Estate.

4.Any additional services required such as: estate security, cleaning, power or water should be discussed in advance with GSE Ltd to determine whether your requirements can be met. An estimate of the costs of any pre-determined requirements will be identified in the accompanying letter and these must be paid in advance. Should actual costs exceed the estimate, you will be invoiced further once costs are known.

5.You shall not engage in any activity on the Company's Estate other than for the purpose set out in the accompanying letter.

6.You shall be responsible for the safety and control of all persons involved in the event and any risk assessments.

7.You are responsible for making any necessary arrangements with the Highway Authority and Merseyside Police for obtaining access to the Company's Estate from the public highway.

8.You shall confirm with the bylaws and regulations of the Company and other local public and statutory authorities in force from time to time.

You should ascertain whether or not your proposed event requires an Entertainments License. You should contact Liverpool City Council on telephone number 0151 233 4105. Any costs which arise out of either the need for such a license or the implementation of works, safety measures etc, required to comply therewith must be met by you.

9.The right to use the specified location will be subject to the strict control of the Company, its officers and other duly authorized persons.

10.You shall take all necessary or expedient precautions which are within your control to prevent your activities or those of your servants or agents from causing loss or damage to the Company's Estate by fire or other accidental means. Should any loss or damage occur as a result of your negligence or willful default, you shall repair such loss or damage to the reasonable satisfaction of GSE Ltd. Should you fail to do so, GSE Ltd shall arrange for the necessary work to be done and shall look to you for reimbursement of any reasonable costs thereby incurred.

11.You must not cause a nuisance or annoyance to other users of or visitors to the Company's Estate.

12.You must ensure that you make adequate provision for the collection and disposal of any refuse generated as a consequence of the event and that the site is left in a clean and tidy condition to the reasonable satisfaction of the Company at the termination of the event. Should you fail to do so and should the Company consequently incur costs in clearing the area, you will be required to reimburse the Company with any reasonable costs thereby incurred.

13.You must ensure that you do not cause any obstruction to pedestrian or traffic flow.

14.You are responsible for the security of your own property whilst it is located on the Company's Estate.

15.Street cash collections, sales of goods or distribution of leaflets are NOT permitted.

  1. Noise arising as a consequence of your use of the Company's Estate must be kept to a reasonable level as determined by the Company or its duly authorized representatives. Should levels be deemed to be unreasonable, the Company reserves the right to terminate your use of the site forthwith.
  1. GSE reserves the right to include any other conditions as deemed fit in the course of good management and public







Tel :0161 244 7758 Email:

Dear Sir,


ORGANISER/COMPANY NAME: ………………………………………………………….DATE OF EVENT …………………………………………….

EVENT DETAILS:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

In consideration of your agreeing to permit the person(s) named below to enter your Estate for purposes connected with our business and/or of your making arrangements for the said person(s) named below to enter the Estate for such purposes as aforesaid, we hereby undertake and agree with you that we shall be liable for (and shall indemnify and hold you harmless against) all claims liabilities demands actions costs and reasonable expenses in respect of injury death or sickness of or to the said person(s) named below and any loss or damage of or to our property or the property of the same person(s) named belowto the extent (if any) that such injury, death, sickness, loss or damage is caused by our negligence or that of our servants or agents or that of the said person(s).

For the consideration aforesaid we hereby undertake and agree with you that all rights exemptions from and limitations of liability defenses immunities and indemnities of whatsoever nature afforded to you hereunder shall in all respects ensure also for the benefit of each of your employees servants and agents acting in the course of or in connection with their employment so that in no circumstances whatsoever shall any such employee servant or agent while so acting be under any liability greater than or different from your liability hereunder. Further, we acknowledge that for the purposes of the foregoing you shall be deemed to be acting as agent or trustee on behalf of and for the benefit of all persons who have been are or may become your employees servants or agents from time to time (all such persons to this extent being deemed to be parties to this agreement) and that the performance or prospective performance by such persons of any duties or services in any way directly or indirectly related to or connected with your estate shall be deemed to be good consideration moving from such persons to ourselves.

Signed …………………………………………………………………………………..Print name:………………………………………………………………………………….

For and on behalf of:…………………………………….……………………………………………………. Date …………………………………………………………………

METHOD OF PAYMENT (please chose either option below and complete details).
Purchase order number/reference:…………N/A…………………….. in the sum of £
Invoice address…………N/A……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
An Invoice will be sent to you which will require prompt payment.

Licence doc. September 13