Chapter 10 Section 2 Notes

Relations with Spain

At the time of the War of 1812, the ______and ______were the only parts of the Americas not under European control.

  • ______controlled more territory in the Americas than any other European country.
  • However, their power had ______.
  • Spain’s control was especially weak in ______
  • Spain could not ______.
  • Once in Florida, many of the escapees joined the ______.
  • The Seminoles often crossed into the U.S. to ______.
  • In 1817, the government sent ______.
  • Jackson ______.
  • He also ______.
  • Jackson’s attack on Florida showed ______.
  • Since Spain could not protect Florida, it ______.
  • In the ______, Spain ______.

Spanish Colonies Win Independence

By 1810, opposition to Spanish rule ______.

  • The American and French Revolutions had ______.
  • Spain seemed ______.

______struggle for independence began in 1810.

  • In that year, ______organized an army of Native Americans that ______.
  • In 1811, Hidalgo was ______.
  • Another revolution broke out in 1820.
  • This time Spain was ______.
  • In 1821, Spain ______.

______was also affected by revolutionary change.

  • The best known leader of the struggle for independence was ______.
  • He is often known as ______for his role in leading independence movements in the northern part of South America.
  • In August 1819, he led an army from ______over the ice-capped ______and into ______.
  • Bolivar defeated the Spanish and became president of the independent ______.
  • It included today’s nations of ______, ______, ______, and ______.

Farther north, the people of ______declared their independence from Spain in 1821.

  • Two years later they formed the ______
  • It included today’s nations of ______, ______, ______, ______, and ______.

In 1822, ______announced its independence from ______.

  • Soon after, the United States ______.
  • By 1825, most parts of Latin America had ______.

The Monroe Doctrine

Several European powers, including France and Russia, indicated that they might ______.

  • This worried President ______and Secretary of State ______.
  • It also worried ______.
  • Both nations wanted to ______.
  • In 1823, Britain suggested that both nations issue a ______
  • It would announce their determination to ______.
  • Adams thought the United States should take action alone because a joint statement would make the United States ______.
  • In a message to Congress in December 1823, the President stated what is known as ______.
  • The United States would not ______.
  • They U.S. would consider any attempt to do so as ______.
  • At the time, the United States was ______.
  • As U.S. power grew, the Monroe Doctrine ______.

Relations with Canada

Canada remained a ______after the Revolution.

  • In 1791, the country was ______
  • ______was mainly English
  • ______was mainly French
  • In 1837 there were ______.
  • Although the British ______, they learned that they ______.
  • Britain would have to give Canadians more powers of ______.
  • Self-government: ______.
  • The Act of Union of 1841 ______.
  • Britain still had ______.

Tensions between the Unites States and Canada were especially high when the United States ______.

  • The situation improved after the war. Between 1818 and 1846, the United States and Britain ______.
  • Eventually, the United States and Canada ______that remain strong to this day.