Minutes for Industrial Parkway Association (IPA) Meeting
November 9, 2017 at 8:00AM
Jerome Township Hall: 9777 Industrial Parkway; Plain City, OH. 43064
- Meeting called to order at 8:06AM by Aaron Siekmann with the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Aaron Siekmann encouraged all guests and first-time attendees to introduce themselves.
- Reading and Approval ofMinutes: Aaron Siekmann asked for a motion to approve the Octoberminutes.
Motion by Kevin Gregory, Seconded by Ben Williams to accept minutes, carried unanimously.
- Treasurer’s Report: Ben Williamsannounced that he has a bill to pay for the maintenance of the IPA sign and he needs to collect a few entry fees from the IPA Golf Outing.
Motion by Carol Scheiderer, Seconded by Kelly Darrow to accept minutes, carried unanimously.
- Approval of the New IPA Officers: Aaron Siekmann announced the IPA Officers for 2018: Carol Scheiderer (President), Ben Williams (Vice President), Kelly Darrow (Treasurer), Chris Welker (Secretary) and Kevin Gregory (Programs).
Motion by Rod Zeigler, Seconded by Matt Jacobs to accept the officers, carried unanimously.
- Survey Results: Carol Scheiderer shared the results of the IPA survey that was sent out via email. 16 people responded.
- IPA Holiday Coat and Food Drive: Carol Scheiderer encouraged everyone to bring coats, other forms of clothing or non-perishable food items to the IPA’s December Christmas Party on Thursday, December 7th as a donation to the Plain City Food Pantry.
- Chamber Report: Tonya Woodruffinvited those who are not members of the Union County Chamber of Commerce to join by December 1st to take advantage of a $50.00 discount. She told us that a $25.00 referral bonus will be given to any member who refers a new member. Tonya encouraged everyone to check out the Chamber’s new website. She distributed several flyers including the Union County Chamber’s November Calendar of Meetings, Events and Activities. Tonyaencouraged everyone to attend the next Business Impact Breakfast which will be held at URE in Marysville on Thursday, November 16th from 8:00am-9:00am and will feature a Columbus 2020 update. And, she invited everyone to attend the Chamber’s Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 6th at the new Richwood Bank from 5:00pm-7:00pm.
- Land Use Report: Kevin Gregory reported that Jerome Grand at Jacquemin Farms, which is a proposed mixed usage 60-acre development, passed initial review.
- Security Report: Lieutenant Mike Justiceand Detective Jeff Stiersreported that the Union County Sheriff’s Office now has a 6-pound Leptron drone with a Go-Pro and a thermal camera that was purchased with some of the money forfeited by criminals. Both officers have been trained to operate this drone which will be used to assist in future investigations. They provided us with video demonstrations as well as a live demonstration of the drone’s capabilities.
- Keynote Speaker: Aaron Siekmann introduced Lt. Col. (Ret.) Kathy Lowery-Gallowitz, from Vanguard Veteran, LLC, who spoke about the benefits of hiring veterans. Kathy stressed thatmany business owners and hiring managers who offer a hand up to veterans and who make their companies military-ready are rewarded with increased productivity and profitability. She pointed out that Ohio is the sixth largest veteran-living state. And, she told us that veterans are disciplined, concrete thinkers who are team players and know how to get things done.
- Refreshment Sponsor: Aaron Siekmann thanked Costco for providing the refreshments at today’s IPA meeting. Stephanie Eisenman, a representative from Costco, encouraged everyone to consider a Costco membership.
- Meeting Place Sponsor: Aaron Siekmann thanked Jerome Township for the use of their facility for the IPA meeting.
- Other Business: Aaron Siekmannasked for refreshment sponsors and keynote speakers for future IPA meetings.
- Motion to Adjourn: Aaron Siekmann asked for a motion to adjourn.
Motion by Jason Comstock Seconded by Kevin Gregory to adjourn meeting carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted by Chris Welker from Reliable Staffing Resources.