Dale S. Bremmer

Office:CM 86, HSS Department, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 5500 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, IN 47803-3999.

Office Phone: (812)877-8456. Office Fax: (812)877-8909.

Email: . Web Site:

Home:3814 N. Tracy Place, Terre Haute, IN47805-9747. Home Phone: (812)877-3412


Ph.D.: Economics, TexasA&MUniversity, 1985. M.S.:Economics, ArizonaStateUniversity, 1981. B.S.: Economics, ArizonaStateUniversity, 1979.

Work History

9/98 - present / Professor of Economics: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
1/99 - 5/99 / Visiting Professor of Economics: IndianaStateUniversity.
1/98 - 5/98 / Visiting Professor of Economics: IndianaStateUniversity.
9/93 - 9/98 / Associate Professor of Economics: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
7/94 - 8/95 / Utility Analyst: Office of the Utility Consumer Counselor, Indianapolis, Indiana46204.
9/92 - 5/93 / Visiting Assistant Professor: IndianaStateUniversity.
9/91 - 12/91 / Visiting Assistant Professor: IndianaStateUniversity.
9/90 - 5/91 / Visiting Assistant Professor: IndianaStateUniversity.
9/88 - 9/93 / Assistant Professor of Economics: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

Courses Taught

Principles of Microeconomics / Monetary Theory / Financial Economics / Labor Economics
Principles of Macroeconomics / Economic Growth and Development / Money and Banking / International Trade
Principles of Economics Survey / Game Theory / Econometrics / International Finance
Intermediate Microeconomics / Industrial Organization / Mathematical Economics / Health Economics
Intermediate Macroeconomics / Government Regulation of Business / Environmental Economics


[18]“Setting the Target for the Federal Funds Rate: The Determinants of Fed Behavior,” with R. G. Kesselring, Applied Economics, 43(11), April 2011, 1341-1349.

[17]“Female Income and the Divorce Decision: Evidence from Micro Data,” with R. G. Kesselring, AppliedEconomics, 38(14), August 2006, 1593-1603.

[16]"Divorce and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Time-Series Data and Cointegration," with R. G. Kesselring, Atlantic Economic Journal, 32(3), September 2004, 174 - 189.

[15]"Uncertainty and Multiproduct Monopoly: Spillovers Across Unrelated Markets," Southwestern Economic Review, 31(1), Spring 2004, 31-40.

[14]"Inflation Targeting as a Framework for Monetary Policy: A Cross-Country Analysis," with W. L. Seyfried, The Australian Economic Review, 36(3), September 2003, 291-299.

[13]"Modeling Central Bank Behavior with a Taylor-Type Rule: The Case of Developing Countries with Open Economies," with W. L. Seyfried, Southwestern Economic Review, 30(1), Spring 2003, 43-50.

[12]"Analyzing Fed Behavior Using a Dynamic Taylor-Type Rule," with W. L. Seyfried, Journal of Economics and Finance, 25(1), Spring 2001, 23-32.

[11]"International Comparisons of Central Bank Behavior Using a Dynamic Taylor-Type Rule," with W. L. Seyfried, Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, 27 (1), Spring/Summer 2001, 21-31.

[10]"Monopolists that Advertise with Recyclable Free Samples: Beware of Professors Selling Gifts? A Reply." Southern Economic Journal, 62(3), 1996, 780-782.

[9]"The Determinants of Regional Manufacturing Investment: A Simultaneous Equations Approach," with R. G. Kesselring, Regional Science Perspectives, 23(2), 1993, 3-27.

[8]"The Advertising Effect of University Athletic Success: A Reappraisal of the Evidence," with R. G. Kesselring, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 33(4), Winter 1993, 409-421. Reprinted inTheInternationalLibraryofCriticalWritingsinEconomics:TheEconomicsofSports, Andrew Zimbalist ed., Vol. 2, pp. 432-444, (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2001).

[7]"Monopolists that Advertise with Recyclable Free Samples: Beware of Professors Selling Gifts?" with M. Mazur, Southern Economic Journal, 59(4), April 1993, 803- 807.

[6]"The Relationship Between Interest Rates and Bond Prices: A Complete Proof," with R. G. Kesselring, American Economist, 36(1), Spring 1992, 85-86.

Publications (continued)

[5]"Regional Impacts of Petroleum Price Regulation: The Case of Texas, 1973-1983," with C. T. Jones, Energy Journal, 11(2), April 1990, 135-154.

[4]"The Incidence of a Specific, Per Unit Tax: An Emphasis on the Long Run," with R. G. Kesselring, Studies in Economic Analysis, 12(2), Fall 1989, 84-91.

[3]"A Theoretical Model of International Labor Flow Restrictions: The Case of Mexico and the United States," with R. G. Kesselring, U.S. - Mexican Economic Relations: Prospects and Problems, Khosrow Fatemi, ed., Praeger Publishing, 1988, 83-90.

[2]"An Integrated Regional Petroleum Model," with J. R. Moroney, Advances in the Economics of Energy and Resources, J. R. Moroney, ed., JAI Press, 1987, 187-220.

[1]"An Economic Model of the Texas Petroleum Industry," with J. R. Moroney, J. M. Griffin, and C. T. Jones, Oil and Gas Tax Quarterly, 34(3), March 1986, 575-596.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

[1]"An Assessment Framework for a Large-Scale, Web-Delivered Resource Project for Middle School Teachers of Math, Science, and Technology," ASEE Conference Proceedings, Emerging Trends in Engineering Education, Paper # 2006-1925, with P. A. Carlson, June 2006.


[54]"The Relationship between Aggregate Unemployment and the Labor Force Participation Rate: New Evidence on Divorced Women and the Discouraged Worker Effect,” with R.G. Kesselring, Western Social Science Association meetings, Salt Lake City, April 2011.

[53]"The Impact of Observing Daylight Saving Time in Indiana: Was Economic Prosperity Only an Hour Away?” Midwest Economics Association meetings, St. Louis, March 2011.

[52]"The Impact of Monetary Policy: Evidence of Differential State Impacts?” Western Economics Association International meetings, Portland, July 2010.

[51] "Divorce and Labor Force Participation: Inferences Using Panel Data,” with R. G. Kesselring, Western Social Science Association meetings, Reno, April 2010.

[50] "Gasoline and Crude Oil: Evidence of Asymmetric Price Changes During 2008?” with R. G. Kesselring, Western Social Science Association meetings, Albuquerque, April 2009.

[49] "Divorce and Hispanic Labor Force Participation: A Comparison to All Females," with R. G. Kesselring, International Atlantic Economic Society meeting, Montreal, October 2008.

[48] "Why Johnny Can't Add and May be Left Behind: The Case of Indiana 8th Graders," Western Economics Association meetings, Honolulu, July 2008.

[47]“DivorceRates and Female Labor Force Participation Rates: New Evidence from Census Time-Series Data Regarding Differences between Black Women and All Women,” with R. G. Kesselring, Western Social Science Association meetings, Denver, April 2008.

[46]“Consumer Confidence and Stock Prices,” Midwest Economics Association meetings, Chicago, March 2008.

[45]“Household Recycling Behavior: A Labor Supply Approach,” with C. J. Dudley, Western Economic Association meetings, Seattle, July 2007.

[44]“Transforming Curricula to Reflect New IT Literacies for 21st Century STEM Careers,”with P. A. Carlson, American Society for Engineering Education meetings, Honolulu, June 2007.

[43]“The Impact of Defense Spending on GDP: The Case of North America,” with R. G. Kesselring, Western Social Science Association meetings, Calgary, Canada, April 2007.

[42]“Determinants of Student Performance on State-Mandated Competency Exams: Evidence from Indiana Middle Schools,” Midwest Economics Association meetings, Minneapolis, March 2007.

[41]"An Assessment Framework for a Large-Scale, Web-Delivered Resource Project for Middle School Teachers of Math, Science, and Technology," poster session with P. A. Carlson, American Society for Engineering Education meetings, Chicago, June 2006.

[40]“Setting the Target for the Federal Funds Rate: The Determinants of Fed Behavior,” with R. G. Kesselring, Midwest Economics Association meetings, Chicago, March 2006.

[39]“Determinants of Student Performance on Competency Exams: The Case of Indiana,” with P. A. Carlson, Indiana Academy of Social Sciences meeting, Terre Haute, Indiana, October 2005.

[38]“How the Fed Sets the Federal Funds Rate Target,” with R. G. Kesselring, Western Social Science Association meeting, Albuquerque, April 2005.

[37]"J-Tests: To Nest or Not to Nest, That Is the Question," Western Economic Association meeting, Vancouver, July 2004.

[36]"Female Income and the Divorce Decision: Evidence from Micro Data," with R. G. Kesselring, International Atlantic Economic Society meeting, Quebec, October 2004.

[35]"The Relationship Between Consumer Sentiment and Stock Prices," with K. P. Christ, Western Economic Association meeting, Denver, July 2003.

Presentations (continued)

[34]"The Outcome of the 2000 Florida Presidential Election: An Econometric Postmortem," Midwest Economics Association meeting, St. Louis, March 2003.

[33]"Man vs. Voting Machine: The 200 Florida Presidential Election," with R. G. Kesselring, International Atlantic Economic Society meeting, Washington D.C., October 2002.

[32]"The Asymmetric Impact of Oil Prices on Gasoline Prices," with K. P. Christ, Western Economic Association meeting, Seattle, July 2002.

[31]"Divorce and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Time-Series Data, Causality Tests, and Cointegration," with R.G. Kesselring, meetings, Western Social Science Association meeting, Albuquerque, April 2002.

[30]"Modeling Central Bank Behavior with a Taylor-Type Rule: The Case of Developing Nations with Open Economies," with W. L. Seyfried, Southwestern Society of Economists meetings, St. Louis, February 2002.

[29]"Do Multi-Product Firms with Market Power Cross Subsidize?" Western Economic Association meetings, San Francisco, July 2001.

[28]"Military Spending: Is the Peace Dividend Real or Illusionary," with R. G. Kesselring, Western Social Science Association meeting, Reno, Nevada, April 2001.

[27]"Inflation-Targeting as a Framework for Monetary Policy: A Cross-Country Analysis," with W. L. Seyfried, Academy of Economics and Finance meeting, Biloxi, Mississippi, February 2001.

[26]"Central Bank Behavior in Developing Nations: Do They Follow the Rules?" with W. L. Seyfried, Academy of Economics and Finance meeting, Biloxi, Mississippi, February 2001.

[24]"Examining the Relationship between Monetary Policy Instruments and Macroeconomic Variables," with W. L. Seyfried, Southern Economic Association meeting, New Orleans, November 1999.

[23]"The Use of Econometrics in Regulated Electric Utility Rate Cases: Normalizing Annual Sales for Unusual Weather," IndianaAcademy of Social Sciences meeting, Manchester, Indiana, October 1999.

[22]"The Relationship between Female Labor Force Participation and Divorce: A Test Using Aggregate Data," with R. G. Kesselring, International Atlantic Economic Society meeting, Montreal, October 1999.

[21]"The Opportunity Cost of Being a Super Power: A Cold-War Postmortem of the OECD," with R. G. Kesselring, International Atlantic Economic Society meeting, Vienna, March 1999.

[20]"The Opportunity Cost of Super Power Status: The Tradeoff between Defense Spending and Economic Prosperity," with R. G. Kesselring, Western Social Science Association meeting, Denver, April 1998.

[19]"The Choice between Monetary Aggregates: Conflicting Cointegration Evidence from Canada" with R. G. Kesselring, Midwest Economics Association meeting, Chicago, March 1994.

[18]"The Impact of School District Financing on Collegiate Success: Evidence of Differential Impacts?" poster session with J. L. Conant, Midwest Economics Association meeting, Chicago, March 1994.

[17]"Economies of Scale in National Labor Union Administration: An Empirical Investigation," with J. L. Conant, Midwest Economics Association meeting, Indianapolis, April 1993.

[16]"The Adjustment Process in Disaggregated Equations of Canadian Money Demand," poster session with R. G. Kesselring, Midwest Economics Association meeting, Indianapolis, April 1993.

[15]"Monopolists that Advertise with Free, Recyclable Samples: Beware of Professors Selling Gifts?" with M. Mazur, Western Economic Association meetings, San Francisco, July 1992.

[14]"The Determinants of Investment: An Econometric Study of the Importance of Demographic Characteristics," with R. G. Kesselring, Western Social Science Association meeting, Denver, April 1992.

[13]"The Impact of High School Environment on College Persistence," with J. L. Conant, Midwest Economics Association meeting, Chicago, March 1992.

[12]"Advertising and Welfare Reconsidered," with J. L. Conant, Midwest Economics Association meeting, Chicago, March 1992.

[11]"The Determinants of Student Retention," with J. L. Conant, Midwest Economic Association meeting, St. Louis, March 1991.

[10]"Real Estate Prices After the Flood: An Empirical Test of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis in the Presence of Impacted Information and Opportunism," Midwest Economic Association meeting, Chicago, March 1990.

[9]"The Advertising Effect of University Athletic Success: An Econometric Study," with R. G. Kesselring, Midwest Economic Association meeting, Cincinnati, April 1989.

[8]"The Adjustment Process in Money Demand: A Disaggregate Approach," with R. G. Kesselring, Midwest Economics Association meeting, Chicago, April 1988.

[7]"The Incidence of a Specific, Per Unit Tax: A Correction of the Record," with R. G. Kesselring, Midsouth Academy of Economics and Finance meeting, Hot Springs, March 1988.

[6]"The Relationship Between Interest Rates and Bond Prices: A Neglected Proof," with R. G. Kesselring, Midsouth Academy of Economics and Finance meeting, Hot Springs, March 1988.

[5]"A Regional Petroleum Supply Model," with J. R. Moroney, Ninth International Conference of the International Association of Energy Economist, Calgary, July 1987.

[4]"Outlook for Texas Oil and Gas: A Progress Report," with J. R. Moroney, Western Economic Association meetings, Vancouver, July 1987.

Presentations (continued)

[3]"Determinants and Economic Costs of International Labor Flow Restrictions: The Case of Mexico and the United States," with R. G. Kesselring, International Symposium on North American Economies in the 1990's, Laredo, June 1987.

[2]"The Determinants of Regional Manufacturing Investment: A Simultaneous Equations Approach," with R. G. Kesselring, Midwest Economic Association meeting, St. Louis, March 1987.

[1]"Measuring the Impact of Federal Petroleum Price Regulations on Domestic Petroleum Production: The Case of Texas, 1973-1983," with C. T. Jones, Southern Economic Association meeting, New Orleans, November 1986.

Grants and Funded Research

[3]Recipient: Rose-Hulman Summer Professional Development Grant, summer 2008. Project: “The Impact of Divorce on Female Labor Force Participation Rates: Further Evidence from State Time-Series Data.”

[2]Canadian Studies Faculty Research Grant Program, “The Adjustment Process in Disaggregated Equations of Canadian Money Demand,” 1992.

[1]Arkansas Economic Development Grant, summer 1986 and summer 1987.

Litigation experience

[1]Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission: Cause No. 39938, Indianapolis Power & Light. Direct testimony filed: April 21, 1995. Surrebuttal testimony filed: June 16, 1995. Testified before commission: July 10, 1995.

Consulting Experience

[9]Unpublished report: “The Impact of PRISM on ISTEP Scores Using Individual School Data: Describing the Methodology,” June 2006. Submitted to the Lilly Foundation by Dr. P. A. Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, principal investigator.

[8]Unpublished report:“The Impact of PRISM on Indiana ISTEP Scores: An Initial Assessment,” June 2005. Submitted to the Lilly Foundation by Dr. P. A. Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, principal investigator.

[7]Unpublished report: “A Framework to Assess the Impact of PRISM on IndianaMiddle School Education,” December 2004. Submitted to the Lilly Foundation by Dr. P. A. Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, principal investigator.

[6]Unpublished report: “An Estimate of the Indiana Manufacturing Multiplier,” Fall 2004, Indiana Manufacturing Project, Dr. T. W. Mason, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, principal investigator.

[5]Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Kahn, Attorneys at Law, Evansville, Indiana, 2000.

[4]Reviewed Invisible Hand Software, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992.

[3]Rubin, Hays, and Foley, Attorneys at Law, Louisville, Kentucky, 1991.

[2]Mann, Chaney, Johnson, Goodwin, and Williams, Attorneys at Law, Terre Haute, Indiana, 1989.

[1]Texas Mid Continent Association, 1985-1986. Principal investigators: J. M. Griffin and J. R. Moroney.

Honors and Awards

[2]Recipient: Dean’s Outstanding Teacher Award, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, May 2002.

[1]Recipient: Outstanding Graduate Student Award, TexasA&MUniversity, May 1985.

Personal Data

Wife:Sharon Bremmer. Daughters:Rebecca (29), Amanda (24), Emily (22).

Birth date: June 21, 1957.


Dr. John Conant
Chair, Department of Economics
Terre Haute, IN47809
Phone: (812) 237-2160
Email: / Dr. Randy Kesselring
Department of Economics & Finance
P.O. Box 239
State University, AR72467
Phone:(870) 680-8467
Email: / Dr. William L. Seyfried
Crummer Graduate School of Business
Rollins College
1000 Holt Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789
Phone: (407)691-1374

Vita: Dale S. Bremmer, Page 1