Spacetime, Ontology, and Structural Realism
This essay explores the possibility of constructing a structural realist interpretation of spacetime theories that can resolve the ontological debate among substantivalists and relationists. Drawing on various structuralist approaches in the philosophy of mathematics, as well as on the theoretical complexities of General Relativity, our investigation will reveal that a structuralist approach can be beneficial to the spacetime theorist as a means of deflating some of the ontological disputes regarding similarly structured spacetimes.
Spacetime, Ontology, and Structural Realism
Although its origins can be traced back to the early twentieth century, structural realism (SR) has only recently emerged as a serious contender in the debates on the status of scientific entities. SR holds that what is preserved in successive theory change is the abstract mathematical or structural content of a theory, rather than the existence of its theoretical entities. Some of the benefits that can be gained form SR include a plausible account of the progressive empirical success of scientific theorizing (thus avoiding the “no miracles” argument), while also accommodating the fact that the specific entities incorporated by these distinct, evolving theories often differ quite radically (and thus SR evades the “pessimistic meta-induction” that results from an ontological commitment to the entities in specific theories). To take a well-known example, the similar “structure” that underlies the progression in nineteenth century optics from Fresnel’s elastic solid ether theory to Maxwell’s electromagnetic field theory can be identified as the mathematical structure exemplified in Maxwell’s field equations, since they give Fresnel’s equations as a limiting case: “Fresnel’s equations are taken over completely intact into the superseding theory [Maxwell’s]—reappearing there newly interpreted but, as mathematical equations, entirely unchanged” (Worrall 1996, 160). In short, the mathematical structure of Fresnel’s theory carried over into the new theory, but his ontological commitment did not (since his mechanical elastic solid differs quite drastically from the non-mechanical interpretation of the electromagnetic field often favored at the end of the nineteenth century).
While Quantum mechanics has been a central concern of contemporary SR theorists, it is curious to note that one highly mathematical area of philosophical speculation that has not been accorded the same degree of attention is the long-standing problem of the ontological status of space or spacetime; in particular, whether space exists as a form of entity independent of matter (substantivalism) or is reducible to the relations among material existents (relationism). To rectify this neglect, the goal of our investigation will be to examine the prospects for applying SR to the substantivalist/relationist problem, with special emphasis placed on how spacetime structure differs, if at all, from structuralist approaches in the philosophy of mathematics. Although the structural realist position itself may harbor various difficulties, it will be argued that an SR account can prove beneficial in assessing the plethora of similarly structured, but ontologically divergent, spacetimes that have surfaced in the wake of Earman and Norton’s hole argument. By stressing the central importance of the geometric structure of spacetime theories, as opposed to their ontological interpretations, SR is also more successful in accounting for the non-causal role of mathematics in spacetime theories.
1. Structural Realism and Spacetime: Making the Case
1.1. The Hole Argument and its Structuralist Aftermath. Many previous investigations of spacetime structure can be traced to Earman and Norton’s reworking of Einstein’s “hole” argument into a negative critique of manifold substantivalism. Put briefly, the hole argument concludes that substantivalism, in its modern General Relativistic setting, leads to an unacceptable form of indeterminism. By shifting the metric and matter (stress-energy) fields, , and, , respectively, on the spacetime manifold of points, , with the latter representing the “substance” of spacetime, one can obtain a new model from the old model that also satisfies the field equations of GTR (via a “hole diffeomorphism”, : ). If the mapping is the identity transformation outside of the hole, but a non-identity mapping inside, then the substantivalist will not be able to determine the trajectory of a particle within the hole (despite the observationally identical nature of the two models; see, Earman and Norton 1987).
One of the more influential structural-role solutions to the hole argument rejects a straightforward realist interpretation of the individuality of the points that comprise the manifold, . “A preferable alternative [to manifold substantivalism] is to strip primitive identity from space-time points: call this view metric field substantivalism. The focus of this view is on the metric tensor [] as the real representor of space-time in GTR” (Hoefer 1996, 24). Since the identity of the points of are secured by the metric , any transformation of , i.e.,, does not result in the points of possessing different-values; rather, (in conjunction with ) simply gives back the very same spacetime points. (Similar structural role solutions are offered in Butterfield (1989), Mundy (1992), and Brighouse (1994), to name just a few.) In Belot and Earman (2001, 228), these structural role constructs are somewhat pejoratively labeled “sophisticated” substantivalists, and the charge is that the “substantivalists are helping themselves to a position most naturally associated with relationism” (Belot 2000, 588-589)—the reason being that the identification of a host of observationally indistinguishable models with a single state-of-affairs is the very heart of relationism. What is ironic about these allegations is that, until recently, they have usually gone the other way, with the substantivalists accusing many of the latest relational hypotheses of an illicit use of “absolute” structure. In the case of motion and its accompanying effects, for instance, it has long been recognized that a physics limited to the mere relational motion of bodies, which we can (following Earman 1989) define as (R1), faces serious difficulties in trying to capture the full content of modern physical theories. In GTR, the formalism of the theory makes it meaningful to determine if a lone body rotates in an otherwise empty universe (or whether the whole universe rotates); and such possibilities are excluded on a strict (R1) construal. A potential relationist rejoinder is to reject (R1), and simply hold that the spatial structures needed to make sense of motion and its effects do not supervene on some underlying, independent entity called “substantival space”. The rejection of substantival space, which we can define as (R2), allows the relationist to freely adopt any spatial structure required to explicate dynamical behavior, e.g., affine structure, , just as long as they acknowledge that these structures are (somehow) directly instantiated by material bodies (or fields). Yet, by embracing the richer structures, the (R2) relationist is open to the charge of being an “instrumentalist rip-off” of substantivalism (see section 2.2 below).
GTR likewise displays the inherent difficulties in clearly differentiating the relationist and substantivalist interpretations of ontology. As revealed above, Hoefer views the metric as representing substantival space, but Einstein judged the metric (or gravitational) field as more closely resembling Descartes’ relational theory of space:
If we imagine the gravitational field, i.e. the functions , to be removed, there does not remain a space . . . but absolutely nothing. . . . There is no such thing as an empty space, i.e. a space without field. Space-time does not claim existence on its own, but only as a structural quality of the field. (Einstein 1961, 155-156)
By holding that all fields, including the metric field , are physical fields, even the vacuum solutions to GTR no longer correspond to empty spacetimes (thus eliminating a large relationist obstacle; see, Rovelli (1997), and Dorato (2000), for similar “metric field” relationisms). This predicament has led some to question the very validity, or relevance, of the substantival/relational debate in the context of GTR (Rynasiewicz 1996).
1.2. The Structural Realist Spacetime Solution. The foregoing analysis of the GTR substantival/relational debate nicely demonstrates how two divergent ontological interpretations can nonetheless agree on the necessity of a common structure: for both Einstein and Hoefer, the metric field is the structure identified or associated with spacetime, whether as its “real representor” (Hoefer), or where spacetime is reckoned to be a “structural quality of the [] field” (Einstein). In either case, if you remove , then you remove spacetime. On a structural realist construal of the debate, consequently, both Hoefer’s substantivalist and Einstein’s relationist versions of GTR would appear to constitute different ontological interpretations of the very same underlying physical theory, since the key mathematical structure equated with the nature of spacetime is identical in both cases. In other words, just as the different theories of light proposed by Fresnel and Maxwell embody the same formal structure, and so comprise different ontological perspectives of the same underlying (structural) reality, the substantivalist and relationist readings of GTR likewise capture the same spacetime structure but from the standpoint of diverse ontological assumptions. Moreover, a host of diverse philosophical evaluations of GTR (or Newtonian physics) would fall under the same SR category, since these allegedly distinct hypotheses all accept the theory’s spacetime structure in a fairly straightforward manner. For example, the (R2) relationists that posit spatiotemporal structure as a sort of “property” (Sklar 1974, Teller 1987), or the modal relationist renditions of (R2) (such as Manders 1982, Teller 1991, Hinckfuss 1975), presumably do not differ on the mathematical structure and predictive scope of the relevant spacetime theory. Since they all reject (R1), they all can agree on the meaningful possibility of, say, a lone rotating body in an empty universe.[1] Hence, if we group all of the sophisticated (R2) relationist hypotheses according to their structure, an SR analysis has the decided advantage of reducing a vast array of disparate ontological speculation into a single SR theory that, rather conveniently, also includes most substantivalist readings of the spacetime. In brief, the rationale for the SR approach is based on the apparently irresolvable ontological dispute between the substantivalists and relationists: the SR theorist maintains that all we can ever know about spacetime is its structure, and not the competing claims of its substantival or material foundation.[2]
More carefully, any ontological interpretation of a spacetime theory that puts forward the same mathematical structure constitutes the same SR spacetime theory. So, given the fact that most (R2) relationists and sophisticated substantivalists (1) accept the standard formalism of the relevant spacetime structure, such as and from the set , for the Relativistic spacetime of GTR, as well as (2) accept the implications of these structures (e.g., our lone rotating body), it follows that SR must regard these apparently different theories as identical.[3] The essential criterion for an SR approach to spacetime is the structure actually utilized in the theory, and neither the ontological ranking of those structures, nor the attempt to prove that some structures are more privileged, is relevant to the theory’s SR classification.[4] Even those ontological interpretations of GTR that strive to identify spacetime with or (and not and), will consequently fall under the same SR category that endorses the joint and structure. Since these interpretations do not eliminate, but rather still employ, the other structures, they fit the same SR spacetime category as those models less concerned with embracing both and : e.g., Hoefer does not claim can be dropped altogether, since “it represents the continuity of space-time and the global topology” (1998, 24).[5]
SR can also be helpful in explicating our evolving understanding of the importance of structure in spacetime theories considered historically. In the same manner that the success of both Fresnel’s and Maxwell’s theories can be explained as due to a common structure, despite their different ontologies, so the evolution of spacetime theories demonstrates how conflicting spacetime commitments may, or may not, incorporate the same necessary structures; and, by this means, explain the strengths (and weaknesses) of the respective theories. For instance, whereas Newton’s conception of space and time can be faulted for postulating an unnecessarily rigid structure (absolute position and velocity), Descartes’ competing (R1) conception lacks the necessary structure required to make sense of his own laws of motion. It was only much later that the spacetime structure mandated by Newtonian mechanics came to be fully recognized—and, not coincidentally, the newly discovered structure can be seen as combining facets of relationism (in the symmetry group that eliminate absolute position and velocity) alongside the more “absolutist” insights of the substantivalists (as in the affine structure). Likewise, the striking resemblance of many post-hole argument substantivalist and current (R2) relationist hypotheses can be seen as further manifestation of this structuralist evolutionary tendency. As the analysis of spacetime theories progresses (the insufficiency of (R1) relationism, the hole argument, etc.), the structures put forward by the competing ontologies draws ever more closer, and may have reached a point where there is no longer any significant difference. It is this capacity of SR to reduce the seemingly irresolvable ontological conflicts, and focus on the crucial role of structure, that marks its true advantage in the spacetime debates.
2. Assessing the SR Spacetime Hypothesis.
In examining the potential stratagems for an SR interpretation of spacetime theories, it will prove invaluable to review the parallel developments towards a structuralist account of mathematics. As will be demonstrated, the structuralist standpoint in the philosophy of mathematics bears a close resemblance to any SR spacetime philosophy, and even suggests that there exists no real difference between the mathematical and spacetime applications of a structuralist outlook.
2.1. Structuralism in Spacetime Theories and Mathematics. An obvious initial dilemma that faces the prospective SR theorist is the ontological status of the spacetime structures themselves. Do they exist as a sort of Platonic universal, independent of all physical objects or events in spacetime, or are they dependent on matter/events for their very existence or instantiation? This problem arises for the mathematician in an analogous fashion, since they also need to explicate the origins of mathematical structures (e.g., set theory, arithmetic). Consequently, a critic of the SR spacetime project might seem justified in regarding this dispute in the philosophy of mathematics as a re-emergence of the traditional substantivalist versus relationist problem, for the foundation of all mathematical structures, including the geometric spacetime structures, is once again either independent of, or dependent on, the physical.
Nevertheless, a survey of the various positions in the mathematical ontology dispute may work to the advantage of the SR spacetime theory, especially when the relevant mathematical and spacetime options are paired together according to their analogous role within the wider ontology debate. First, mathematical structuralism can be classified according to whether the structures are regarded as independent or dependent on their instantiation in systems (ante rem and in re structuralism, respectively), where a “system” is loosely defined as a collection of “objects” and their interrelationships. Ante rem structuralism, as favored by Resnik (1997) and Shapiro (1997, 2000), is thus closely akin to the traditional “absolute” conception of spacetime, for a structure is held to “exist independent of any systems that exemplify it” (Shapiro 2000, 263). Yet, since “system” (and “object”) must be given a broad reading, without any ontological assumptions associated with the basis of the proposed structure, it would seem that substantivalism would not fit ante rem structuralism, as well. The structure of substantivalism is a structure in a substance, namely, a substance called “spacetime”, such that this unique substance “exemplifies” the structure (whereas ante rem structure exists in the Platonic sense as apart from any and all systems that exemplify it). The substantivalist might try to avoid this implication by declaring that their spacetime structures are actually closer in spirit to a pure absolutism, without need of any underlying entity (substance) to house the structures (hence, “substantivalism” is simply an unfortunate label). While this tactic may be more plausible for interpreting Newtonian spacetimes, it is not very convincing in the context of GTR, especially for the sophisticated substantivalist theories. Given the reciprocal relationship between the metric and matter fields, it becomes quite mysterious how an non-substantival, “absolute” structure, , can be effected by, and effect in turn, the matter field, . For the ante rem structuralist, mathematical structures do not enter into these sorts of quasi-causal interrelationships with physical things; rather, things “exemplify” structures (see also endnote 8). Accordingly, one of the initial advantages of examining spacetime structures from within a mathematical ontology context is that it drives a much needed wedge between an absolutism about quantitative structure and the metaphysics of substantivalism, although the two are typically, and mistakenly, treated as identical.
In fact, as judged against the backdrop of the ontology debate in the philosophy of mathematics, the mathematical structures contained in all spacetime theories would seem to fall within a nominalist classification. If, as the nominalists insist, mathematical structures are grounded on the prior existence of some sort of “entity”, then both the substantivalists and relationists would appear to sanction mathematical nominalism (with in re structuralism included among nominalist theories, as argued below): whether that entity is conceived as a unique non-material substance (substantivalism), physical field (metric-field relationism), or actual physical objects/events (relationism, of either the modal (R2) or strict (R1) type), a nominalist reading of mathematical structure is upheld. This outcome may seem surprising, but given the fact that traditional substantivalist and relationist theories have always based spatiotemporal structure on a pre-existing or co-existing ontology—either on a substance (substantivalism) or physical bodies (relationism)—a nominalist reading of spacetime structure has been implicitly sanctioned by both theories. Consequently, if both substantivalism and relationism fall under the same nominalist category in the philosophy of mathematics, then the deeper mathematical Platonist/nominalist issue does not give rise to a corresponding lower-level substantival/relational dichotomy as regards the basis of those spacetime structures (e.g., with substantivalism favoring a Platonic realism about mathematical structures, and relationism siding with a nominalist anti-realism). This verdict could change, of course, if a non-substantival “absolute” conception of spacetime becomes popular in GTR; but this seems unlikely, as argued above.