APPLICATION FORM: The ART Award for Effective/Innovative use of
Social or Other Media

Please provide brief background details of the group or individual on whose behalf you are applying. (The purpose of this section is to provide some background context for the judges against which to evaluate the application). Please give details of name, nature and geographical location of your ringing group, how often does the group meet, background as to how it was formed, what its objectives are, its links (or otherwise) with other ringing groups / networks and what resources (technological and other) are available to support you in these objectives? How is social or other media of particular use / relevance to your group?


Please explain why you would like to be considered for this award(You may wish to cover areas such as what you have achieved, why you are proud of these achievements? How has social or other media been instrumental in these achievements? How exactly is it / has it been used and what have the benefits been? Who is involved? Please explain how you have innovated and what advantages/ benefits there are over “more traditional approaches”. Why is your approach effective? How did your approach develop over time and how long has it taken to make this progress? What have the critical success factors been? What do you believe have been the main reasons for the successes achieved? What has really made a difference? Are the achievements in line with your original objectives / plans? How did you assess and measure progress? What were the short and longer term goals? Any “lessons learned” that you would like to pass on?)


Please provide any further objective evidence or outcomes that you would particularly like to stress in connection with the application(You may also wish to include some comment on your future plans and aspirations)



I agree to the following conditions in connection with this application:

  • I agree to accept the Judges’ decision as final and binding.
  • I confirm that the content of this submission is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • I agree to co-operate with all reasonable requests from the ART Awards Leader or The ART Management Committee to use the basis of this submission for media /publicity purposes in the context of the wider charitable use of promoting and fostering best practice in bell ringing and ringing training.

Name and contact details








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