(Please note this process covers 2 types of briefing to DCS)
Regular six weekly briefing to the DCS on children & young people considered to be high risk to themselves, others or situations that may be considered high risk to the organisation.
Roles and Responsibilities
- PA for DCS
- Provides meeting invites for 12 month briefing meeting.
- To arrange a high risk briefing every 6 weeks with DCS for 1 hr - to include ad and HoS SAT, HoS SAFS, HoS Specialist Services.
- To include - once every 12 weeks - the HoS for targeted services and YOT in the high risk briefing.
- To send and monitor all invites to ensure attendance
- To ensure AD & DCS have had copies to review 2 days prior to meeting.
- To invite chief exec to observe high risk briefing twice a year.
- Heads of Services identify high risk briefings for DCS 2 weeks prior to the set meeting and allocated worker informed.
HoS SAT / 2 briefings identified
HoS SAFS / 2 briefings identified
HoS Specialist Services / 4 briefings identified from across all of specialist services
HoS Targeted/YOT / 2 briefings identified
- Allocated worker to complete high risk briefing
- Allocated worker to reflect on assessment of risk and actions with Team Manager and complete the form.
- Team Manager to ensure quality assurance of report and management oversight of decision making.
- HoS to provide final version of all reports to PA for assistant director (AD) and DCS two days prior to the high risk briefing with DCS
Urgent briefing of DCS of children and young people considered to be at immediate high risk to themselves, or others or situations that may be considered high risk to the organisation.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Allocated worker or team manager raises concern to HoS who asks allocated worker to complete high risk briefing
- Allocated worker to reflect on assessment of risk and actions with team manager and complete the form.
- TM to pass to HoS and they will review and consider if it still requires escalating as a high risk briefing – if yes they will alert the PA for AD and DCS that a briefing has been sent for them to review.
- Ad will review and consider level of urgency in relation to informing DCS and/or lead member directly.
Date / 27.03.18
Version / High Risk Briefing for DCS process v 2