Rother District Council Agenda Item: 5.1 (iii)
Committee - Planning
Date - 12 August 2004
Report of the - Director of Services
Subject - Enforcement Matter
Recommendation: It be RESOLVED that the District Secretary be authorised to withdraw the planning and listed building enforcement notices described in paragraph 2 of this report.
This report supports the Key Aim of Protecting and Enhancing the Built and Natural Environment
BEXHILL - Enforcement notices in respect of:
i) timber fencing, blockwork wall and gates to the north elevation of 15 Stonehaven Court;
ii) the removal of 4 brick piers on the southern boundary of Stonehaven Court, Knole Court, Berkeley Mansions, Newdigate House, Carlton Court and Hartley Court; and
iii) four dutch blinds at 16 Carlton Court, Knole Road.
1. These properties form part of a building, constructed in approximately 1895, which is situated on the sea front to the south of Knole Road and is bordered by Brassey Road to the west and Middlesex Road to the east. It is listed in Grade II and on 12 December 2001 the Department of Culture, Media and sport confirmed that the building was to remain on the statutory list with a revised listing description.
2. This report relates to three planning and listed building enforcement notices as follows:
i) planning enforcement notice dated 20 November 2002 relating to the erection of timber fencing, blockwork wall and gates to the north elevation of the garden of 15 Stonehaven Court. The notice required the demolition/removal of the timber fencing; blockwork wall and gates.
ii) listed building enforcement notice dated 15 November 2002 relating to the removal of four brick piers at Stonehaven Court, Knole Court, Berkeley Mansions, Newdigate House, Carlton Court and Hartley Court. The notice required the reinstatement of the brick piers.
iii) listed building enforcement notice dated 25 June 2003 relating to four dutch blinds at 16 Carlton Court. The notice required the removal of the blinds.
3. I have received a request from the managing agents of the property that as the notices have been complied with they be withdrawn. As they related to operations and works rather than uses and the notices have been complied with I have no objection to this request.
Anthony Leonard
Director of Services
pl0408-Enforcement Matter Stonehaven Court, Bexhill