David H. Sohn, J.D. M.D. 1

Curriculum Vitae



David H. Sohn, JD MD

Chief, Shoulder and Sports Medicine Division

Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

University of Toledo Medical Center

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

3000 Arlington Avenue

Toledo, OH 43614

(419) 383-6556



Shoulder arthroplasty and reconstruction

Hip, elbow and ankle arthroscopy

Complex shoulder and knee arthroscopy

Realignment osteotomies and cartilage restoration

Sports medicine


Harvard College, Cambridge MA.

Applied Mathematics Degree: June 1993.

HarvardLawSchool, CambridgeMA.

J. D.: June 1997.

University of California – San Diego, La JollaCA.

M.D.: June 2002

StanfordHospital and Clinics, StanfordCA.

General Surgery Intern completed June 2003.

WilliamBeaumontHospital, Royal OakMI.

Orthopaedic Surgery Residency completed June 2007.

DukeUniversityMedicalCenter, DurhamNC.

Shoulder and Sports Medicine Fellowship July 2008.


High School:Captain of football, wrestling and lacrosse teams

Varsity letterman in football, wrestling, lacrosse, swimming and track

All-Midwest Lacrosse 1989

All-State Swimming 1990


NBA Scholar-Athlete of Michigan 1990

College:Graduated in three years.

Elected to Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, 1993.

Three time John Harvard Scholarship recipient, 1991, 1992, 1993.

Detur Book Prize for highest grade point average, 1990.

Member of Harvard Boxing Team 1992-1993.

Member of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, 1991-1993.

Work:Financial consultant with Arthur Andersen & Company,

San FranciscoCA, 1993-1994.

Worked in Corporate Finance Department.

LawSchool:Line editor, “Journal of Law and Technology,” 1995-1996.

HarvardCollege Proctor, 1995-1997.

Community Service Award, 1994.

Member of acapella singing group, Cross-Examination, 1994-1997.

Member of HarvardLawSchool Christian Fellowship, 1994-1997.

Public Defender, Roxbury Court, 1996-1997, with undefeated record.

Work:Tax attorney with Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe,

San FranciscoCA, 1997-2008.

Prepared documents for multiple $100+ million public projects.

Served as attorney for the states of California and Nevada.

Volunteered on medical mission team to Dominican Republic, 1997.

MedicalSchool:Rock Sleyster National Scholar Award, 2002.

American Neurology Association National Student Award, 2002.

National Institute of Health Grant Recipient, 1999.

Completed La Jolla Triathalon, 2000.

Volunteered on medical mission team to Oaxaca, Mexico, 1999.

Research:First place award, Michigan Orthopaedic Society, 2007: "The Effects of single and double bundle reconstruction on kinematics and contact pressure distributions in the knee: a biomechanical study.” Sohn DH, Balabrumasian S, Bilkhu S, Demetropoulos D, Yang K, Guettler J, Jurist K. Presented June 2007, Traverse City, Michigan.

Second place award for presentation entitled: “The effect of bone cement on suture anchor fixation.” Giori NJ, Sohn DH, Mirza F, Lindsey DP, Lee AT. Presented April 2005, Troy, Michigan.


Editor, Orthopaedic Risk Manager, 2012 - current

Section Editor, Health Policy, Orthopaedic Knowledge Online, 2011 - current

Reviewer, American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008 – current

Reviewer, Orthopaedic Knowledge Online, 2008 – current

Reviewer, Journal of the AAOS, 2009 – current

Reviewer, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 2012 - current

Line Editor, Journal of Law and Technology, 1994-1995.


Executive Committee, Ohio Orthopaedic Society, 2011- current

Board of Councilors, AAOS, 2012

AAOS Medical Liability Committee, 2010 – current

Washington Health Policy Fellow, 2008- current

AAOS Orthopaedic Policy Advocate, 2008-2009

Compliance Committee Member UTMC, 2008 – current

Surgical Improvement Committee UTMC, 2008 – current

Value Analysis Committee UTMC, 2009 - current


AmericanAcademy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Member, 2006- current.


Emerging Leader, 2012 - current

Piedmont Orthopaedic Society, 2007- current

American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine

Member, 2007- current

Toledo Academy of Medicine, 2008 – current

Ohio Orthopaedic Society, 2008 - current

Michigan Orthopedic Society, 2006- current


SCIP Committee, 2008 - current

Value Analysis Committee, 2010 - current

Standard of Practice Committee, 2012 - current

Resident Credentialing Committee, 2013 - current

Interdisciplinary Joint JD-MD Committee, 2011 - current


State of California: 2003- current

State of Michigan: 2004-2007 (training license only).

State of North Carolina: 2007- 2008

State of Ohio: 2008 - current


American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, certified 2011


University of Toledo, ToledoOH

Head Orthopaedic Team physician for Division I Men’s Football Team, 2008-current

Bowsher High School, Toledo OH

Team physician for high school varsity football team, 2010 - current

Duke University, Durham NC:

Assistant team physician for Division I Men’s Football, Men’s Basketball and Women’s Lacrosse Teams

Supervised resident training room and game coverage for basketball,

football and wrestling, 2007-2008.


AAOS Washington Health Policy Fellow, 2008 - current

  • Analyze and advise on policy and advocacy issues affecting the practice of orthopaedic surgery
  1. Sohn DH. ”Medical Malpractice.” AAOS Now, 2008 November
  2. Sohn DH. “Ten Ways to Reduce Malpractice Exposure.” AAOS Now, 2008 December
  3. Sohn DH, Day CS. “The Need for Tort Reform in Health Care.” AAOS Now, September 2009.
  4. Sohn DH, Kusuma S, Murthi A. “Medical Liability Reform: An Update.” AAOS Now, January 2010.
  • Invited guest speaker at national and local venues on health policy
  1. Delaware Orthopaedic Society, November 2008
  2. Feagin Leadership Conference, DurhamNC, October 2010
  3. University of Cincinnati Grand Rounds, April 27, 2011
  4. Piedmont Orthopaedic Society, Sea IslandGA, May 2011
  5. Ohio Orthopaedic Society, Columbus OH, May 2012
  • Participate in training and education in advocacy
  • Faculty and speaker, “NOLC Orientation,” AAOS National Orthopedic Leadership Conference, WashingtonDC, April 6, 2011
  • Faculty and speaker, “Medical Liability Reform,” AAOS Leadership Orientation, RosemontIL, March 22, 2011
  • Participate in advocacy efforts with the Academy
  • National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference, WashingtonDC2009
  • Research Capitol Hill Days, WashingtonDC 2010
  • National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference, WashingtonDC 2011

AAOS Medical Liability Committee Member, 2010 – current

  • Monitor trends regarding professional liability and tort reform
  1. Sohn DH. “Analysis of H.R. 5.” AAOS Now, accepted for publication, March 2011
  • Develop programs, publications and products to educate the Fellowship on liability risks and methods to decrease exposure to liability.
  1. Sohn DH. “Compliance Concerns.” AAOS Now, February 2011.
  1. Sohn DH. “Legal Proceedings Regarding Never Events.” AAOS Now, April 2011
  1. Sohn DH et al. “Alternative Dispute Resolution.” Panel Presentation at AAOS Annual Meeting, March 2013


University of Toledo, ToledoOH

Started first cadaveric arthroscopy lab for the orthopaedic residents in February 2009. Course instructor for labs on knee, shoulder, elbow and hip arthroscopy, as well as reverse total shoulder.

University of Toledo, ToledoOH

Regular lecturer on Orthopaedic Sports Medicine for medical students and residents

94% “excellent” reviews

Smith and Nephew

Hip arthroscopy course instructor (volunteer)

Taught hip arthroscopy course with J.W.T Byrd, February 2011


Duke Orthopaedic Research Laboratories, DurhamNC. Performing primary tissue engineering benchwork in studying adipose-derived stem cells (ASC’s) and novel cartilage based scaffolds to address full-thickness cartilage lesions in the rabbit knee, 2007-

Cartilage Tissue Engineering Lab at UCSD, La JollaCA. Performed primary tissue engineering benchwork on the effects of gravity on the localization of transplanted bovine chondrocytes, 1999-2002.

Herald W. Gehring Biomechanics and Implant Testing Lab, Royal OakMI. Studied the effects of PCL deficiency and reconstruction on kinematics and contact pressures in the cadaveric human knee, 2005-2007.

Bone and Joint Rehabilitation Research and DevelopmentCenter at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Palo AltoCA. Studied the effects of bone cement on suture anchor fixation in the cadaveric shoulder, 2003-2004.


Effect of gravity on localization of chondrocytes implanted in cartilage defects. Sohn DH, Lottman LM, Lum LY, Kim SG, Pedowitz RA, Coutts RD, Sah RL.


Histologic and biomechanical evaluation of full thickness chondral lesions treated with microfracture, cartilage-based scaffolds and cartilage-based scaffolds seeded with adipose-derived stem cells (ASC’s): a rabbit model.

Histology and survivability of adipose-derived stem cells (ASC’s) on a novel cartilage-based scaffold.

The use of hypertonic saline solution as an arthroscopy fluid to prevent extravasation in shoulder surgery.

Accuracy of an MRI based computer program in quantifying the amount of fluid present in knee effusions.


Captain of high school football, wrestling and lacrosse teams.

Valedictorian and NBA Scholar-Athlete of Michigan 1990

Vice-president of Student Council, 1990.

Assistant Editor-in-Chief of “The Day Times”, 1990.

Captain of high school football, wrestling and lacrosse teams 1986-1989.

Inner-city CIVICs instructor 1990-1991.

Teaching assistant in Advanced Calculus 1991-1992.

Course assistant in Decision Theory, 1991-1993.

President of the Korean-American Student Association, 1992-1993.

Steering Committee, BrooklineChurch 1996-1997.

Assistant head wrestling coach of Galileo High School 1997-1998,

helped team to win first city championship in 19 years.

Course instructor for “DOC: Doctors Ought to Care”, 1999-2000.

Christian Medical Fellowship Leadership, 2000-2002.

Cell Group Leader, Troy Hope Ministry 2006-2007.

Orthopaedic Chief Resident 2006-2007.

Duke Sports Medicine Journal Club, 2007-2008.

Duke Surgical Skills and Vivarium, 2007-2008.


I.Book Chapters and Institute Reports:

  1. Sohn DH and Ross D. Lateral Epicondylitis. Orthopaedic Surgery for the Resident. 2010
  1. Sohn DH and Ross D. Elbow Dislocation. Orthopaedic Surgery for the Resident. 2010
  1. Sohn DH. Elbow Instability. Orthopaedic Surgery for the Resident. 2010
  1. Sohn DH. Articular Cartilage Injury. Orthopaedic Surgery for the Resident. 2010
  1. Sohn DH and Garrett WE Jr: The Knee. The Oxford Knee 2008
  1. Sohn DH: The Knee. The Orthopaedic Anatomy Manual. 2006.

II. Articles Published in Professional Journals:

  1. “Spinal Reflexive and Corticospinal Excitability Alteration following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.” – submitted July 1, 2013 to American Journal of Sports Medicine
  1. “Contributions of Nneural Excitability and Voluntary Activation to Quadriceps Muscle Strength Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction” – submitted July 25, 2013 to Muscle and Nerve
  2. Sohn DH. “Negligence, Litigation and Genuine Error.” International Journal of Medicine, March 2013.
  1. Sohn DH. “No Fault Compensation Systems.” AAOS Now, January 2013
  2. Sohn DH and Chen S. “Health Courts.” AAOS Now, November 2012.
  3. Sohn DH. “Liability of Orthopaedic Residents.” AAOS Now, December 2012
  4. Sohn DH. “Prescription Pain Medication Liability.” AAOS Now, October 2012
  1. Ogilvie J and Sohn DH. “Joint and Several Liability.” AAOS Now, September 2012
  1. Fleeter T and Sohn DH. “EMR Liability.” AAOS Now, September 2012
  1. Sohn DH and Jayasankar J. “You be the Judge: Consulting Liability.” AAOS Now, February 2012.
  2. Sohn DH. “Alternative Dispute Resolution.” AAOS Now, December 2011.
  1. Sohn DH and Bal S. “Medical Malpractice Reform: Alternative Dispute Resolution.” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2012 May;470(5):1370-8.
  1. Sohn DH. “Arbitration Clauses: Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing.” Orthopaedics Today, July 2011
  1. Sohn DH. “Compliance Concerns.” AAOS Now, February 2011.
  1. Sohn DH, Balasubramanian S, Demetropoulos C, Yang K, Guettler J, Jurist K. “Biomechanical Verification that PCL Reconstruction is Unnecessary in the Muscle-Stabilized Knee.” Orthopedics, May 2010.
  1. Sohn DH, Kusuma S, Murthi A. “Medical Liability Reform: An Update.” AAOS Now, January 2010.
  1. Sohn DH, Day CS. “The Need for Tort Reform in Health Care.” AAOS Now, September 2009.
  1. Sohn DH, Day CS. “The Need for Tort Reform in Health Care.” AAOS Now, September 2009.
  1. Sohn DH, Garrett WE Jr. “Transitioning to anatomic ACL reconstruction.” Journal of Knee Surgery, April-May-June 2009
  1. Sohn DH. “Ten Ways to Reduce Malpractice Exposure.” AAOS Now, 2008 December
  1. Sohn DH. ”Medical Malpractice.” AAOS Now, 2008 November
  1. Sohn DH, Toth AM. “Meniscal transplantation: current concepts.” Journal of Knee Surgery2008 Apr;21(2):163-72
  1. Sohn DH, Moorman CT 3rd. “Meniscal debridement: current concepts.” Journal of Knee Surgery2008 Apr;21(2):145-53.
  2. Herkowitz HN, Dirschl DR, Sohn DH. “Pain management: the orthopaedic surgeon's perspective.” J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007 Nov;89(11):2532-5.
  3. Giori NJ, Sohn DH, Mirza F, Lindsey DP, Lee AT. “Bone cement improves suture anchor fixation.” Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2006 Oct;451:236-241.
  1. Sohn DH, Lottman LM, Lum LY, Kim SG, Pedowitz RA, Coutts RD, Sah RL “Effect of gravity on localization of chondrocytes implanted in cartilage defects.” Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2002 Jan;(394):254-62.

III. Abstracts and Other Publications:

  1. Sohn DH, Lottman LM, Lum LY, Kim SG, Pedowitz RA, Coutts RD, Sah RL “Effect of gravity on localization of chondrocytes implanted in cartilage defects.” Proceedings, 48th Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San FranciscoCA, 2002
  1. Giori NJ, Sohn DH, Mirza F, Lindsey DP, Lee AT. “Bone cement improves suture anchor fixation.” Proceedings, Meeting of the AmericanAcademy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, WashingtonDC, 2005
  1. Balasubramanian S, Sohn DH, Bilkhu S, Demetropoulos C, Yang K, Guettler J, Jurist K. “The effect of PCL reconstruction on contact pressures and kinematics in the knee.” Proceedings, 53rd Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San DiegoCA, 2007.
  1. Sohn DH, Balasubramanian S, Bilkhu S, Demetropoulos C, Yang K, Guettler J, Jurist K. “The effect of PCL reconstruction on contact pressures and kinematics in the knee.” Proceedings, Mid-America Orthopedic Meeting, Boca RatonFL, 2007.
  1. Herkowitz HN, Dirschl DR, Light TR, Bigliani LU, Canale ST, Thornhill TS, Sohn DH, Suresh S. “Pain management – The Orthopaedic Surgeon’s Perspective.” Highlights Report of the OREF/AOA. November 2007


  1. Sohn DH et al. “Alternative Dispute Resolution.” Panel Presentation, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago IL. March 2013
  1. Sohn DH. “Femoro-Acetabular Impingment.” Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses. Invited guest speaker, Toledo OH. March 2013
  1. \
  2. Sohn DH. “Medical Liability Reform.” National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference, Invited Orientation Speaker, Washington DC, April 2011
  3. Sohn DH. “NOLC Orientation” AAOS Leadership Orientation Program, Rosemont IL, March 24, 2011
  1. Sohn DH. “Never Events Legal Panel.” AAOS Medical Liability Presentation. AAOS Annual Meeting, San Diego, February 2011
  1. Sohn DH. “Academic Perspectives on Innovation.” John A. Feagin Leadership Forum, Duke Sports Medicine and Fuqua School of Business, October 22, 2010.
  2. Sohn DH, Balasubramanian S, Bilkhu S, Demetropoulos C, Yang K, Guettler J, Jurist K. “The effect of PCL reconstruction on contact pressures and kinematics in the knee.” Presented at the Resident and Fellows Arthroscopy Conference, Useppa Island FL, 2007.
  3. Sohn DH, Balasubramanian S, Bilkhu S, Demetropoulos C, Yang K, Guettler J, Jurist K. “The effect of PCL reconstruction on contact pressures and kinematics in the knee.” Poster presentation, Mid-America Orthopedic Meeting, Boca Raton FL, 2007.
  4. Balasubramanian S, Sohn DH, Bilkhu S, Demetropoulos C, Yang K, Guettler J, Jurist K. “The effect of PCL reconstruction on contact pressures and kinematics in the knee.” Poster presentation, 53rd Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego CA, 2007.
  5. Giori NJ, Sohn DH, Mirza F, Lindsey DP, Lee AT. “Bone cement improves suture anchor fixation.” Poster presentation, Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Washington DC, 2005
  6. Sohn DH, Lottman LM, Lum LY, Kim SG, Pedowitz RA, Coutts RD, Sah RL “Effect of gravity on localization of chondrocytes implanted in cartilage defects.” Poster presentation at the 48th Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San FranciscoCA, 2002.


  1. Sohn DH. “Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, January 31, 2013
  2. Sohn DH. “Musculoskeletal Conditions of the Upper Extremity.” Lecture for Occupational Therapists. University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, January 23, 2013
  3. Sohn DH. “Athletic Elbow Injuries.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, September 6, 2012
  4. Sohn DH. “Physical Examination of the Athlete’s Shoulder.” Promedica Sports Medicine Conference. Toledo OH, September 15, 2012
  5. Sohn DH. “Advances in Sports Medicine 2012.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, August 31, 2012
  6. Sohn DH. “High School Football Coverage.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, August 25, 2012
  7. Sohn DH. “Compliance Liability.” Ohio Orthopaedic Society, Columbus OH, May 11, 2012.
  8. Sohn DH. “Elbow Arthroscopy.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, May 8, 2012.
  1. Sohn DH. “Hip Arthroscopy.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, May 8, 2012.
  1. Sohn DH. “Humerus and Elbow Fractures.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, March 15, 2012.
  1. Sohn DH. “The Injured Athlete.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, March 15, 2012.
  1. Sohn DH. “Update on Hip Arthroscopy.” Sandusky Shoulder Conference, November 12, 2011.
  2. Sohn DH. “Hip Arthroscopy.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, October 20, 2011.
  3. Sohn DH. “ACL Injuries.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, October 20, 2011.
  4. Sohn DH. “PCL Injuries.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, October 20, 2011.
  1. Sohn DH. “Femoroacetabular Impingement.” SportsCare, Toledo OH, August 2, 2011
  1. Sohn DH. “Update in Sports Medicine - Shoulder.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, August 4, 2011
  1. Sohn DH. “Update in Sports Medicine - Knee.” University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, August 4, 2011
  1. Sohn DH. “Health Care Policy.” Piedmont Society Annual Meeting. Sea Island GA, May 14, 2011
  2. Sohn DH. “Government Intervention in Health Care.” University of Cincinnati Grand Rounds, Cincinnati OH, April 27, 2011
  3. Sohn DH. “Evaluation of Acute Joint Injuries.” ER Grand Rounds. University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, April 26, 2011
  4. Sohn DH. “Femoroacetabular Impingement.” Orthopaedic Teaching Rounds. University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, March 31, 2011
  5. Sohn DH. “Basic Science of Muscle.” Orthopaedic Teaching Rounds. University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo OH, March 31, 2011.
  1. Sohn DH. “Femoraacetabular Impingement.” SportsCare Lecture Series. Wildwood Medical Center, Toledo OH, March 22, 2011
  1. Sohn DH. “Shoulder Instability.” Orthopaedic Teaching Rounds. University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, January 6, 2011.
  2. Sohn DH. “Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.” Orthopaedic Teaching Rounds. University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, January 6, 2011.
  1. Sohn DH. “Physical Exam of the Shoulder.” ER Grand Rounds, University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, January 4, 2011.
  2. Sohn DH. “Femoroacetabular Impingement.” FultonCountyMedicalCenter, Wauseon OH, November 5, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “Shoulder Instability.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, October 7, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “The Injured Elbow.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, October 7, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “Injuries of the Athlete.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, September 30, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “All-Inside PCL Inlay Reconstruction.” Lecture and cadaveric demonstration. University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, August 17, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “Applied Shoulder Anatomy.” Invited guest speaker for Anatomy and Physiology for Secondary School Educators. University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, June 18, 2010.
  2. Sohn DH. “Remplissage and Latarjet: Techniques for Shoulder Instability with Bony Defects.” Invited guest speaker for the Sandusky Shoulder Conference, April 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “Humerus and Elbow Fractures.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, April 1, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “PCL Injuries.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, February 25, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “Shoulder Instability and Dislocation.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, January 28, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “Government Invention in Health Care.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, January 28, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “Musculoskeletal Conditions of the Upper Extremity.” Occupational Therapy Lecture, ToledoOH, January 27, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “Basic Science of Muscle.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, January 14, 2010.
  1. Sohn DH. “The Injured Elbow.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, November 11, 2009.
  1. Sohn DH. “Rationale of Reverse Total Shoulder Design.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, October 22, 2009.
  1. Sohn DH. “Advances in Sports Medicine: Knee, part I.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, October 8, 2009.
  1. Sohn DH. “Advances in Sports Medicine: Knee, part II.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, October 8, 2009.
  1. Sohn DH. “Injuries of the Athlete.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, August 20, 2009.
  1. Sohn DH. “Aspiration and Injection Techniques in Orthopaedics.” University of ToledoMedicalCenter, ToledoOH, August 10, 2009.
  1. Sohn DH. ““Femoro-Acetabular Impingement: a high-reward diagnosis in the young patient with hip pain.” Grand Rounds, St. Luke’s Hospital, MaumeeOH, June 11, 2009.
  1. Sohn DH. “Femoro-Acetabular Impingement: a high-reward diagnosis in the young patient with hip pain.” St. Charles Mercy Hospital, OregonOH, March 20, 2009.
  1. Sohn DH. “The Case for Independence: Retrograde Drilling for Anatomic ACL Reconstruction.” St. CharlesMercyHospital, TiffinOH, March 17, 2009.
  1. Sohn DH. “Government Intervention in Health Care.” Delaware Orthopaedic Symposium, WilmingtonDE, November 1, 2008.
  1. Sohn DH. “Acromioclavicular Injuries in the Athlete.” Sandusky Shoulder Conference, SanduskyOH, October 4, 2008.
  1. Nguyen L, Sohn DH, Cook C, Pietrobon R, Shiyi C, Li W, Barros-Filho TEP, Moorman CT 3rd. “Management of pediatric ACL injuries – results on an international survey on treatment choices.” Poster presentation at University of North Carolina Medical School Symposium, Chapel HillNC, February 2008
  2. Sohn DH, Balasubramanian S, Bilkhu S, Demetropoulos C, Yang K, Guettler J, Jurist K. “The effect of PCL reconstruction on contact pressures and kinematics in the knee.” Presented at the Michigan Orthopedic Society, Traverse CityMI, 2007.
  1. Giori NJ, Sohn DH, Mirza F, Lindsey DP, Lee AT. “Bone cement improves suture anchor fixation.” Presented at the DetroitAcademy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Troy MI, 2005.


1.Sohn DH: “Engineered cartilage scaffolds.” Presented at University of Virginia Grand Rounds, CharlottesvilleVA, June 5, 2008.