English 10 H

Dear Parents/Guardians:

As you know, our school policy dictates that your children have your written permission to watch a film in class if it has a rating higher than PG (Parental Guidance). The following is a list of films we may watch this year in English 10 Honors. This list includes titles of which we may only watch a clip or part.

English 10 H

Cry Freedom (PG)

The Tell Tale Heart (unrated-school library)

The Lord of the Flies (PG-13)

The Taming of the Shrew (1976)

10 Things I Hate About You (PG-13)

Macbeth (unrated-school library)

Sherlock Holmes (PG-13) (2009 or 2011)

English 10 H

English 10 H

Please indicate whether or not your child has permission to watch these films.

I give permission for ______to watch the movies stated.

Signature ______Date ______


I do not give permission for ______to watch the movies stated.

Signature ______Date ______


I give permission for ______to watch the movies stated except

for the following title(s): Please list any titles for which you do not grant permission. An alternative will be provided.


Thank you,

Mrs. Nicole Stratton