Document MEDIA 02/18/EN

Commission proposal concerning a draft of measures to be taken concerning Community allocations higher than € 200.000 regarding Call for proposals 76/2001 in the field of TRAINING


The notice of Call for proposals 76/01 was published in the Official Journal of the European Communities C339 of 1/12/2001. The deadline for submission of the proposals had been fixed at 15 February 2002.

This call covered training activities in the following three fields: new technologies, management and scriptwriting techniques.

The guidelines of the call for proposal invited applicants to submit projects of quality, with high European value added, in partnership with the industry and in line with the reality and the needs of the sector.

In total 37 applicants submitted proposals to the Commission. 4 of these applications were ineligible (due to non-respect of formal eligibility criteria).

The proposals emanated from 11 countries: UK, NL, BE, FR, DE, IT, ES, PO, GR, NO, Cyprus.

As regards grouped applications, there was no new proposal for forming a grouping; however, 2 promoters wish to join the grouping FIT (Film Industry Training) which so far had consisted of Strategics (LU), Erich-Pommer-Institut (DE) and the Mediterranean Film Institute (GR). This year, EAVE (BE) and Argovela Films (GR) have applied to develop their new projects in the framework of the grouping FIT, and the FIT member Erich-Pommer-Institut has submitted a new proposal concerning additional activities.

On 29 and 30 April 2002, two panels of experts were organised (the list of experts is enclosed). The Commission chaired their debates. There were twoseparate meetings; the first being devoted to training projects in the field ofscriptwriting and management, the second to projects in the field of new technologies and management. All eligible proposals received in the framework of this call for proposals were examined by the experts.

At the end of the selection procedure, the Commission proposes to grant a financial contribution to 23 projects. The total funding proposed for these projects is € 6.584.625. The amounts on the list of selected proposals represent maximum amounts and are still subject to detailed verifications of submitted budgets.

The Commission proposes to allocate funding for an amount higher than € 200.000 per year per beneficiary to 13 of the 23 beneficiaries for a total amount of € 5.269.104 (to be noted that the 3 proposals submitted in the framework of the grouping FIT are counted as 1 project). A description of the projects is attached.

New activities: Pursuant to art. 4.3[1]) of Decision N° 163/2001/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, the Commission wishes to inform delegates that 21.7% of the total budget for all selected projects (i.e. an amount of € 1.427.995) are proposed to be allocated to new activities.

Summary of results after evaluation of this Call for Proposals:

Total available budget for MEDIA Training in 2002: 8.170.240 €

Total funding required for the selection of Call 76/01: 6.584.625 €

Still available credits on 2002 budget: 1.585.615 €

Additional credits subject to new countries joining

the MEDIA Programme in June 2002 256.000 €

Total remaining credits 1.841.615 €

Total number of proposals submitted: 37 (in 2001: 76)

N° of ineligible proposals 4 (in 2001: 2)

As can be seen from this summary, the number of submitted proposals was very low and there was a relatively high percentage of ineligible proposals (10,8 % as compared to 2,6% in 2001); it should however be noted that most of the promoters who have ‘traditionally’ presented good and fundworthy projects to the MEDIA Training Programme, have benefited in 2001 from a multiannual funding contract and have therefore not presented a proposal this year. Moreover we noticed that several promoters who could have benefited from a multiannual contract on the basis of the guidelines for this call, only requested funding for 1 year.

Given the availability of some 1.8 mio € on the 2002 MEDIA Training budget, the Commission proposes to publish an additional call for proposals covering 2 types of measures:

A) an additional ‘classic’ training call for proposals (on the basis of existing guidelines)

B) Development of a comprehensive distance learning system through networking between different training activities in Europe (ex Pilot Project ‘Training’).

For measure B), the training guidelines have been modified and are submitted for adoption in MEDIA Document 02/20/EN.



EXPERTS PANEL- List of Participants
Panel/Name / Country code / Company / Status
Management / Scriptwriting 29 APRIL 2002
Michael SEEBER / AT / PRISMA FILMS / Attending
Manuel CRISTOBAL / ES / DYGRA FILMS / Attending
Catherine DEVILLE / FR / INDEPENDENT / Attending
Graziella BILDESHEIM / IT / INDEPENDENT / Attending
Management / New Technologies 30 APRIL 2002
Jonathan BLAIR / UK / THEODOREGODDARD / Attending
Louis CHAMMINGS / FR / TRAM / Cancelled the previous day


ID / Applicant / Project title / Duration (months) / First time applying / Content of training / Country / Total Budget / Media Contribution Requested
1 / 4 / EAVE - Les Entrepreneurs de l'Audiovisuel Européen / EAVE Forum + EAVE FEIFI Bank / 12 / No / Continuous / Belgium / 275.346,00 / 112.346,00
16 / Argovela Films / Global Negotiations / 24 / No / Continuous / Greece / 332.224,00 / 199.335,00
26 / EPI - Erich Pommer Institut / FIT - Essential Legal Framework / 24 / No / Continuous / Germany / 352.304,00 / 176.152,00
2 / 1 / Associació Cultural Pilots / Television Script Writing Workshops / 12 / No / Continuous / Spain / 671.698,00 / 335.849,00
3 / 2 / Vertical Strategy GmbH / VERTICALstrategies / 12 / No / Initial / Germany / 170.494,00 / 85.247,00
4 / 3 / Fernseh Akademie Mitteldeutschland e.V. - FAM / European Animation Masterclass - EAM / 21 / No / Continuous / Germany / 370.000,00 / 185.000,00
5 / 5 / Webshields Ltd trading as Arista Development / Arista Lyceum Online / 36 / No / Continuous / U.K. / 1.609.622,00 / 789.622,00
6 / 6 / Association Secretariat Eureka Audiovisuel / AVEureka re-eDITed / 14 / Yes / Continuous / Belgium / 524.942,00 / 300.942,00
7 / 7 / ISC Saint Louis / European Master in Management of Audiovisual and Digital Media Projects / 36 / No / Continuous / Belgium / 1.605.417,00 / 789.339,00
8 / 8 / Media Academie / Concept Development for Cross Platform / 12 / No / Continuous / The Netherlands / 627.517,00 / 251.006,00
9 / 9 / EIKK - European Institute of Cinema / Encounter 2 / 36 / No / Continuous / Germany / 824.100,00 / 412.050,00
15 / EIKK - European Institute of Cinema / European Film Students' Graduate Placement Program / 36 / No / Continuous / Germany / 649.710,00 / 324.855,00
10 / 10 / Medien Werkstatt Linden e.V. / International Marketing and Distribution Management for Film and TV Production / 20 / Yes / Continuous / Germany / 261.102,00 / 130.000,00
11 / 11 / International Filmschüle Köln - IFS / Audio_Visula Design (Film, TV and Web) / 8 / Yes / Continuous / Germany / 244.166,39 / 120.000,00
12 / 12 / Association Phoenix / Formation aux métiers du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel cycle d'initiation / 18 / Yes / Initial / France / 350.000,00 / 175.000,00
13 / 13 / Cooperativa de Formaçao e Animaçao Cultural / Interactive Television Authoring and Production Development / 12 / No / Continuous / Portugal / 661.688,91 / 397.000,00
14 / 14 / Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains / Formation artistique audiovisuelle aux nouveaux médias / 12 / Yes / Continuous / France / 368.743,00 / 179.799,00
15 / 17 / Corporación Multimedia S.A. / Audience and viewers from the European audiovisual fiction works / 12 / Yes / Continuous / Spain / 265.081,66 / 132.540,50
16 / 18 / Draft Zero Ltd. / The European Development Network / 12 / Yes / Continuous / U.K. / 588.624,00 / 294.031,00
17 / 19 / Conservatoire Européen d'Ecriture Audiovisuelle (CEEA) / Pygmalion Plus / 12 / No / Continuous / France / 335.654,00 / 164.470,00
18 / 20 / IMCAD / SIAM 3D / 12 / No / Continuous / France / 184.476,00 / 73.082,00
19 / 21 / Centre of Applied Industrial Design and Multimedia - CAID / Interactive Media for Children / 12 / No / Continuous / Greece / 216.220,00 / 129.732,00
20 / 22 / La Fémis / L'Atelier / 36 / No / Continuous / France / 1.165.551,00 / 582.774,00
40 / La Fémis / ITHAC II / 36 / No / Continuous / France / 1.231.500,00 / 510.000,00
21 / 23 / Istituto Europeo di Design / ID3 Program - The Design of Information, interfaces and interaction / 12 / No / Continuous / Italy / 345.135,00 / 172.567,50
22 / 24 / SAT-7 Media Services Ltd / Master of Arts in Communication Practice run by OCMS / 36 / Yes / Continuous / Cyprus / 418.860,00 / 251.316,00
23 / 25 / Discovery Campus e.V. / Discovery Campus Masterschool / 22 / No / Continuous / Germany / 1.212.954,00 / 590.000,00
24 / 27 / Master School Drehbuch GmbH / Step by Step / 36 / No / Continuous / Germany / 924.447,00 / 307.290,00
25 / 28 / Academy of Converging Media / Content + Creation intensive courses / 36 / No / Continuous / Germany / 302.000,00 / 148.600,00
26 / 29 / Magica -Master Europeo in Gestione di Impresa Cinematografica e Audiovisiva / Planet Plus 2002 - European Master in Advanced Screenwriting - eMAS / 36 / No / Continuous / Italy / 1.065.780,00 / 532.500,00
42 / Magica -Master Europeo in Gestione di Impresa Cinematografica e Audiovisiva / Plant Plus 2002 - Magica Multimedia Master / 36 / No / Continuous / Italy / 1.065.765,00 / 532.500,00
43 / Magica -Master Europeo in Gestione di Impresa Cinematografica e Audiovisiva / Plant Plus 2002 - Audiovisual Management Through Metadata - AMTM / 36 / No / Continuous / Italy / 811.368,00 / 405.000,00
44 / Magica -Master Europeo in Gestione di Impresa Cinematografica e Audiovisiva / Planet Plus 2002 - Financing Audiovisual, Cinema and Television Systems in Europe - FACTS / 36 / No / Continuous / Italy / 862.557,00 / 430.500,00
27 / 30 / Pastis Cnrsm S.C.p.A. / Strategic management of media arts / 15 / Yes / Continuous / Italy / 304.610,00 / 152.305,00
28 / 31 / En Efecto S.A. / European Master in Virtual Effects / 12 / No / Initial / Spain / 210.230,40 / 105.115,20
29 / 32 / Iberautor Promociones Culturales/Fundacion Autor / European Film Crossing Borders / 12 / Yes / Continuous / Spain / 257.800,00 / 128.900,39
30 / 33 / Consortium Européen d'ecriture pour l'image - CEPI / MEDIscript / 13 / Yes / Continuous / France / 240.000,00 / 120.000,00
31 / 34 / Media Salles / European cinema Exhibition - A new approach (itinerant edition) / 12 / No / Continuous / Italy / 190.072,00 / 95.000,00
41 / Media Salles / European Cinema Exhibition - A New approach (Second Edition) / 12 / No / Continuous / Italy / 210.032,00 / 105.000,00
32 / 35 / Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München / sagas Writing Interactive Fiction / 36 / No / Continuous / Germany / 1.140.609,00 / 570.000,00
33 / 36 / European Enterprise Organization Group SA - EEO Group / Digital Filmmaking Europe on-line / 12 / Yes / Continuous / Greece / 410.000,00 / 246.000,00
34 / 37 / IFMA - Institut de Formation aux Metiers de l'Audiovisuel / IFMA / 120 / Yes / France / 4.531.150,10 / 2.549.890,00
35 / 38 / Opale Formation / Chargé de Production / 7 / Yes / Initial / France / 35.000,00
36 / 39 / BLINDFOLD / Virtual Contemporary Art and Scientific Research Project / 60 / Yes / Norway / 2.705.600,00
37 / 45 / Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film e.V. / SagasNet / 36 / No / Continuous / Germany / 432.613,00 / 216.300,00
TOTALS / 30.170.276,46 / 13.804.822,59
ID / Country / Applicant / Project title / Sector / Duration (in months) / Total Budget / Media Contribution Requested / Recommended amount / Recommended duration
Grouping F.I.T. - Film Industry Training - NEW MEMBERS
1 / (n) / 4 / BE / EAVE - Les Entrepreneurs de l'Audiovisuel Européen / EAVE Forum + EAVE FEIFI Bank / M / 12 / 275.346,00 / 112.346,00 / 95.000,00 / 1 year
16 / GR / Argovela Films / Global Negotiations / M / 24 / 332.224,00 / 199.335,00 / 199.335,00 / 2 years
(n) / 26 / DE / EPI - Erich Pommer Institut / ELF - Essential Legal Framework / M / 24 / 352.304,00 / 176.152,00 / 140.000,00 / 2 years
2 / 1 / ES / Associació Cultural Pilots / Television Script Writing Workshops / SW / 12 / 671.698,00 / 335.849,00 / 320.000,00 / 1 year
3 / 2 / DE / Vertical Strategy GmbH / VERTICALstrategies / M / 12 / 170.494,00 / 85.247,00 / 85.247,00 / 1 year
4 / 3 / DE / Fernseh Akademie Mitteldeutschland e.V. - FAM / European Animation Masterclass - EAM / NT / 21 / 370.000,00 / 185.000,00 / 185.000,00 / 2 years
5 / N / 6 / BE / Association Secretariat Eureka Audiovisuel / AVEureka re-eDITed / NT / 14 / 524.942,00 / 300.942,00 / 300.942,00 / 2 years