password: micunursing

MICU Updates November 18th

Infection control- Thanks to everyone for really putting forth efforts; there is already a noticeable difference in the care of our patients!

o  Continue stating in rounds the dates lines were placed

o  Continue stating in rounds what is running through the lines that necessitate central access

Areas for continued focus

o  PIV’s placed at outside facility need to be removed within 24 hours

o  Dressings being changed per protocol

o  Entire TLC needs to be under dress

o  Extra-large CHG dressings in charge nurse office if needed

o  Scrubbing the hub for the full 15 seconds

§  One technique is to look at the clock when scrubbing the hub . . . 15 seconds is longer than you might think!

Foley catheters – pulling Foleys and discussing in rounds if “strict” intake and output is required.

Please go to Duke @Work and opt out of paper w2 forms. This prevents your w2’s from being delivered to the unit and they will instead be emailed to you via your work email.

Pharmacy Change

§  Sugammadex is the reversal agent to Rocuronium.

§  Sugammadex 1500mg is now available in the A-side Omnicell cabinet.

§  Medication is available on override.

§  Comes as a package from omnicell, follow directions on package.

§  See attached images

Equipment Communication

On the back of each supply room door, you’ll now find a “Pyxis Issue Communication Tool”. If you are having issues with the pyxis machines or supplies (broken buttons, inadequate par levels, etc), write your concerns on the sheets, and the resource technicians should respond. See attachment for example.

Charge Nursing

Sheets have been placed in the charge nurse binder to help us document the “Tissue Test” used when Airborne Precautions are in place.

Also find Charge Nurse Checklist sheets in the charge nurse binder. These are an optional tool you can use to organize your shift.

In case you missed last week’s huddle:

§  Project Share: Collecting Christmas gifts for 2 families.

§  Stock the room for new admissions. If you are unable to stock the room, inform the charge nurse. Please leave new supplies in original wrappers.

§  Daily Infection Prevention Rounds to will be done

§  ONCALL – expected to answer call and be here within 1 hour

§  VS – Q15min when patient is on vasopressors, with or without an A-line.

§  As long as a protocol is ordered, “Per Protocol Orders DO NOT need to be cosigned.”

§  If Pyxis machine buttons don’t work, there are placed to write buttons don’t work on the back of Side A and B Pyxis room doors.

§  Keys to pyxis, epidural pumps, housekeeping, bathrooms, and paper towel are located in the charge nurse room.

§  MICU is gladly accepting Christmas decoration donations.