ALL Three Sundays
October 2, 9 & 16 / Collection of baby items will continue. We need baby food, formula, diapers (sizes 4 and up), and baby wipes for the Baby Project
Kindway Project will be supported by collection of Walmart and Meijer gift cards (up to $25), gasoline gift cards(up to $25), and COTA bus passes.
Sunday October 2 / Hymn Sing Along offered by Sara Seidel the church as the Adult Forum, featuring hymns that focus on light and serving others as the body of Christ. Please join us in the church at 10:25 am and sing along!
Sunday October 9 / Worship & Parish Picnic –Gathering our whole parish family for worship (11:00am), food, and fellowship right in front of the church is a very special way of Letting Our Light Shine and inviting others in the community to join us.
Sunday October 16 / Blessing of the Baby Items by Father Philip at the 9:00 am service.
Adult Forum at 10:25 am in Kilbourne Hall - Deacon Jackie Burns and a few Kindway EMBARK participants will join us, explaining how Kindway supports those journeying from incarceration to independence.
Blessing of the Kindway Gift Cards by Father Philip at the 11:15 am service.
Monday October 17 / Group Volunteering Session at the Worthington Resource Pantry, 7:00-8:30 pm, preceded by a light supper and reflection at St. John’s, 5:45-6:45 pm
Thursday October 20 / Pledge Forms Mailed to all parishioners of St. John’s - watch your mailbox!
Friday October 21 / Group Volunteering session at the Worthington Resource Pantry 1:00-2:30 pm, preceded by a light lunch and reflection at St. John’s, 11:45 am-12:45 pm
Sunday October 23 / Stewardship Moment speakers at the 9:00 and 11:15 am services
Adult Forum at 10:25 am in Kilbourne Hall – a member of the Finance Committee will speak about “How Our Pledges and People Support Our Ministries”
Sunday October 26
SUNDAY / Bring your completed pledge form to church and we will offer our pledges as gifts to God at both the 9:00 and 11:15 am services.
Celebration Meal in Kilbourne Hall after both the 9 am and 11:15 am services - no Adult Forum and no Sunday School. The main dish and beverages will be provided, and parishioners will be asked to bring a potluck item to share. Watch the Sunday announcements to see which letters of the alphabet may be designated for muffins, fruit, side dish, salad, dessert, etc.

Please contact Mary Bailey at 614-854-9907 or if you would like to participate in the Group Volunteering or have questions about any of the Let Your Light Shine outreach projects.