Guilford High School

Algebra II Syllabus


Course Title

Algebra II

Teacher Contact Information

Ms. Dawn Nimmo (Room 226)

School: 815-654-4870


Cell: 815-282-8750

Course Description

Students in Algebra II expand their repertoire by working with rational and exponential expressions, as well as, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions. As students encounter more and more varied mathematical expressions and functions, general principles they encountered in Algebra I remain relevant, unifying the material in the course.


Semester 1~

A-SSE.2—Interpret the structure of expressions

A-SSE.3—Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems

A-REI.1, 2—Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning

A-REI.11—Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically

F-IF.4, 6—Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of context

F-BF.1, 2—Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities

A-APR.2,3—Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials

Semester 2~

A-APR.2, 3—Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials

A-APR.6, 7—Rewrite rational expressions

N-RN.1, 2—Extend the properties of exponents to rational exponents

A-REI.1, 2—Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning

F-LE.2, 4—Construct and compare linear, quadratic, and exponential models and solve problems

Course Topics

Semester 1~

Chapter 1—Equations and Inequalities

Chapter 2—Linear Relations and Functions

Chapter 3—Systems of Equations and Inequalities

Chapter 4—Quadratic Functions and Relations


Chapter 6—Inverse and Radical Functions and Relations

Chapter 7—Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and Relations

Chapter 8—Rational Functions and Relations

Required Materials

Glencoe, Algebra 2 textbookPencil/pen

Spiral NotebookCalculator

FolderGraph paper

Classroom Rules of Conduct

All school rules in the GHS Student Handbook apply at all times.

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe

Further classroom policies and procedures will be developed in class with students’ input during first week of school.

Tardy Policy

All students must bethrough the door when the bell rings. Students that have not yet entered the classroom will be marked tardy.

1st three tardies in any class = warning

4th tardy = Detention

5th tardy = ALE

6th tardy and beyond = Out of School Suspension

Use of Electronics

All unauthorized electronic devices (phones, ipods, etc..) are not allowed to be used during class time. Students will not have earbuds or headphones in during class instruction or during exams. Refusal to follow this policy will result in a referral.


Students are expected to be in class during class time!

You must have your ID and student planner to receive a written pass from the teacher to leave the room. No more than one student may leave the classroom at a time.We need to keep the halls clear during class time.

Homework Policy

Practice work, including bell ringers, class assignments, home assignments, exit slips, and various class activities constitute 20% of students’ quarter grade. Assignments must be turned in on time for credit. Exceptions, due to special circumstances, may be made at the teacher’s discretion. Assignments must be turned in on time for credit. Students who have an excused absence will be allowed an additional number of days equivalent to the number of excused absences to turn in missed work.

Formative Assessments Policy

Formative assessments including weekly quizzes, District Benchmark exams and various class activities constitute 30% of students’ quarter grade. Assessments must be completed on time. Exceptions, due to special circumstances, may be made at the teacher’s discretion. Assessments must be completed on time for full credit. Students who have an excused absence will be allowed an additional number of days equivalent to the number of excused absences to complete missed assessments.

Unit Assessments Policy

Unit assessments including Unit Tests and PLC Midterms constitute 50% of students’ quarter grade. Assessments must be completed on time. Exceptions, due to special circumstances, may be made at the teacher’s discretion. Assessments must be completed on time for full credit. Students who have an excused absence will be allowed an additional number of days equivalent to the number of excused absences to complete missed assessments.


Course Title: Algebra II

Please review this syllabus with your child and sign below. Return only this page to the teacher and keepthe syllabus for reference.

Student: I have read this syllabus and understand all of the information contained in it. I agree to abide byall of the rules and expectations listed.

Student Signature ______Date______

Printed Student Name______

Student e-mail to use for correspondence ______

□ Student has computer access at home.

□ Student has internet access at home.

Parent/Guardian: I understand all of the information contained in this syllabus and I have reviewed it with my child.My child has agreed to abide by all of the rules and expectations listed. Note: Any Accommodations/ Modificationsfor students will be implemented according to their IEP.

Parent Signature______Date______

Printed Parent Name______

Parent’s e-mail to use for correspondence ______

□ Parent has computer access at home.

□ Parent has internet access at home.

Comments or questions: