Cat, Bramble and Heron
Once upon a time there were three friends – Cat, Bramble and Heron who lived by a lake.
Early one morning they went out to seek their fortune.
First Cat crept along by the wall but all he found was an old fishbone.
Next, Bramble crawled through the grass but all he found was a rusty old pot.
Finally, Heron flew over a field where he spied a pile of gold.
So, Cat, Bramble and Heron divided the gold into not one, not two, but three bags. Then they decided to hide their gold.
First, as Cat crept through the garden, he put his gold down and waited, still as a statue, staring, staring, staring into a small, round hole. Unfortunately, Mr Mouse dashed out, stole Cat’s gold and disappeared back into his hole.
Next, as Bramble crawled along the hedgerow, he put his gold down to climb a wall. Unfortunately, a farmer sneaked by and stole Bramble’s gold.
Finally, Heron took the bag in his beak, spread his wings and flew high over the lake. Suddenly, he saw his reflection in the water below. Unfortunately, he thought it was his brother, so he called out, ‘Hello’ and as soon as he opened his beak, the gold scattered down like rain.
And that is why to this very day, Cat is still waiting outside Mr Mouse’s hole.
And that is why to this very day, Bramble still snatches and grabs at your legs as you pass by.
And that is why to this very day, Heron is still standing in the water forever looking, looking, looking for his lost bag of gold.
Adapted from a Pie Corbett story by Julie Coffin (International Learning and Research Centre) 2010