A System Design And An Analysis On Satellite Mobile Communication Link
1 Department of Electronics & communication, L.D.Engineering College, Ahmedabad.
2Department of Electronics & communication, L.D.Engineering College, Ahmedabad.
ABSTRACT : A satellitemobile communication link between user terminal is analyzed based on a simple fundamental equations by systematic approach in this paper. With the given fundamental design parameter, the important parameters are calculated step by step and three communication characteristics such as carrier-to-noise density ratio, Energy per bitto noise density ratio, carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) at the satellite and gateway station are analyzed. It gives very useful information to the system engineers for designing and analyzing the overall satellite mobile communication system in the conceptual design phase.
Key word— satellite ,RF link
ISSN: 0975 –6779| NOV 09 TO OCT 10| Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 1
Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) have been used to support all forms of communication via satellite,voice, data, multimedia services,higher gain, voice conference etc. Geostationary Earth Orbit satellite is in a circular orbit 35,876km above the earth’s surface and rotates in the equatorial plane of the earth. It will therefore rotate at exactly the same angular speed as the earth. The major advantages of these systems is their unchanging position with respect to the earth surface, thus no control overhead is required to track the satellites. For this link design s band frequency is used between user terminal and satellite station and C band frequency is used between satellite station and gateway station.The overall receiver noise temperatures available today range from as little as about 30ÆK to thousands of degrees Kelvin. Power output of the transponders in differing communication satellite may vary by an order of magnitude or more. For satellite mobile application, mesh reflector antenna is used between user terminal and satellite station. In practical case, it necessary to consider additional losses due to system design such asatmospheric loss, polarisation loss, antenna mismatches loss etc.
2.1 Transmission basis
2.1.1 Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
The power radiated by an isotropic antenna fed from a radio frequency source of power PT. In direction where the value of transmission gain is GT.
The product PTGT is called Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP).It is express in W. The EIRP serves as a single
parameter ‘figure of merit’ for the transmit portion of the communication link.
2.1.2 Power Flux Density
The power flux density, usually expressed in Watts/m2, at the distance r from the transmit antenna with a gain GT, is defined as the power flux density which is shown in figure 2.1.
Power flux density Φ = (W/m2)
Figure 2.1: power flux density
Where PT, GT and EIRP are the transmit power, transmit antenna gain, and effective radiated power, all expressed in dB. Φ is called power flux density.
2.1.3 Saturation flux density
If you transmit an uplink signal with sufficient power to produce the pfd/sat specified above you will saturate the transponder. This is applicable only if you are using one carrier in the transponder. In such a case the input and output back offs would both be zero. For two carriers an input back off of 0.5 dB is suggested, with an output back off of about 1.5 dB due to the production of second order intermodulation products (A+B) which are hopefully absorbed in the satellite before the output filter. In many cases 3 or more carriers are transmitted through the transponder and to avoid unacceptable intermodulation interference levels, it is necessary to operate the transponder power backoff.
2.2 Losses
In practical case, it necessary to consider additional losses due to system design.
a)Losses occurs in atmosphere
In the atmosphere, the attenuation of waves, express by LA, is during the presence of gaseous component in troposphere, water and ionosphere. The overall effect on the power of received signal can be taken into account by replacing LFS,
Where L is path loss and LFS is free space loss. LFS is not a loss in sense of power being absorbed. It accounts for the way energy spread out as an electromagnetic wave away from a transmitting source in three dimensional spaces.
b)Losses in transmitting and receiving component
The loss occurs between the transmitter and antenna, denoted by LFTX. At the output of the transmission amplifier, power PTX is,
Where PT is transmitting power in watts and LFTX is transmitter feeder loss.The loss LFRX occurs between the antenna and the receiver, at the input of receiver, signal power PRX is,
Where PR is receiving power in watts and LFRX is Receiver feeder loss.
c)Imperfect alignment of the antennas
The loss of antenna gain which can be inserted in the form of a misalignment loss LT on transmission and misalignment loss in reception. These losses are a function of misalignment angle of transmission αT and reception αR.
LT 12(αT /θ3dB) 2
LR 12(αR /θ3dB) 2
d)Polarisation Mismatch loss
When the receiving antenna is not oriented with the polarisation of received wave, the polarisation mismatch loss occurs. In link with circular polarisation, the transmitted wave circularly polarised only on the axis of antenna and elliptical of this axis. Propagation through the atmosphere can also change circular in to elliptical polarisation. In a linear polarisation, the wave can be rotate of its plane of polarisation as it propagates through the atmosphere.
2.3System Noise Temperature
The four sources of noise in the front-end area are the receiver front end, the receiver antenna, the connecting elements between them and noise entering from the free space path. The receiver antenna, receiver front end, and the connecting elements between them are the subsystems that must be designed to minimize the effects of noise on the performance of the satellite link. Both the ground terminal antenna/receiver and the satellite antenna/receiver are possible sources of noise degradation. The received carrier power at the receive antenna terminals, PR, if is very low (picowatts) then very little noise introduced into the system at that point is needed to degrade the performance.
The major contributor of noise at radio frequencies is thermal noise, caused by the thermal motion of electrons in the devices of the receiver. The noise introduced by each device in the system is quantified by the introduction of an equivalent noise temperature. The equivalent noise temperature, Te, is defined as the temperature of resistor producing a noise power per unit bandwidth that is equal to that produced by the device.
The noise power, nN, is defined by the Nyquist formula as
nNk Te BN watts
Where k Boltzmann’s Constant = 1.39 × 10−23 Joules/K
−228.6 dBw /K/Hz
Te equivalent noise temperature in K
BNnoise bandwidth, in Hz
Antenna losses are absorptive losses produced by the physical structure main reflector, sub reflector, struts, etc., which effectively reduce the power level of the radiowave. Antenna losses are usually specified by an equivalent noise temperature for the antenna. The antenna loss is usually included as part of the antenna aperture.
In clear condition ,at the frequencies greater than 2 GHz the greater contribution is that of the non-ionized region of atmosphere which being an absorbent medium ,is noise source. In the absence of meteorological formation the antenna noise temperature contains contributions due to the sky and surrounding ground.The antenna noise temperature TA of receiver can be expressed as
System noise temperature is
2.4 Figure of Merit (G/T ratio)
It is defined as the ratio of receiver antenna gain to the receiver system noise temperature. Regarding the antenna gain GR and equivalent input noise temperature TS can be denoted as,
(G/T) GR − TS
GR − 10 log10 (TS)
Where TS is the system noise temperature. The (G/T) is a single parameter measure of the performance of the receiver system, and is analogous to EIRP as the single parameter measure of performance for the transmitter portion of the link. (G/T) values cover a wide range in operational satellite systems, including negative dB values. The lower values are typically found in satellite receivers (uplinks) with broad beam antennas where the gain may be lower than the system noise temperature expressed in dB.
2.5 Link performance parameter
2.5.1 Carried-to-noise Ratio
The ratio of average RF carrier power C to the noise power N in the same bandwidth is called carrier-to-noise ratio. It express in (C/N). It is the primary parameter of interest for defining the overall system performance in a communications system. It can be defined at any point in the link, such as at the receiver antenna terminals, or at the input to the demodulator.
The (C/N) can be expressed in terms of the EIRP, G/T, and other link parameters developed earlier. Consider the link with a transmit power PT, transmit antenna gain GT, and receive antenna gain GR .In practical case, we define the losses on the link by two components, the free space path loss.
LFS (4πR/λ) 2
The received power at the input,
EIRP (G/T) (LFSΣ other losses) 228.6 BN
Where the EIRP is in dBW, the bandwidth BN is in dBHz, k = −228.6 dBw/K/Hz.
The (C/N) is the single most important parameter that defines the performance of a satellite Communications link. The larger the C/N, the better the link will perform. Some modern communications systems that employ significant coding can operate at much lower values. Spread spectrum systems can operate with negative C/N values and still achieve acceptable performance. The performance of the link will be degraded in two ways: if the carrier power, C, is reduced, and/or if the noise power, Nn, increases. Both factors must be taken into account when evaluating link performance and system design.
2.5.2 Carrier-to-Noise Density
A related parameter to the carrier-to-noise ratio often used in link calculations is the carrier to- noise density, or carrier-to-noise density ratio, C/No. The carrier-to-noise density is defined in terms of noise power density, No, defined by Equation
The carrier-to-noise density behaves similarly to the carrier-to-noise ratio in terms of system Performance. The larger the value, the better the performance. The C/No tend to be much larger in dB value than the C/N because of the large values for BN that occur for most communications links.
2.5.3 Energy-Per-Bit to Noise Density
For digital communications systems, the bit energy, Eb, is more useful than carrier power in describing the performance of the link. The bit energy is related to the carrier power from,
Eb C Tb
Where C is the carrier power and Tb is the bit duration in s. The energy-per-bit to noise density ratio, Eb/No, is the most frequently used parameter to describe digital communications link performance. Eb/ No is related to (C/N0) by
Eb/N0 Tb (C/N0)
(1/Rb) (C/N0)
Where Rb is the bit rate, in bits per second (bps). This relation allows for a comparison of link performance of both analog and digital modulation techniques, and various transmission rates, for the same link system parameters.
2.5.4 Uplink
Satellite link performance evaluation for an uplink includes additional considerations and parameters. If we represent the uplink parameters by the subscript U.
Satellite telephone handsets are restricted to transmitter power level below 1 w because of the risk of EM radiation hazard. In mobile system the uplink from the satellite telephone is usually the link with lowest C/N ratio.
Where LU is the sum of other losses on the uplink. Uplink performance is often specified in terms of a power flux density requirement at the satellite receiver antenna to produce a desired satellite output transmit power.
2.5.5 Downlink
Where LD is the sum of other losses on the downlink. When input backoff is employed for multiple carriers or for linear operation, a corresponding output backoff must be included in the link performance equations. The downlink EIRP that is the EIRP from the satellite, resulting from operation at an output backoff of BOo is given by
Where EIRPDS is the downlink EIRP for a single carrier saturated output. BOo is on linearly related to BOi.
The RF communication links of communication mobile satellite systems between two handheld terminal have been designedand analyzed using the fundamental parameters and losses in this section.
Input data of return link are given below.
3.1 Return link
At user terminal
Transmitting Amplifier Power = PT(MAX) 2 watt
Antenna Gain = GTMAX 3 dBi
Distance = R 40000Km
Atmospheric Wave Attenuation = LA 0.3 dB
At satellite station
Antenna Diameter = D 12 meter
Antenna Noise Temperature = TA 290 ˚K
Absolute Temperature = T0 290˚K
Noise Figure = NF 3 dB
Transmitting Amplifier Power = PT(MA 15 Watt
Antenna Diameter = DSL 0.7 meter
At gateway station
Antenna Diameter = D 6 meter
Maximum Pointing Error at Earth Station= αR 0.1
Antenna Noise Temperature = TA 65˚K
Absolute Temperature = T0290 ˚K
Noise Figure = NF2.2 dB
Power Flux Density=Φ / -157.02 dB(w/m2)EIRP at user terminal / 6.01 dBi
Maximum Receiver Gain at satellite station = GR(Max) / 47.68dBi
System Noise Temperature at satellite station = T / 27.62 dB(˚K)
(G//T) ratio at satellite station / 16.05 dB(1/˚K)
Maximum Transmitting Gain at satellite station = GT(Max) / 26.74dBi
EIRP at satellite station / 6.01 dBW
Maximum Receiver Gain at Gateway station = (GRMAX)Es / 45.78dBi
System Noise Temperature at Gateway station = T / 24.48dB
Carrier to noise density ratio at Uplink= (C/N0)U / 57.59dB(Hz)
Carrier to noise density ratio at Downlink= (C/N0)D / 58.61dB(Hz)
(C/N0)Total Ratio / 55.06 dB(Hz)
Data rate / 64 Kbps
(Eb/n0) / 7.001dB
Input data of forward link are given below.
3.2 Forward link
At gateway station
Transmitting Amplifier Power = PT(MAX) 0.35 watt
Antenna Diameter = D 6 meter
Distance = R 40000Km
At satellite station
Antenna Diameter = D 0.7 meter
Antenna Noise Temperature = TA 290 ˚K
Absolute Temperature = T0 290˚K
Noise Figure = NF 3 dB
Transmitting Amplifier Power = Pt(MAX) 230 watt
Antenna Diameter = DSL12 meter
At user terminal
Antenna Diameter = D 0.1 meter
Maximum Pointing Error at Earth Station= αR 0.1˚
Antenna Noise Temperature = TA 65˚K
Absolute Temperature = T0 290˚K
Noise Figure = NF 2.2 dB
Power Flux Density=Φ / -118.28 dB(w/m2)Maximum Gain / 49.303 dBi
EIRP at gateway station / 43.89dBW
Maximum Receiver Gain at satellite station = GR(Max) / 30.26dBi
System Noise Temperature at satellite station = T / 27.62 dB(˚K)
Maximum Transmitting Gain at satellite station = GT(Max) / 26.74dBi
EIRP at satellite station / 43.41 dBW
Maximum Receiver Gain at user terminal = (GRMAX)Es / 0 dBi`
System Noise Temperature at user terminal = T / 24.08 dB(1/˚K)
Carrier to noise density ratio at Uplink= (C/N0)U / 70.79 dB(Hz)
Carrier to noise density ratio at Downlink= (C/N0)D / 55.18 dB(Hz)
(C/N0)Total Ratio / 55.06 dB(Hz)
Data rate / 64 Kbps
(Eb/n0) / 7.004 dB
A satellite RF communication link between user terminal is analyzed based on a simple fundamental equations by systematic approach in this paper. Ingeneral, the above procedures are applicable to LEO (Low Earth Orbit), MEO (Medium Earth Orbit),and GEO satellite systems, and also are valid in satellite and ground station since the two pointswhich communicate with each other are symmetrical in the sense of uplink and down link. The keyparameters are operating frequency (up-link and down-link), transmitter power output, antenna gain,satellite altitude, receiver noise temperature, andsystem . Other important parameters may be calculated by combiningthe key parameters.
It is very informative to estimate the overall mobile satellite communication systems. However, themore detailed analysis will be required by taking RF circuits into account.
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ISSN: 0975 –6779| NOV 09 TO OCT 10| Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 1