Scientific Name / Common Name / Misc InformationAcacia ampliceps / Sale Wattle, Jila Jila
Acacia anueura / Mulga
Acacia bivenosa / Two-Veined Acacia
Acacia cuspidfolia / Spine-Tipped Wattle
Acacia cyclops / Coatal Wattle
Acacia harpophylia / Brigalow, Spearwood
Acacia notabilis / Finders Wattle
Acacia pycnantha / AustraliaGolden Wattle / 40% tannin in bark
Acacia ramulosa / Hose Mulga
Acacia salicina / Cooba
Acacia saligna / Golden Wreath Wattle
Acacia sclerosperma / Large Seeded Cooba
Acacia sivilans / Whispering Myall
Acacia stenophylla / River Cooba
Acer negundo,
syn.Negundo aceroides / Box Elder Maple
Acer platanoides / Norway Maple
Acer pseudoplatanus / Maple
Aesculus spp / Horse Chestnuts And Buckeyes
Agave spp / One of the main food sources of Californian desert Indians; leaves source of sisal fibre. Juice for tequila.
Agonis flexuosa / Peppermint Tree / Honey
Alibizia lophantha / Crested Wattle, Spiked Acacia
Allocasuarina vericillata
Araucaria heterophylla / Norfolk Island Pine / Coastal;salt tolerant to beach front.
Arbutus unedo / Irish Strawberry Tree
Atriplex nummularia / Old Man Saltbush
Baccaris halimifolia / Groundsel Bush / Pollen in autumn.
Baccaris patagonica
Banksia ashbyi / Nectar in Spring
Banksia integrifolia / Coast Banksia / Nectar, good dark honey in autumn to winter.
Banksia marginata / Wilver Banksia
Banksia ornate
Berberis spp / Barberry / Edible fruit
Brachycome iberidifolia / Swan River Daisy / Hardy wildflower.
Brachysema lanceolata / SwanRiverPea Bush / Hardy legume.
Buddleia davidii / Butterfly Bush / Hardy.
Bursaria spinosa / Bush with summer flowers.
Buxus sempervirens / Box / Valued timber.
Callistemon viminalis / Weeping Bottlebrush / Hardy, evergreen tree.
Callitris columellaris / MurrayPine / Hardy, evergreen tree.
Callitris preissii / RottnestIslandPine / Hardy, evergreen tree.
Calocephalus brownie / Cushion Bush / Hardy, evergreen tree; salt spray resistant.
Calothamnus quadrifidus / Netbush / Hardy, evergreen tree.
Carpinus betulas / Common Hornbeam / Deciduous tree, hedge plant.
Caryopteris incana / Blue Spirea / Deciduous shrub.
Castanea spp / Chestnut
Casuarina cristata / Black Sheoak
Casuarina cunninghamiana / River Sheoak
Casuarina humulis / Hardy, evergreen tree; salt spray resistant.
Ceanothus spp / Shrubs; Ceanothus americanus as a wash for skin cancers and tea substitute.
Cedtus atlantica / Mt.Atlas Cedar
Ceratonia siliqua / Carob
Chamelaucium uncinatum / Geraldton Wax / Salt tolerant, evergreen shrub.
Choisya spp
Chrysanthemum frutescens / Marguerite / Evergreen shrub.
Cistus spp / Rock Rose And Sun Rose / Evergreen shrubs; masses of flowers
Clianthus formosus / Sturt’s Desert Pea
Colophospermum mopane / Mopane
Cornus mas / Cornelian Cherry / Deciduous tree with edible fruit
Correa alba / Hardy, evergreen shrub; salt tolerant; leaves a tea substitute.
Correa decumbens / Hardy, evergreen shrub
Correa mannii
Cortaderia selloana / Pampas Grass
Cotoneaster spp / Evergreen and deciduous shrubs; poultry forage, honey.
Crataegus cordata / WashingtonThorn / A close relative to common hawthorn, growing to 6-10 m. Prefers a cool climate and is frost hardy. The scarlet berries persist into winter, and the foliage turns red in autumn.
Crataegus oxyacantha / English Hawthorn / Honey; berries as poultry feed; seedlings are woven to form hedge.
Derris indica / Indian Beech
Deutzia spp / Hardy, deciduous shrubs.
Diplolaena spp / Hardy, evergreen shrub; somewhat salt tolerant.
Echium candicans / Pride Of Madeira / Evergreen bush; good honey and flowers in winter and spring.
Elaeagnus angustifolia / Bohemian Olive, Russian Olive, Trebizond Date, Oleaster
Epacris impressa / Common White Health / Evergreen shrub.
Eremophila glabra / Tarbush / Hardy, evergreen shrub
Eremophila longifolia / Berrigan / Hardy, evergreen shrub; Australian Aboriginal cure for colds and sores.
Eremophila oppositifolia / Twin-Leaf Emu Bush / Hardy, evergreen bush.
Eremophila santalina
Escallonia spp / Hardy, evergreen shrubs and trees of South America.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Eucalyptus citridora
Eucalyptus diversifolia
Eucalyptus erythrocorys
Eucalyptus gomphocephala
Eucalyptus lansdowneana
Eucalyptus leucoxylon
Eucalyptus nutans
Eucalyptus occidentalis / Swamp Yate
Eucalyptus platypus
Eucalyptus spathulata
Eucalyptus torquata
Eucalyptus woodwardii
Eunymus spp / Fruits and seeds used for food colouring.
Fagus sylvatica / Common Beech, European Beech
Forsythia spp / Frost resistant, evergreen shrubs from China.
Fraxinus excelsior / European Ash / Frost resistant, deciduous, spreading tree (to 40m tall); winged fruits pickled; leaves used to adulterate tea; edible manna.
Fraxinus ornus / Manna Ash / Frost resistant, decidous spreading tree (to 16m tall).
Fuchsia spp / Ornamental; edible flowers and fruit.
Garrya spp / Evergreen shrubs, leathery leaves, suit coastal exposure.
Gleditsia triacanthos / Honey Locust
Grevillea ilicifolia / Holly Grevillea / Frost resistant, evergreen shrub; honey; wildflowers.
Grevillea leucopteris / Plume Grevillea / Hardy, evergreen shrub; honey; wildflowers
Grevillea pauciflora / Frost resistant, evergreen shrub; honey; wildflowers.
Grevillea vestita / Hardy, evergreen shrub.
Hakea suaveolens / Hardy, evergreen shrub; honey; wildflowers.
Hebe spp / Frost resistant, evergreen shrub.
Hedysarum carnosum / Fleshy Sulla
Hedysarum coronarium / Sulla
Heliathemum spp / Rock Rose / Herb is astringent, tonic.emetic.
Hibiscus spp / Many species provide food.
Hypericum spp / Large genus; some medicinal and food uses.
Inga edulis / Pacay, Ice Cream Bean
Juniperus communis / Juniper
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