Chairman Clerk to the Council
Mr M Roberts Mr P Howson
Rowan Trevellion
Tregoney Hill School Hill
Mevagissey Mevagissey
PL26 6RF PL26 6TH
01726 842267 07570 832669
To all members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor,
You are summoned to attend the next meeting.
It will be held at the Mevagissey Activity Centre on Thursday, 17 November 2016, starting at 7pm.
The order of business is given below.
Yours faithfully
PJ Howson
Clerk to the Council
1. To receive Apologies.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest and Gifts.
3. To receive the Police Report.
4. Introduction to members of the new interim head teacher of Mevagissey CP School by the Chair of Governors.
5. Public participation.
6. To accept the minutes of the meeting held on 20 October 2016.
7. To receive the Clerk’s report.
8. To receive the Ward Member's report.
9. To receive Correspondence.
10. To consider Planning and Licensing Applications.
10a. PA16/09155 : Proposed erection of a dwelling and detached garage. Land North Of 22 Portmellon Park Portmellon Park Mevagissey Cornwall PL26 6XD.
10b. PA16/09786 : Change of use from A1(retail) to A3, A5 and A1 to continue use as a gift shop and to add use as a cafe and takeaway. The Candy Shop East Wharf Mevagissey PL26 6QQ.
10c. PA16/09249 : Construction of raised decking outside kitchen window on west elevation between house and cliff face with wood-effect plastic decking and a glass and chrome rail to match existing Juliet balconies, new access door from existing landing. 2 Bosuns House Little Meva East Wharf Mevagissey PL26 6QQ.
10d. PA16/02537/PREAPP : Pre application advice for new build low energy architect designed 5 bedroom dwelling. Former Seapoint Hotel Battery Terrace Mevagissey Cornwall PL26 6QS. Review of site meeting on 4 November.
10e. PA16/10188 : Submission of details to discharge conditions 3 and 7 in respect of decision notice PA13/10126.
Land At Polkirt Hill Mevagissey Cornwall PL26 6UX (NOTE: this is not a consultation).
10f. PA16/02892/PREAPP : Pre application advice for proposed re-furbishment, subdivision and development of the existing building into a mixed use development of commercial and residential. 24 Fore Street Mevagissey St Austell Cornwall PL26 6UQ (NOTE: this is not a consultation).
10g. The following Planning Applications have been Approved (included for information only):
· PA16/08593 : Proposed extensions and balcony. East Paddock School Hill.
11. To approve the monthly finances.
Bills to Pay / Salaries / £ / 647.38Envelopes & postage / £ / 10.43
HMRC (Income Tax & NIC) / £ / 207.67
Tanya's Courage Trust (grant) / £ / 100.00
Memorial wreath plus donation to Poppy Appeal / £ / 75.00
Valley Rd. PC electricity supply 01/04/16-01/10/16 / £ / 275.23
Valley Rd. PC water charge Otober 2016 / £ / 263.24
TOTAL / £ / 1,578.95
Accounts / Amount available to spend as of last meeting / £ / 58,763.03
Expenditure last month / £ / 3,293.33
Unpresented cheques / £ / 360.00
Balance (money in bank) / £ / 55,829.70
Available to spend / £ / 55,469.70
Bank Statements (01/11/2016):
Current Account / £ / 455.41
Deposit Account / £ / 55,374.29
TOTAL / £ / 55,829.70
12. To agree the Budget and set the Precept for Financial Year 2017/18.
13. To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Development Plan (Cllr. Shephard).
14. To receive an update from the Affordable Homes Working Group (Cllr. Florence).
15. To review issues arising from the operation of the Valley Road public toilets, including review of the existing service management contract (Cllr. Facey).
16. To approve spend on improvements to public rescue equipment at Portmellon (Cllr. Facey).
17. To receive Cllr. Whatty’s report to inform a decision on developing a twinning relationship with La Roche Bernard.
18. To review the effectiveness of existing yellow line parking restrictions.
19. To agree a policy for handling applications for charitable donations.
20. To respond to Cornwall Council’s review of Service Level Agreements.
21. To consider the inclusion of a Cornwall stage in the Tour of Britain cycling race in 2019 or 2020.
22. To consider signing up to the new Pre-Application Planning Protocol developed by the Cornwall Planning Partnership and Cornwall Council.
23. To consider the proposed closure of the Mevagissey branch of Lloyds Bank.
24. Date of next meeting: 15 December 2016.
NOTE: The meeting will include an opportunity for members of the public to make representations and give evidence on any item appearing on this agenda. No member of the public may speak for longer than three minutes. The meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.