Military Family Resource Centre Governance Working Group
Summary of Discussion Meeting #4
The fourth meeting of the Working Group, a teleconference, was held 24 May1300-1500. In attendance were: Col D Harris, Director of Military Family Services and co-coordinator for the Working Group;Mrs K Corbould, MFRC Board of Directors Chair and co-coordinator for the Working Group; Ms L Ogilvie, Director of Family Services and Working Group secretary; Mrs K Vance, military family representative; Ms M Blanchet, MFRC Board of Directors Chair; Ms A Gilmore, CAF/VAC family representative; Col J.S Dubois, CA representative; LCol MR Setter, SOFCOM representative; CWO JEP Richer, CFMWS representative.
Regrets:Ms A De Araujo Viana, an observer from the CAF Ombudsman; Col H Thorne-Albright, RCAF representative; Capt(N) C Sutherland, RCN representative
Guests: Kim Hetherington, Governance Working Group Consultant; and Lynda Manser, Senior Manager MFS
The Coordinators opened the meeting by welcoming the participants and thanking group members for the work done to date.
Kim Hetherington, who was contracted by the Governance Working Group to conduct the community site visits and subject matter interviews (as per the work plan), presented findings and trends from the community conversations with the 22sites visited to date, either in person of by teleconference. By the end of June all MFRCs will have an opportunity to provide input with the exception of those who have not yet confirmed participation.
Preliminarily, findings have suggested the continued need for: flexibility of MFRCs to adapt to local needs allowing them to be responsive; charitable and non-profit status to allow for additional funding; arms-length relationship with the chain of command to promote a partnership which benefits the work environment; and 51% family membership on the Board of Directors. Challenges facing MFRCs include: retention of board members due to postings and training;Board members with personal agendas; maintaining51% board member participation from families; and Board members who lack technical skills (i.e. Treasurer).
The Working Group then engaged in a discussion about the relationship between the MFRC and the COC and the need for the new model to clearly define and address that relationship.
A final report of the community conversation findingswill be produced for the Working Group by mid-Summer. It was noted that all voices must be heard through the consultation process (i.e. through using webinar technology).
Lynda Manser, Senior Manager MFS, Resilience and Engagement, presented preliminary results of the MFRC / PSP Community Needs Assessment survey. While the survey results are not yet final, they do demonstrate a general overview of the needs of military families, which will ultimately drive considerations for MFRC governance.
At the third Governance Working Group meeting, the Group requested that an overview of MFRC programs, including an inventory, which was prepared and presented. The Group noted program consistency, or lack thereof, as an issue. The Group discussed the need to validate the document as a means of informing military families of the quality and availability of services. MFSP program standardization and consistency was further discussed, noting that military leaders assume standardization of all MFRCsand their services which in reality is incorrect.
During the open discussion, it was reiterated by the Co-ordinators that CMPC wants the current governance model to be considered as one of the 5 model options. A brief discussion took place about whether the Boards and Executive Directors would be provided all five models prior to the September meeting, with the decision deferred to meeting #5 (when the 5 models will be developed).
The Co-Coordinators concluded the meeting by thanking all members for their participation. The next meeting is scheduled as an in-person meeting on 5 June 2017 1100-1300 hrs (EST) at 4210 Labelle Street Ottawa ON.