Henry Scadin Diaries
Friday, January 1
Been quite warm all day.
Did considerable photo printing.
Went to Sapphire for the mail this afternoon.
There are forest fires in the mountains about.
Saturday, Jan. 2
Quite warm today and we had showers of rain. Had Mr. Dave Miller help me saw up some more wood this forenoon. Tried some photos of ourselves and tinkered the organ this afternoon. It is cooler and clearing off tonight.
Sunday, Jan. 3
Ther.: 12+, 22+, 18+
There was a very hard wind and it grew cold during last night. I had some fence to put up today. Dewey has a very hard cough. I called at Burlingames this evening. It has been clear all day, but is hazing up like a coming snow storm tonight.
Monday, Jan. 4
Ther.: 13+, 24+, 16+
It looked stormy this morning but cleared up by noon and is cold tonight. Spent most of the day in sawing wood having Mr. Miller help me. Dewey has seemed better today but still has a hard cough.
Tuesday, Jan. 5
Ther.: 13+, 32+, 20+
Real cold yet.
Sawed wood all the forenoon.
Did some printing of photos this afternoon.
Dewey much better of his cough.
Wednesday, Jan. 6
It has been a very nice day.
I went to Sapphire this forenoon to do errands and Kate went there to make calls this afternoon. I did considerable printing of photos and helped Mr. Miller saw up rail cuts.
Thursday, Jan. 7
Ther.: 32+, 44+, 34+
Been a moderate winter day. I finished a batch of photos.
Sensitized 50 postal cards tonight.
Friday, Jan. 8
Ther.: 32+
Heavy wind all today. I printed somines postal cards and fixed up some of the photos made yesterday. We had callers from the hotel this afternoon. Went over to Sapphire for the mail this evening.
Saturday, Jan. 9
Been quite moderate all day.
I finished a large batch of photos today.
Had a letter from Will tonight. He is collecting taxes now, and is very busy.
Sunday, Jan. 10
It has been misty all day, so none of us have been off the place.
Wrote a number of letters and did some reading.
Monday, Jan. 11
Squalls of rain today, but considerable sunshine also.
Went over to Sapphire this afternoon.
Team brought over our groceries this morning.
Growing cooler tonight.
Tuesday, Jan. 12
Been raw, chilly and damp all day, and snow is falling tonight. I finished pruning my grape vines and also pruned Hiram's. Went over town again this afternoon.
Wednesday, Jan. 13
Ther.: 24+
The ground was white with snow this morning. I took my camera and went over into the Bohana settlement to try for a snow capped mountain view. I also tried a photo of an old grist mill. It snowed again some this afternoon and is pretty cold tonight.
Thursday, Jan. 14
Ther.: 12+, 24+
It was cold and wintry this morning. Split some wood and kept up fire this forenoon. Spent a good share of the afternoon at Sapphire showing views at the hotel.
Friday, Jan. 15
Ther.: 24+, 44+
It grew much warmer today. I went with Dave Miller to pace off some land we talk of setting out to apple trees next spring. We sawed wood up here this afternoon. Mr. Beaty called here this afternoon.
Saturday, Jan. 16
Quite warm all day and quite a shower of rain during middle of the day. I worked in the shop making Cyko prints and developing plates and films. Walked over to Sapphire this evening for the mail but Mr. Neely brought it while I was away.
It has cleared off tonight.
Sunday, Jan. 17
Ther.: 28+
Been a bright and pleasant day. We all took a walk over to the peach orchard this afternoon. All trees look well and we hope for lots of fruit next summer. Kate and Dewey called at Burlingames this forenoon and found Alfred sick. Ed Raines called here this afternoon.
Monday, Jan. 18
Very nice day. Helped Kate do the washing this forenoon. Did some photo printing.
Went over to Sapphire to mail letters this afternoon. Dewey has been playing out of doors most all day.
Tuesday, Jan. 19
Ther.: 18+, 34+
It was cold this morning and very chilly all day. Did some printing and made some Cyko prints this afternoon. It has turned warmer and it cloudy tonight. The folks made some molassess candy tonight.
Wednesday, Jan. 20
It has been a mild day and threatening to rain but the sun shone some during the middle of the day. I went to Sapphire this morning for oil and the mail. Finished a lot of photos this afternoon. Mr. Miller joined the new fence to the old today and will now go to repairing all the old.
Thursday, Jan. 21
Another mild day and coming on rainy tonight. I salted plain paper today. Went to Sapphire this afternoon to take mail, Kate sending off some leaves to friends.
Friday, Jan. 22
It rained hard during last night and showered a good deal all today. I continued salting my plain paper. We are getting more hens eggs now than for some time.
Saturday, Jan. 23
Ther.: 32+, 26+
Cooler today and growing cold tonight. Finished salting paper for this lot this morning. Went to Sapphire this afternoon for the mail. Mr. Dave Miller is still working on fence building for me.
Sunday, Jan. 24
Ther.: 18+, 36+, 30+
It was cold this morning. The wind blew hard all last night. We all stayed at home all day, which has been bright.
Monday, Jan. 25
Ther.: 26+
Milder today and been very pleasant. Mr. Miller and I cut the big poplar by the spring this morning and hae worked all day cutting it up. A couple of ladies from the hotel called here about noon. Alfred Miller brought me 3 bushells of corn this afternoon.
Tuesday, Jan. 26
We had quite a snow squall this forenoon but it was so warm it all melted. I wheeled up some wood and cut up a lot of kindling. Fixed up Mrs. Smith's album of views and took it to her this afternoon. It is growing colder tonight.
Wednesday, Jan. 27
Ther.: 18+
It was cold and clear this morning so I got ready and started for Highlands about 9 o'clock. I took dinner at Thomas Grimshawe's and got to Highlands about 6 o'clock this evening. I am stopping at the Central House. Called on Mr. Davis and The Bascom's this evening.
Thursday, Jan. 28
Was surprised when I got up this morning to find the ground white and snow falling fast. There was over 8 inches fall reported. I visited Prof. Harbison this forenoon and talked fruit growing. Called at Whites and Smiths this afternoon. It has turned to a mist and may rain or else turn cold by tomorrow. Settled with Russell, my view agent here this evening.
Friday, Jan. 29
Ther.: 18+
I left Highlands this morning and plowed through the snow all the way home. It was a tough walk. Found the folds all well. It is cold tonight, and I am glad I am home.
Saturday, Jan. 30
Ther.: 16+, 34+
Real cold this morning. Had to help Dewey start his sled sliding this morning, and he has been out playing most of the day. The Miller children came up to slide with him this afternoon. Had a letter from ma this evening, and it was very cold again up there.
Sunday, Jan. 31
Ther.: 18+, 40+, 32+
Moderated some today. We stayed very close to the house all day, reading and writing.
There was a little snow squall tonight, then it cleared off bright.
Monday, February 1
Ther.: 15+, 20+, 15+
It turned cold and very blustering this morning and has been the coldest day of this winter so far. Dave Miller and I sawed wood this forenoon. We burn lots of wood when it is so cold. I went to Sapphire this afternoon to mail letters. The wind went down and it is clear and beautiful tonight.
Tuesday, Feb. 2
Ther.: 25+, 40+, 34+
It turned warmer this morning and thawed the snow considerably. Tonight it is drizzling rain. Sawed wood most of the day. The children did more sliding down hill.
Wednesday, Feb. 3
Ther.: 22+, 40+, 30+
Pretty cold this morning again, but it has been pleasant all day and quite warm in the sun. I went to Sapphire this afternoon to get oil and mail letters. Found case of condensed milk at store and Mr. Burlingame hauled it home for me.
Thursday, Feb. 4
Ther.: 26+, 34+
Very pleasant day. I began work on "Photo Sketches", and ran off a batch of them. The snow melted considerable this afternoon.
The folks visited at Burlingames this afternoon.
Friday, Feb. 5
Ther.: 48+
Quite warm all day and thawing fast, snow gone on south slopes. Threatening rain this afternoon and tonight. I made another batch of "Photo Sketches". Mrs. Cheatham called here this afternoon. D. Miller did not come to work today.
Saturday, Feb. 6
Been cloudy, muggy and misty all day.
Went to Sapphire this afternoon to get the mail. Ed. Raines and the Dr. have just gotten a private telegraph line and I helped them practice a little. Had a surprise in getting a letter from cousin Alice Spoor Siver, of Owoso, Michigan.
Sunday, Feb. 7
Rained all last night and most of today. Read the papers and wrote letters.
It has quit raining this evening.
There was some sharp lightning and thunder this afternoon.
Monday, Feb. 8
Ther.: 38+
Been a mild and beautiful day.
I helped about the washing and then went at photo printing. Went over to Sapphire this afternoon to mail letters.
Tuesday, Feb. 9
Got up early this morning and walking over to Grimshawe's in Whiteside Cove, where I made some views and took dinner. Came back home this afternoon getting home just at dark. Am pretty tired. It looks some stormy tonight.
Wednesday, Feb. 10
Ther.: 26+
Rainy and misty all day, and freezing at the same time. Tonight it has turned quite cold. I developed my exposed plates and films this forenoon. Took a lot of views over to Sapphire this afternoon and did pretty well selling them.
Thursday, Feb. 11
Ther.: 24+, 32+, 32+
There was wonderful frost work on trees and bushes this morning and most of it stayed on all day. I tried making some photos of it. A Mr. and Mrs. Mellor called here this forenoon. Lizzie and Mable Burgess spent the day with Nellie. I finished a batch of platino prints. It has been foggy about all day.
Friday, Feb. 12
Ther.: 20+, 31+, 28+
Pretty cold this morning and chilly all day. Worked in the shop about all day fixing up negatives and making some Cyko prints. Went over to Sapphire tonight by lantern light. Daisy Burlingame was here at supper tonight.
Saturday, Feb. 13
Ther.: 18+, 34+, 25+
Been rather a raw, chilly day. I made up a batch of Photo Sketches. Nellie went over after the mail this afternoon.
Sunday, Feb. 14
Ther.: 42+
Been moderating and threatening to storm all day. It is raining gently tonight. I went with Dewey down to a place below our Glen where a prospect hole is being dug to find Corunduen.
Monday, Feb. 15
Ther.: 26+, 28+
Right cool again today. Wrote letters did up photos to mail and spent time on getting ready for my Tryon trip.
Went over to Sapphire this afternoon.
Tuesday, Feb. 16
Ther.: 38+, 26+
It was pretty cold and some cloudy this forenoon. I had Dave Miller help me saw and get up wood and kindling today. Did more getting ready for trip to Tryon.
Wednesday, Feb. 17
Ther.: 22+, 34+, 26+
Raw day and looked like snow again. Mr. Dave Miller brought us a barrel of flour from the store this afternoon. Spent the day in choring about getting ready to go on my trip to Tryon.
Thursday, Feb. 18
Ther.: 22+
Left home this morning at daylight. Mr. Dave Miller brought me to the Lake Toxaway Station in his buggy. I left the folks all right, but I always dread leaving them alone at all. On reaching Tryon I hunted up Mr. Marshall's folks and am staying with them.
Friday, Feb. 19
It began raining during last night and showered a good share of today. This afternoon I took my camera and went out to Lynn and around Tryon some to try and get some views. Tonight the wind is blowing and it is turning cool.
Saturday, Feb. 20
I started this morning and footed out by Lynn to Columbus the county seat, and then up the Tryon Mountain to Skunkawakan Falls and up to the "Park" where I called on Mr. Ludlum and Mrs. Harris. We had dinner at the Log Cabin Inn and walked to scenic points on the mountain and then I came back by Skyuka. It was a long walk and not a good time for view taking.
Sunday, Feb. 21
It has been a stormy day. I wrote to ma and Kate and then posted them and walked out to the Conners, where I have spent a pleasant day and am staying all night. I fear there has been snow up home.
Monday, Feb. 22
A legal holliday but I worked hard all the same. Came back to town from Valhalla, got my camera and went to the waterfalls near Melrose. The wind blew very hard and bothered me greatly. The rain kept up till this morning.
Tuesday, Feb. 23
Very pleasant all day and I have made a number of exposures. Took dinner with Mr. Keenan and had a very nice time. Met some folks there from Vermont and their talk made me wish to see that country. Had letters from Kate and ma today.
Wednesday, Feb. 24
I did whole lots of walking and view taking today, going to the Mimosa Inn and Lynn. Made views at the Hossiry mill also. Came to Mr. Howes for supper and am staying at the Connors for the night.
Thursday, Feb. 25
Mr. Connor took me to the foot of Tryon Mountain this morning and then I footed it up the mountain to make views. The wind blew so hard I could do little that I wished to in the forenoon. I took dinner with Mrs. Harris and Mr. Ludlum. Came back to Mr. Conner's tonight by a new route down the mountain.