Meeting Minutes

WashingtonState Chapter CEFPI

Board of Directors Meeting

MARCH 8, 2006


Debbie Fulton, President

Sharon Kennedy, President-Elect

Nancy Josephson, Treasurer

Michael McGavock, Secretary

Bill Chaput, Past-President

Kelley Tanner, Board Member At-Large

Brian Carter, Board Member At-Large

Ralph Saxton, President, Pacific NW Region

Gretchen DeDecker, PNW Region Membership Chair

Cheri Hendricks, Governor, Pacific NW Region

Merle Kirkley,At-Large Representative, CEFPI International Board

The meeting took place at the offices of Saxton Bradley.


A. President Debbie Fulton called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m.


  1. January 4, 2006 minutes were approved with the following corrections:Sharon, Brian and Jack were not in attendance.


  1. Treasurer’s Report dated 2-28-06 was prepared and presented by Nancy Josephsonand approved.
    Dinner revenue discussion: Completed credit card forms should be submitted to CEFPI International HQ for processing. There is approximately $800 in anticipated revenue from credit card purchases at the first two meetings and should be recorded as accounts receivable on the budget report. Reduce amount for fees. Our revenue for meetings has improved with the late fee;and RSVPs have improved.
    Deposits for the conference should be broken down into the following categories: 1) sponsorships, 2) industry partners, 3) architectural exhibits and eventually 4) conference registrations when received from CEFPI International HQ. Expenses should be similarly broken down. Quicken files for previous state conferences should already be arranged this way.
    Annual budget report was submitted to CEFPI International HQ.
  2. Membership Report: Reviewed the list of members who did not renew. Improvements in reporting to chapters are in the works. No updates from International HQ.
  3. Communications Report was prepared and presented by Gretchen DeDecker. The winter newsletter was the best ever. The chapter will be going to a different printer. We may look for a sponsorship for the printing.May newsletter should go out before the conference to promote awareness of the June meeting.
  4. SFAB: No report.
  5. Conference Committee:
    2006 Regional Conference – Ralph (no report, the Conference Committee met immediately before the Board meeting)
    2007 State Conference –No update.
  6. Election of Officers – Bill advised us that one person has volunteered to serve. Nominations are open until April 15. At large members agreed to continue for one more year. Consider staggering terms of at-large members to create a consistent rotation.


  1. Regional Awards: President, Past-president and District Governor submit award recipients for awards. International instigates the process with a letter from Tom Kube. There is a similar State Award committee chaired by Guy Overman.
  2. EPA Tools for Schools: A chapter member asked that the Region sponsor a workshop at the upcoming conference on the EPA Tools for Schools training kit for indoor air quality. EPA director, Michelle Grenary is interested in sponsoring a workshop in this state. The Board recommended that the workshop idea be transferred to WOMOA because Tools for Schools is more maintenance oriented, CEFPI is more design oriented.
  3. Cascadia Chapter USGBC is requesting CEFPI sponsorship of presentation/workshop regarding applying for volunteer projects and other subjects. Board declined.
  4. June 6th dinner meeting will be at the Museum of Flight in Everett. The event will have a net cost of approx. $1,500 for this special meeting; the board approved. Sharon to contact Wyn Bielaska who was the design architect. Wyn will work out the relationship with managing architect in terms of the presentation.
  5. June retreat: Sharon will set it up. Proposed dates are June 14, 15 or 16 at the Saxton “compound” if available. Sharon and Ralph to coordinate.
  6. Proposed Health Department rules for primary and secondary schools: There are many controversial rules, procedures and recommendation that will affect the reach of the Dept. ofHealth. Concerns raised in board dialog at the meeting: 1) creates a prescriptive set of rules that limit design ability to achieve the same ends while simultaneously considering other issues, 2) qualifications of health officials to review prescriptions and recommendations, 3) these proposed rules take the WSS protocols to another level. Board members should take the opportunity to review and comment on the website that is available to collect comments. Bill emailed a notification to all board members. After the comment period is closedon March 31st, so is the process for influencing the adoption of any new rules. Debbie volunteered to draft a letter for the CEFPI board to adopt, with more specific comments left to Districts to contribute. Need coordination with other organizations involved with SFAB. Should look into the RCW to review the authority of the Department of Health.


  1. “We Love our School” video program: Board reviewed the 4 entries.
  2. Spring Tour of Schools: A flier for the April 7 Tour of Schools to go out ASAP. Bill will take care of producing and mailing the tour fliers. Gretchen will take care of finding a printer. The committee (Bill, Brian & Gretchen) will arrange sponsorships and travel arrangements.


  1. Debbie Fulton adjourned the meeting at 5:47pm. to review the videos for the “We Love Our School” award program.
  2. The video entered by Sanislo Elementary was given an Honorable Mention with a $500 award. The other three entries were either over the time limit or arrived after the deadline. Debbie will be sending letters to all of the 4 entrants with news of the committees decision. The Board will review the future of the “We Love Our School” award program at the next retreat.

Respectfully submitted by Michael McGavock