United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

African Centre for Statistics



2010 Survey

This is an important questionnaire that aims to collect information on the implementation of the Reference Regional Strategic Framework for Statistical Capacity Building in Africa (RRSF). The information will be used to compile the African Statistical Development Index (ASDI) that will be used to monitor countries’ and the continent’s progress in statistical development.

It will, therefore, be appreciated if you would take time to fill the questionnaire to the best of your knowledge.

Country: ______


A. Design and implementation of a National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS)

  1. Has your country designed a NSDS?

Yes No

  1. If yes, when was it designed? Year
  1. If no, does the country have a statistical plan other than the NSDS?

Yes No

  1. If your country has designed a NSDS (Please tick as many boxes as applicable)

The design of the NSDS was participatory and inclusive (process involved multi-stakeholder consultations: government ministries and bodies, private sector, civil society, academia/researchers etc.).

The NSDS design process was in line with international guidelines (PARIS21 principles and guidelines)

The NSDS is comprehensive and coherent (covers the entire National Statistical System (NSS) and all sectors).

The NSDS has been officially adopted by the government.

Has started implementing the NSDS since .

  1. Is statistics mainstreamed into your national development plans (PRSP and/or other development plan)? (Please tick as many boxes as applicable)

No mention of statistics in the entire plan.

Statistics appears only in the monitoring and evaluation section of the plan.

In addition to the monitoring and evaluation section, some chapters have a statistical component including the related budget.

There is a separate chapter (section) on statistics including the associated budget aimed at meeting data requirements to implement the whole development plan.

Each section of the plan has its own statistics component and associated budget (e.g. the gender component deals also with how to collect the required information to provide gender statistics in support of gender policies).

B. Advocacy for statistical development

  1. Does your country celebrate the African Statistical Day (ASD)? (Please tick only one box.)

Noyes, a day yes, a week

  1. During the latest ASD celebrations, was the government represented? (Please tick only one box for the highest level of representation.)

No Permanent Secretary Deputy Minister Minister Prime Minister President

  1. Does the National Statistical Office (NSO) organize meetings with decision-makers and members of Parliament for statistical advocacy? If yes, at which frequency? (Please tick only one box.)

No 1 per year 2 per year3 per year4 and more per year

C. Legal and regulatory framework

  1. This question relates to the statistical legislation of your country. (Please tick as many boxes as applicable)

The country has a Statistics Act.

The Act has been reviewed and updated during the NSDS design process.

The Act is in line with the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics.

The Act covers the entire National Statistical System (NSS).

The Act has provision for a central role to be played by the NSO in the NSS (coordination role).

The NSO has enough authority to enforce application of international and national standards across the NSS.

D. Position of the National Statistical Office in the National Statistical System

  1. Is the NSO the coordinator of the NSS? (Please tick only one box)

No co-coordinates with other bodies coordinate the entire NSS

  1. What is the grade of the Head of the NSO in the country’s public service? (The first being Minister) (Please tick only one box)

Fifth or less Fourth Third Second First

E. Foster coordination, collaboration and partnership

  1. Does the NSS have coordination committee (s)? If yes, what is the frequency of their meetings? (Please tick only one box)

Name of Committee

Frequency of meetings

No 1 per year 2 per year3 per year4 and more per year

Name of Committee

Frequency of meetings

No 1 per year 2 per year3 per year4 and more per year

Name of Committee

Frequency of meetings

No 1 per year 2 per year3 per year4 and more per year

Name of Committee

Frequency of meetings

No 1 per year 2 per year3 per year4 and more per year

F. Monitoring of statistical development

  1. Does the NSO produce regular reports on statistical development? If yes, at which frequency? (Please tick only one box)

No 1 per year 2 per year4 per yearMore than 4 per year

  1. For who are the reports prepared? (Please tick as appropriate)

Ministry Statistics Council/Board Development partners


A. User needs assessment

  1. Does the NSS have a mechanism to assess the needs of data users? If yes, at which frequency? (Please tick only one box)

No 1 per year 2 per year3 per year4 and more per year

  1. Does the NSO organize meetings with the inter-ministerial committee to assess the needs of different ministries? If yes, at which frequency? (Please tick only one box)

No 1 per year 2 per year3 per year4 and more per year

B. Data development

  1. Has your country conducted a Population and Housing Census (PHC) during the following rounds (ten year periods. The current one (2010 round) runs from 2005 to 2014)? (Please tick as many boxes as applicable)

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

  1. Does the NSO have and update a business register? If yes, at which frequency is the update done? (Please tick only one box)

No 1 per year 2 per year3 per year4 and more per year

  1. Does the NSO conduct sample surveys covering small enterprises in informal sector at frequent intervals? If yes, at which frequency? (Please tick only one box)

No 1 per year 2 per year3 per year4 and more per year

  1. Does the NSO have and update a Master Sample? If yes, at which frequency? (Please tick only one box)

No 1 per year 2 per year3 per year4 and more per year

  1. Which system of the National account is the NSO implementing?

None 1968 SNA 1993 SNA 2008 SNA

C. Harnessing information and communication technologies

  1. Does the NSO have a separate information and communication division? If yes, what is the staffing of the unit/division? (Please tick only one box)

No less than 3 staff between 3 and 5 between 6 and 10 More than 10

  1. Does the NSO have its own website? If yes, how often is it updated? (Please tick only one box)

No yearly twice a year quarterly Monthly

  1. How many computers does the NSO have?
  1. Are these computers networked?

Yes No

  1. Does the NSO have a centralized database?

Yes No

  1. Does the NSO have an IT policy?

Yes No

D. Data analysis

  1. Does the NSO have a research and/or analysis unit/division? If yes, what is the staffing of the unit/division? (Please tick only one box)

No less than 3 staff between 3 and 5 between 6 and 10 More than 10

  1. What is the number of analytical publications produced by the NSO per year? (Please tick only one box)

No publication less than 5 between 5 and 10 between 11 and 20 More than 20

  1. Does the NSO produce analytical publications in collaboration with line ministries and/or research institutions? If yes, on average how many per year? (Please tick only one box)

No publication less than 5 between 5 and 10 between 11 and 20 More than 20


  1. Does the NSO have a unit/department in charge of communication? If yes, what is the staffing of the unit/division? (Please tick only one box)

No less than 3 staff between 3 and 5 between 6 and 10

More than 10

  1. Has the NSO subscribed to the General Data Dissemination System (GDDS)?


  1. The NSO: (Please tick as many boxes as applicable)

Produces a calendar of data dissemination in advance.

Disseminates micro data subject to confidentiality.

Disseminates geographically disaggregated data.

Disseminates gender statistics.

Disseminates data using CD Roms, websites and/or press communiqué.

Ensures coherence of data from different sources in the NSS (keeps a harmonized database for the NSS).

  1. Does the NSO collect and update data on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Indicators? If yes, at which frequency? (Please tick only one box)

No 1 a year twice a yearquarterly Monthly


  1. Please indicate the number of staff of the NSO per category and sex

Professional statisticians

Males Females Total

Economists/ IT and other professionals

Males Females Total

Support staff

Males Females Total

Total staff of the NSO

Males Females Overall total

  1. Does the NSO have a training centre/unit? If yes, what is the staffing of the training centre/unit? (Please tick only one box)

No less than 3 staff between 3 and 5 between 6 and 10 More than 10

  1. Does the NSO organize training of its staff? If yes, how frequently? (Please tick only one box)

No yearly twice a year quarterly Monthly

  1. With respect to training: (Please tick as many boxes as applicable)

The NSO has a human resources development plan.

The Government provides scholarships for students in statistics in national statistical training centres/universities.

The Government provides scholarships for students in statistics to attend regional schools and universities.

NSO staff have been trained on national, sub regional, and international development plans (NEPAD, PRSP, MDG etc.).

NSO staffs have been trained on national, sub regional, and international statistical development frameworks (NSDS, RRSF, MAPS etc.).


  1. Proportion of the statistical budget financed by the Government

Proportion: %

  1. Proportion of the budget of the last Population and Housing Census financed by the Government

Proportion: %

  1. On average, the gap between Government commitment and effective disbursement in support of statistics is around (with 0% meaning all commitments are met)

More than 90% 71-90% 31-70% 11-30% 1-10% 0%

  1. With respect to funding:

The government is committed to assign to statistics enough and sustainable financial resources.

The budget of national development plans (PRSP and others) include a statistical component.

5. The delay between the Government commitment and disbursement of funds is

No delay


Detrimental to the implementation of NSO’s activities

Thank you very much for your usual cooperation