QEP Team Meeting
Attended (via SPOC): David Monroe, Ashley Caron, Tim Godcharles, Janice Thiel
Next meetings: September 5, and October 3, 11:30-12:30
All College Day presentations – Ashley/Dave’s has been accepted. Janice will follow-up with Matt about his.
I) Assessment
A) QEP Impact Report Timeline
1) July 31 – Janice, Ashley, and Gail Lancaster working meeting
2) August 6 – working meeting or touch-base?
3) August 13 – working meeting or touch-base?
4) August 17 – Gail Lancaster review and edit draft
5) August 20 – working meeting or touch-base?
6) August 24 – Final draft emailed to QEC members to review prior to QEC Meeting
7) August 27 – working meeting or touch-base?
8) August 31 – Final draft presented/discussed at QEC Meeting
B) Critical Thinking Assessment Test
1) Vet Tech CATs – Ashley will forward to Tennessee Tech as soon as she writes session report.
C) Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC)
1) Fall administration
(a) PHI 1600 Ethics sections selection – Ashley pulled the list from PeopleSoft and will send it to Dave to confirm. Ashley will then make a random selection, excluding faculty who administered last semester.
(b) Dave will notify selected faculty.
(c) ARC will be discussed at the Ethics faculty meeting on August 16, 1:30-3:30, DO - 134
(d) Janice will send email to selected faculty.
(e) Scoring workshop – Friday, November 9, 2012, 8:00-5:00 p.m., EpiCenter - 1-324
D) SACS Working Group
1) Next meetings are scheduled for:
(a) Thursday, August 30, 2:00-3:00
(b) Wednesday, September 26, 3:30-4:30
II) Student Success
A) Classroom Activities
B) Rubrics
C) ePortfolio
D) Student Activities
1) Great Debate 2012
(a) Ashley has compiled notes, and will write a report from the audience poll and student survey.
2) Student Life & Leadership
(a) Janice attended the Student Life & Leadership Coordinators meeting 7/11/12 and reminded coordinators about entering events into the database and also using the student survey form. Janice will follow-up with coordinators.
(b) Janice will send copies of the survey to campus coordinators to encourage use.
(c) Janice and Ashley met with Gail Lancaster 7/31/12 about the QEP Impact Report. Gail suggested surveying students via the SGA meetings.
3) Opportunities to collect data
(a) “Demystifying the Constitutional Amendments” panel discussion – October 3, 2012, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Seminole Campus Digitorium. Dave will speak with Susan Demers about this. Ashley will follow-up with David Klement in September.
(b) “What was I thinking?” weekly workshop series September 4 through November 6, Seminole Campus. Janice will set up meeting with Sheree Greer to discuss assessment options.
III) Professional Development
A) Quality Enhancement Committee (QEC)
1) Meeting: Friday, August 31, 9:00-11:00, EpiCenter – 1-324
(a) Matt and Dave sent the invitation – “Deep Impact”
(b) Dave will ask Matt to send out an Outlook appointment, and also send a reminder the week prior
(c) Topics – Matt and Dave will create an agenda
(i) Review QEP Impact Report draft
(ii) Present take-aways from International Conference on Critical Thinking
(iii) Review faculty survey
(iv) Status of goals (e.g., student activities)
(v) Epilog
(vi) Promote upcoming events: Fall Critical Thinking Institute, All College Day presentations, and ARC Scoring Workshop
B) Critical Thinking Institutes
1) 2012 Fall Critical Thinking Institute
(a) Friday, September 21, 2012 (possibly rescheduled for October 5 or November 2?)
(b) Seminole Campus – Digitorium
(c) Time TBD
(d) Janice and Li-Lee met with Gerald Nosich in Berkeley, CA to discuss possibility of his delivering the keynote address and working with the new faculty cohort. He is not available September 21, so alternate dates are being discussed. His fee will be $3,380 plus travel costs.
(i) Morning larger session with all attendees to validate the hard work of all participants and to promote reflection (1 hour)
(ii) Afternoon smaller session with approximately 40 faculty to focus on the intellectual standards (1.5 hour)
(e) Looking to Berkeley 4 (+4) to provide leadership, possibly opening presentation: Andrea Kelly, Eric Carver, David Monroe, Jennifer Haber (Matthew Bodie, Bill Hemme, Cher Gauweiler, Ginny Price)
C) Faculty Champions
1) Final Survey for Faculty Champions – Janice is working with Ashley to develop this.
2) CETL-CT Bridge
(a) CETL Critical Thinking Grants
(b) CETL-CT Bridge team attended the International Conference for Critical Thinking 7/23-26/12.
(c) Plans to develop a classroom poster incorporating Paul-Elder framework and SPC CT definition.
D) Academic Roundtables
IV) Critical Thinking Resources
A) Gateway Website
B) RLO’s
1) The Instructional Design Technologists will partner to have faculty produce additional critical thinking activities/RLOs during the monthly learning event on Friday, October 5. Tim will discuss with IDTs – If we have to reschedule the Fall CTI to October 5, would it be possible to hold this at Seminole in partnership?
C) Instructional Portfolios
1) Humanities, Public Safety, HIM, Math, Business, and Computer/Info Tech portfolios are complete. Janice will follow-up with Sign Language and Social & Behavioral Sciences.
2) Epilog (Reflection) Proposal; Janice will check on stipend for faculty
(a) In reviewing your original instructional portfolio, how have you modified or improved your initial method(s) for cultivating critical thinking in your students?
(b) What were some obstacles or challenges, and how did you (do you plan to) overcome them?
(c) Summarize what you are doing to help your students be better thinkers.
(d) Describe how you know what you’re doing is working. How are you assessing your students’ critical thinking? Provide data, examples, samples, etc.
(e) What is your action plan, moving forward, particularly how to improve methods and also to promote best practice among your colleagues?
D) Critical Thinking Resource Centers
1) Shannon Chamberlain provided an updated link that includes the new titles.
*Action Item 2 of 4