Individual Placement Learning Plan
Concerned with instructing others in learning. Generally applies to someone working with a group of students, instructing anything from a subject in a school setting to a physical activity out of doors.
Tasks / PerformedIndependently / Performed With Help / Observed
1. Classroom Work: Instruction, Observation and Evaluation
$Observe students and learn their names
$Learn class routines and school policies
$Develop rapport with staff and students
$Assist with crafts and snacks
$Become familiar with teaching philosophy and discipline
$Become familiar with all equipment used
$Participate in one to one activities
$Assist with supervision of gym and recess
$Take the class to other areas of the school
$Supervise the washroom and cloak room
$Work with the children on group and individual activities
$Observe the learning patterns and development patterns of the children
$Assist with the supervision of special activities
$Prepare and lead an activity suggested by the teacher
$Take an active role in circles; singing and reading
$Do supplementary reading for child development
$Participate in teacher evaluations of the students
$Collect samples of student work for assignments
$Develop a unit to instruct under supervision
$Initiate an activity
$Develop review activities for the children
$Discuss with the teacher the personal growth of each student
$Read teacher prepared instruction to students
$Learn and observe safety procedures
$Correct minor problems and report major problems to the teacher
$Listen to the children’s concerns and relay them to the teacher
$Help to analyze a child’s needs
$Keep the teacher informed of any difficulties; lack of understanding, behavior, health problems
$Assist with class dismissal, program changes, library time, etc.
$Help to mark tests and exercises
$Work in small groups and individually with students who need extra help
$Assist students who have been absent
$Help to supervise tests and group programs
$Pass out paper and supplies
$Help to write lessons on the board
$Become familiar with all available sources
$Set up science and reading corners
$Prepare tapes for teaching
$Handle routine interruptions
$Observe and learn teacher’s method of classroom management and discipline
$Use appropriate language and behavior with teachers and students
$Tutor individual students who need help
$Help to reinforce basic skills in subject areas
2. Interpersonal Skills
$Develop an understanding for curriculum
$Try to develop a creative approach
$Be willing to cooperate and stress cooperation
$Develop good observations skills
$Become involved in all group activities
$Understand the needs and problems of the children
$Treat children with respect
$Engage in friendly conversation with students when the opportunity arises
$Encourage and promote etiquette and good manners
$Develop confidentiality
$Co-operate with other staff
$Display enthusiasm and a positive attitude for others to follow
$Be assertive and ask questions
$Be a positive role model
3. General Clerical and Housekeeping Duties
$Conduct opening exercises
$Prepare data for reporting to parents
$Correct pupil’s work to be marked by teacher
$Prepare any instructional material
$Prepare student lists
$Take attendance
$Keep a log or diary of student’s day
$Keep work areas clean and clean up after activities
$Help keep supplies stocked
$Keep libraries in order
$Prepare bulletin boards
$Become familiar with A/V material and equipment
$Keep inventory of all supplies and material
$Photocopying material and duplicating
$Check seat work and assignments
4. Supplement for Physical Education Instruction Including Coaching
$Be dressed properly at all times and reporting promptly to classes
$Assist with preparation of gym area and equipment in tournaments and schedules
$Preparation of testing and result recording
$Assist in preparation of teaching material such as diagrams, activity cards, etc.
$Lead class in warm up activities
$Supervise small group activities
$Supervise drills and give coaching tips
$Work with individual students who want to improve their skill level
$Prepare lessons for groups or the whole class
$Act as a spotter in physical activities
$Referee any activities or games
$Organize first aid skills through the assistance of a teacher
$Act as a trainer of intermural and inter-school activities
$Consult with staff about budgeting and records
$Attend meetings and help promote programs
$Plan and direct games strategies and plans
$Analyze a game’s progress and give signals and directions
$Form groups into competing units
$Demonstrate techniques of play
$Drill group members on fundamentals
$Develop play patterns and set up practice techniques
$Take care of all needed equipment and uniforms
$Keep head coaches up to date on any problems and report progress
$Record statistics and keep files on games and individual stats
$Attend coaches meetings
5. Supplement for French Language Instructions
$Speak and write in French at all times
$Receive oral and written instructions in French
$Help students with seat work and assignments, dialogues and projects
$Teach songs or short topics
$Mark notebooks, tests and assignments
$Work with small groups who need assistance
$Work with groups producing plays or dialogues
$Design and create bulletin boards and displays
$Help with exchanges and field trips
$Make up dittos and posters as needed
$File tests and pictures and other course material
$Answer all questions in French
$Read aloud to students
$Correct students pronunciation mistakes
$Read passages into tape recorder
$Assist students in understanding course material
$Assist in correcting grammatical errors
6. Supplement for Special Education Instruction: Gifted and Learning Difficulties
$Maintain frequent contact with resource staff
$Assist students with specific areas of difficulties
$Maintain programs and assist in preparations
$Discuss progress of students in their specific programs on a bi-weekly basis
$Co-ordinate out-of-school activities
$Computer involvement to select possible programs
$Assist teacher in preparation of resources; making games, oral taping of novels, etc.
$Maintain resource materials
$Write a mid-term report
$Become familiar with specialized set up
$Assist in designing a learning center
$Encourage students as much as possible
7. Supplement for Music Teacher’s Assistant
$Help large and small groups to rehearse music
$Supervise students during performances and in the classroom
$Promote consistency and excellence
$Teach band or choir a piece of music
$Learn and teach choral techniques and voicing
$Accompany class with various instruments
$Sight read music
$Conduct band or choir
8. Supplement for Art Teacher’s Assistant
$Paint scenery for school plays and similar activities
$Make posters for various events and teach poster making skills
$Design and decorate bulletin boards and showcases
$Teach puppetry
$Prepare an idea book that outlines crafts and suggestions
$Learn how to sketch and maintain silk screens
$Prepare paints and assist in clean up
$Recycle clay and instruct in using clay tools
$Show students how to work safely with various art tools
$Learn basic animation techniques and teach them
$Design various visual aids
$Organize and confirm field trips to galleries, etc.
$Supervise on art projects and assignments
9. Supplement for Swimming Instructor
$Instruct basic competitive stroke development
$Assist in initiating drills, butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle
$Encourage the movement of swimmers from one program to another
$Teach basic starts and turns
$Develop individual programs for each swimmer
$Train for endurance and speed swimming
$Complete and balance a meet or lesson schedule
$Create an incentive program for swimmers
$Provide a consistent method of evaluation for swimmers
$Keep an accurate record of attendance and time charts
$Keep an accurate record of all work outs
$Provide information for swimmers with regard to programs and upcoming events
$Keep head instructor up to date on problems and progress of individual swimmers
$Post results and records
$Attend coaches and instructors meetings
$Assist with warm-ups, rules, regulations and instructions
$Demonstrate various techniques
$Analyze swimmers’ techniques and help correct problems
$Time races and laps
$Maintain equipment
$Instruct life saving techniques and water safety measures
10. Supplement for Ski Instructor
$Assist with timing races
$Learn how to set a slalom and grand slalom course
$Instruct skiers on how to improve techniques
$Assist beginners with learning stopping techniques, snow plowing, and paralleling
$Evaluate skier’s form and style
$Teach group and individual lessons
$Assist with ski races
$Improve technical skills
$Assist in demonstrating first aid on the slopes
11. Supplement for Teacher of the Developmentally Challenged
$Assist with teaching life skills to high needs and low skills students
$Assist with group sessions
$Provide individualized attention to maximize student development
$Assist in teaching perceptual, self-care, social and communication skills
$Prepare materials such as flash cards and worksheets
$Assist with speech therapy and physiotherapy
$Assist at mealtimes and with washroom routines
$Encourage independence including dressing
$Assist with recreational programs indoor and outdoor
$Keep program charting system up to date
$Correct completed class work
$Participate in training sessions for staff and students
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