Programme IMABS
University Attended University of British Columbia
Week long program called GALA specifically aimed toward exchange students. Involved a lot of useful info sessions, and also some excellent social events (such as a boat cruise and downtown tours)
Style of teaching, courses, ease of access to courses, methods of assessment, teaching support
I found the academic experience at UBC very different to the teaching I have received so far at MBS. I felt as if I had more hands-on experiences whilst studying here – for example we ran a Google Adwords campaign for a local company, and also produced a draft advertising campaign for a national company. The main difference I noticed was that the assessment method at UBC is more gradual over each semester. For example in several of my courses there would be assignments due every two weeks, continuous participation assessment, a mid-term, a group presentation and then a final at the end of term. This meant that there was much less emphasis on the final compared to at MBS where often the exam can be worth around 80% of the grade. Personally I felt that this method of spreading the work out over time is a better method, for two reasons. Firstly it means there is less pressure to perform in the final exam – this is not to mean the final exam is not important, but if the rest of the course has been going well then one bad exam will not dictate the final grade. Secondly, I feel that having continual assessment reflects more what a real job is like. In the real world you can’t get away with not working for a few weeks, then simply working much harder for the next two. I also felt the teaching staff were very approachable and very much had personal concern for their students. I was studying nearly all final year courses in my second semester, so the professors in these classes especially were very helpful in giving students advice and information about jobs.
Did not have to contact about anything of major importance but it was very reassuring that they would contact me quickly if I had any problems.
These were really useful – especially for housing and which courses to take. I think housing is a very important factor in the year abroad and this should be addressed during the meetings.
Very helpful – again had no major issues that had to be solved.
No problems – lived in Gage Towers which I recommend for any future students as the minimum age is 19, and its location is excellent.
Transport – excellent transport system within Vancouver – everything covered by a student UPass that is excellent value.
Travel – so many places to go. Shopping in Seattle is the best
Social life – great campus community. People tend to get involved a lot more in clubs and sports especially over here which is good. There’s a great deal of inter university sports leagues which is great. The campus facilities are incredible. One big thing I’ve noticed here is that people don’t revolve their social lives around drinking ... which is not to say we’re alcoholics in the UK, but people are generally more active – in Vancouver especially people love their skiing, snowboarding, hiking, photography and ice hockey!! I
ntegration with local students – another great thing about living in Gage – I got to live with 5 Americans / Canadians so they helped me fit in straight away. A lot of people go abroad and end up spending all their time with students from their own country. My experience was completely different – I hardly see the British exchange students at all – something I’m glad for.
Student activity groups – again plenty going on. There is a similar number of groups and clubs available to those at UM, so there’s something for everyone.
A life changing, utterly amazing experience; meeting inspirational people and giving me a sense of direction for the future, all in the most amazing setting I have ever lived in.