Board of Directors Meeting
November 12, 2015
The November2015 meeting of the KMSL was called to order by president Otto Hopfinger at 7:37pm. Printed copies of the October 2015 meeting minutes were distributed for review and approval. Jason Ehleymotioned to approve the report as printed. Gail Amsler seconded the motion. All were in favor and the minutes were approved. Printed treasurer’s reports were distributed. Balance on hand as of 11/12/2015 is 6,851.83. Marilyn Litts approved as presented. Sean Beaudry seconded the motion. All were in favor and the report was approved.
Renee shared Ed’s director of referee report. Mike Anderson, the president of the Richfield soccer club is satisfied that complaints introduced at the meeting last month have been addressed and resolved by the club presidents involved.
Dates for referee training have been set for February 6th, 13, and 20 at the KM-YMCA in West Bend, WI. Dates for referee training at the Hartford library are undetermined. Once scheduled, the details will be sent to club presidents and club director of referees.
Webmaster, Tom Becker, has resigned. The position is open and we are looking for a volunteer to fill the responsibilities.
KMSL @ WAVE event is set for February 27th. Renee will send scrimmage rotation with ticket order forms to the club presidents. She is asking that each recipient please reply acknowledging receipt. It is important to the future of this event that the information is distributed to every KMSL family.
Important dates for the spring:
November 30: Win loss records due to Jason Ehley
February 22: Deadline for adding or removing teams
March 7: Preliminary schedules issued to clubs for review
March 10: Game times and new dates are due back to Jason
March 14: Revised schedules returned to clubs
March 15: Teams can begin to practice
March 17: Approval of final schedules at KMSL board meeting
April 9: First Games
May 28: Last regular games scheduled
June 4: KMSL Tournament at Richfield
June 15: Deadline for making up games
Because there is an extra week this year between April 1 and May 31, a vote was taken identifying the preference of each member club as to whether we should schedule an 8 game or 7 game regular season. Results as follows:
Erin – 8 / Hartford -7 / Hustisford – abstain / Jackson- 8 / Juneau – 8 / KM-YMCA – 7 / Kewaskum -7 / Richfield-7Slinger -8 / WCFC - 8 / Results: 8 games will be scheduled as regular season games
Renee Kreiter made a motion suggesting that home clubs will make the determination if their fields can support play on April 9th. Any games not played due to field conditions are not under obligation to be rescheduled. Motion was seconded by Ralph Schulties. All were in favor and motion passed unanimously.
There were no concerns relating to the Hartford out of class player of U14G age playing down at U12G. The approval to continue will carry through the spring season.
U14Girls teams continue to be an area that needs attention. All clubs are encouraged to roster a U14 girls team. Consider combining between 2 or more clubs within the KMSL to field a combined team if there is interest. Jason worked a unique schedule this fall to give the U14G teams a full season of games. If anyone has feedback or suggestions relating to scheduling for spring, please discuss directly with Jason.
U7/U8: Discussion on if we should consider implementing “push-up_ in the future. Brian Kiley offered to prepare a written explanation of the benefits of having defensive positioned players actively involved in the game.
Coaches training conducted by Ed Kreiter will be available ½ day at KM-YMCA and one ½ day at Hartford library. More information will be sent out via e-mail to club presidents. Otto will check with Jack DeSelm to find out if he has capacity/interest in conducting on field clinics for KMSL coaches in the spring.
Nominations for 2016 officers were opened and accepted as follows:
President- Otto Hopfinger, motion by Jason, 2nd by Renee
Vice-President-Sean Beaudry, motion by Renee, 2nd by Marilyn
Secretary- Angie James, motion by Renee, 2nd by Otto
Treasurer- Renee Kreiter, motion by Sean, 2nd by Jason
Dir. Of Ref. and Rules – Ed Kreiter, motion by Renee, 2nd by Otto
Dir of Scheduling- Jason Ehley, motion by Renee, 2nd by Sean
Webmaster – Lucas Nieman, volunteered/self nominated, 2nd by Renee
Gail Amsler made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot for all nominees. Renee Kreiter seconded the motion. All were in favor and the officers as listed above are elected for a one year term.
US Youth soccer has released some documentation recommending to coach alternative play instead of heading the ball. They have also made changes to recording player age according to birth year and not school year. (The KMSL player roster level is determined by the player age as of August 1 in the current year.)
SCORE Is an organization that will gladly accept left over t-shirts, medals and trophy donations.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 17 at 7:30 pm. Location will be confirmed and sent out prior to the meeting.
Jason motioned to adjourn the meeting. Sean seconded the motion. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Angie James
KMSL Secretary
Those in Attendance:
Angie James – HustisfordJason Ehley – HartfordMarilyn Litts - Erin
Gail Amsler- JuneauJennifer Gapinski – RichfieldRenee Kreiter - Jackson
Otto Hopfinger-HustisfordLucas Nieman - KM-YMCARalph Schulteis - Kewaskum
Sean Beaudry – SlingerBrian Kiley - WCFC
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