The Homeless Coalition’s Continuum of Care (COC)
New Project Scoring Sheet
Project Name:
Contact Person: Phone: Email:
Choose what best describes your new project application. Is your new application the result of reallocating funds or are you applying for bonus funds.
Project Type: Chose one below.
Rapid Rehousing Permanent Supportive Housing Support Service Only for Coordinated Entry HMIS Joint TH &RRH Project
Project Type: Chose one below.
Rapid Rehousing Permanent Supportive Housing Joint TH& RRH Project
Office Use Only
- Did your agency attend 75% of the last twelve months HomelessYes orNo
Coalition’s meetings?
- Are you an active member of The Homeless Coalition?Yes orNo
- Did your agency assist in the January or July Sheltered or
Unsheltered Point in Time count?
Provided Sheltered PIT data.
Participated in the Project Homeless Connect event.
Participated on one of the Unsheltered PIT teams.
4. Did your agency submit a letter of intent by 8-4-2017?Yes orNo
5. Is your agency enrolled and participating in the HMIS?Yes orNo
6. Has your agency been in compliance with The HomelessYes orNo
Coalition’s selected Homeless Management Information
System (HMIS) during the last twelve months?
7. Housing First. If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions
the program is not Housing First.
- Does this project require applicantsto have income prior to admission? Yes or No
- Does this project screen out applicantsfor criminal record?(exemptionfor
state-mandated restrictions) Yes or No
- Does this project screen out applicants for history of domestic violence?
(Lack of protective order, period of separation from abuser or Yes or No
law enforcement involvement)
- Does this project require applicantsto be “clean and sober” or Yes or No
“treatment compliant” prior to admission?
e. Does this project terminate assistance to tenants for not following Yes or No
- through on theirservices and or treatment plan?
Office Use Only
8. Does your agency have any unresolved findings with HUDYes orNo
for any program?
9. Check one of the following
Permanent Supportive Housing Project
Rapid Rehousing Project
10. Participation in Housing Connect, the COC’s Coordinated Entry system.
Your agency is the fiscal agent.
Your agency participates on the oversite committee.
Your agency pulls names from the prioritization list for its housing openings.
11. Bonus Points
CoC 101
Updated: 8-8-2017