NURSING Library Research Skills Workshop:
Searching CINAHL(Ebsco)
Angela Hamilton, Nursing Librarian (416) 736-2100 x33927
Here is a series of illustrated steps that can be used to search the CINAHL(Ebsco) database. These instructions combine Subject searching with Keyword searching in one step. Saving results to RefWorks from CINAHL(Ebsco) is also shown.
Logging on to CINAHL:
1) Click on the eResources tab
2) Enter CINAHL and click GO
3) Click Go to this resource to log in. If you are accessing CINAHL from home you will be asked for your Passport York
Searching CINAHL:
Step #1
In the Keyword search view
- Type in your search keyword
- Check Suggest Subject Terms
- Search for a subject term
Step #2
A list of CINAHL Headings (subject terms) will be displayed, as well as the option to search the term as aKeyword(bottom of the screen shot).
- Select the appropriate CINAHL Heading (Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming)
- Combine your selections with OR and click Search Database
Step #3
The results are now displayed, and you can limit or narrow your results by Source Type; Subject: Major Heading; Age; etc.
Step #4
To combine your first search with a new concept, ClickClearto return to the main search page.
Step #5
Once again:
- Type in your search keyword (Psychiatric Nursing)
- Check Suggest Subject Terms
- Search for a subject term
Step #6
Again, a list of CINAHL Headings (subject terms) will be displayed, as well as the option to search the term as a keyword (bottom of the screen shot).
- Select the appropriate CINAHL Heading (Psychiatric Nursing)
- Combine your selections with OR and click Search Database
Step #7
This is a series of steps to combine the two searches:
(Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming [SH] ORhuman becoming [KW]) AND(Psychiatric Nursing [SH] ORpsychiatric nursing [KW])
- Click Search History/Alerts
- Clear the search box
- Select the appropriate searches and Search with AND if you want articles about BOTH subjects. Search with OR if you want articles about EITHER of the subjects.
- View the results!
Step #8
You can further limit your search by clicking Search Options
Step #9
To see whether we have the articles in the library, click on Find it @ York.
Step #10
Saving your References to Refworks
Save references by first clicking Add to Folder. This collects the articles you have selected in the right hand side column.
- Click Folder at the top of the screento view only selected articles
- Select desired articles, and click Export Icon
- Click Direct Export to RefWorks and Save
- Welcome to RefWorks!
If you don’t already have an account in RefWorks, now you can create one.