Required Documentation for promotion to the ranks of:
Professor, tenured
Professor, tenure track
Professor, non-tenure track
Associate Professor, tenured
Associate Professor, tenure track
Associate Professor, non-tenure track
** and moving from non-tenure track to tenure track at these ranks (considered a promotion)
**Use the following checklist before and as you collect the materials for this promotion**
Process Checklist:
· Promotions at these ranks take months to complete, as they are reviewed by the OAA, APT Committee, Executive Committee, School of Medicine Council, President and the Dean.
· Be sure to keep track of the latest copy of the CV, in Word format, as revisions are made.
Required Document & Quality Checklist
o / Chair’s Recommendation LetterFirst Paragraph:
□ Legal name and degree
□ Proposed title
□ Pay status (full-time)
□ Proposed tenure status (tenured, tenure track, or non-tenure track)
□ Official SOM department name
□ Division, Institute, Program and/or Center (if applicable)
□ Effective date (always July 1st of the next fiscal year)
Subsequent Paragraphs:
□ General background: education, degrees, scholarships/academic honors, special training, employment history
□ Included the % time spent in research activities (and % spent in clinical activities if applicable)
□ Detailed the Candidate’s worthiness for the promotion: address all academic criteria, regardless of strengths, including scholarly contributions to knowledge, clinical contributions (if applicable), teaching and service contributions. See UMSOM APT Policy for criteria.
□ Addressed the quality of research and publications, achievements, stature in the scientific and/or clinical community, and potential for future growth and continued contributions
□ Not merely a restatement of the Department’s APT Committee report or the candidate’s personal statement
□ If moving from the non-tenure track to the tenure track includes reference of the mentoring committee, specifying the name of the mentoring committee chair (not the members).
o / Department APT Committee Report□ A separate document from the Chair’s letter and specific to one candidate
□ Includes details on the candidate’s background, research, teaching, clinical (if applicable) and service contributions (forthright comments on the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses are particularly useful)
□ Includes a list of all members of the Department APT Committee and notes if any members were absent or did not participate in the review because they wrote a letter of recommendation
□ Signed by the Chair (or Acting Chair) of the Department’s APT Committee and dated
o / Track change statement (if moving from the non-tenure track to the tenure track)Include a track change statement signed by the faculty member acknowledging the change of tracks
Chair’s letter must reference a mentoring committee, specifying name of the committee chair (not members)
o / Candidate’s Personal Statement (no longer than 3 pages)The Candidate should outline their accomplishments and impact in the areas of teaching, contributions to knowledge, clinical activities (if applicable) and service. The statement should be no longer than 3 pages.
o / CV Verification Form (date must be the same or later than date on CV)o / Curriculum Vitae
□ CV Certification signed by candidate before scanning. Stamped or electronic signatures not accepted
□ CV follows the SOM format and is in the exact order of the CV format
□ Excludes candidate’s proposed promotion (cannot be on the CV until formally approved).
□ Included a copy of the letter (or email) from the journal editor for each peer-reviewed article that is listed as “in press”, “accepted”, “in revision”, or “submitted”. They should be placed behind the CV in the packet.
o / CV from last promotion (applicable only if previously denied after submission to OAA)□ Included a copy of the CV submitted for the last promotion if the candidate was previously denied promotion (after submission to OAA) to the rank currently being proposed.
□ Included a copy of the CV submitted for the last promotion if the candidate is being recommended for the awarding of tenure and tenure was previously denied (after submission to OAA).
o / Internal Letters of recommendation (at least 3, no more than 5)□ Department Chair or Department APT Chair (not the candidate) solicited the letters from reviewers
□ If the candidate is affiliated with a Program, Center or Institute, and their Director DID NOT co-sign the Chair’s letter, the Director provided a letter of recommendation (counted as one of the 3 internal letters)
□ All internal reviewers have SOM appointment (paid, secondary or volunteer). If no faculty appointment (paid or volunteer) with the SOM; reviewer is an external reviewer. Reviewers with appointments in other UMB or UM Schools are external unless they have a secondary appointment in the SOM.
□ Internal reviewers not members of the Department’s APT Committee, unless they recused themselves from the review in order to write a letter of recommendation (that should be noted in APT Committee report).
□ Letters of recommendation are dated and written on institutional letterhead.
□ Reviewer holds the same academic rank or higher than what is being proposed for the candidate
□ Reviewers state their support for the specific rank and tenure status for the proposed promotion
□ Stamped or electronic signatures not be accepted. High-quality scanned copy of the signed document the department received directly from the reviewer is acceptable.
□ Letters of recommendation not written by UMSOM Assistant or Associate Deans without prior approval requested through the OAA
o / External Letters of recommendation (at least 5, no more than 7)o / Reviewer Form (only for external letters, place after the corresponding letter)
□ Department Chair or Department APT Chair (not the candidate) solicited the letters from reviewers
□ At least 3 of the letters from independent reviewers (not current or past collaborators, colleagues, mentors or mentees of the candidate). The independent reviewer may know the candidate professionally (worked on study sections or met at professional meetings.) Independent letters have a greater impact.
□ Letters of recommendation on institutional letterhead, dated and signed by the reviewer
□ Reviewers hold same academic rank or higher than what is being proposed for the candidate
□ Reviewers state their support for the specific rank and tenure status for the proposed promotion
□ Stamped signatures, electronic signatures and faxed copies not accepted. High-quality scanned document the department received directly from the reviewer is acceptable.
□ All letters of recommendation received by the department included in the packet even if exceeds the maximum number of seven (per campus policy)
o / Teaching Portfolio□ Candidates may contact Dr. Nancy Lowitt in the Office for Professional Development for assistance in developing or revising their teaching portfolio. The portfolio will include objective, quantifiable measures of teaching effectiveness (e.g., student evaluations, teaching awards or honors, etc.), as well as summaries of their teaching activities (teaching evaluations) and/or mentoring and advising activities, or provided peer evaluations. (Individual teaching evaluations are not acceptable). In addition, it will describe their curriculum design and/or education administrative responsibilities (if applicable).
□ When advised by Dr. Lowitt they are needed, letters from current or past students, residents and/or fellows should be solicited by the Department Chair, Department APT Chair or Division Head. (Letters from students should not be solicited directly by the Candidate). Limit the letters to 3 per category (i.e., 3 letters from graduate students, 3 letters from medical students, 3 letters from residents, etc.). These letters must be dated and signed, should be included in the back of the teaching portfolio and should only address the candidate’s effectiveness in teaching, not their qualifications for promotion. These letters should not recommend the candidate for promotion, just describe their experience being taught or mentored by the candidate as part of the teaching portfolio.
□ The portfolio does not replace the teaching activities section in the CV. That section should still be included according to the CV format guidelines. The portfolio provides evaluative information not included in the CV.
□ Included a signed, dated statement, in the packet, from the person who solicited any student/mentee letters.
o / Clinical Portfolio (if a clinician)□ Candidates may contact Dr. Nancy Lowitt in the Office for Professional Development for assistance in developing their clinical portfolio. The portfolio will include any objective, quantifiable measures of clinical effectiveness.
□ The clinical portfolio does not replace the clinical activities section in the CV. That section should still be included according to the CV format guidelines. The portfolio provides evaluative information not included in the CV.
o / Reprint List (list 5 Reprints) (don’t include actual reprints in the packet)□ Included on the list are only reprints that have been published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal (reviews, book chapters and invited articles are not suitable reprints)
□ Selected papers that best demonstrate their capability to conduct investigation as an independent researcher.
□ Selected papers regarding studies that were performed during the period under review (the time period since the initial appointment or last promotion)
□ Send a PDF of each reprint on the list (one PDF of each reprint) to OAA via the Accellion application when the packet is complete. Name the reprints using the candidate’s last name, first initial and the number of the reprint on the reprint list.
Example: smith-j-1, smith-j-2, etc.
Once the reprint PDFs have been submitted, they cannot be changed.
o / Citation Report (requested from Andrea Shipper at HSHSL by APT Partner)o / Database Update Form (to verify/update information in faculty database)
□ All documents in the packet in the same order as listed on this checklist
□ Packet named using the year, month, day (yyyy-mmdd) the promotion will be effective, followed by the candidate’s last name, first name (all lower case) and PR for the action (promotion) being requested
Example: 2015-0701-smith-john-PR (packet is requesting a promotion for John Smith effective July 1, 2015)
□ Send a PDF of the complete packet to OAA via the Accellion secure file transfer application:
□ You may send the promotion packet and the 5 reprints as 6 separate pdfs in one submission using Accellion. You may also send multiple packets in one submission. Using Accellion, you may attach up to 10 files to the same submission.
Revised 9/24/2015