Who Shines In Your School District?
Are you excited to showcase those in your school district who shine? Every month, we will send out a “Special Edition Newsletter” after each Appreciation Day. We will use the best stories about how schools across the state celebrated Appreciation Days and we’ll share those stories with other districts. We also create videos about members of school districts who stand out and make a difference. If you know of someone in your school district that goes above and beyond to help students get ahead, or play a positive role in their school, we want to hear about them. Just send us an email about that person. (mailto:) We’ll take it from there. We look forward to hearing about your shining stars!
Upcoming Election
Two of Utrust’s Board Members are up for re-election, one in East TN, the other in Middle TN. Next week, we will send out election forms for those of you in these areas to nominate a school board member in your area to serve on our board.
School boards that are members of Utrust elect seven trustees who govern the trust. Each trustee is elected for a three-year term. The boards in each of the three regions elect two trustees across the state, and one trustee is elected at-large by all members’ boards statewide.
Nominations are due by April 15th.
Principal Appreciation Day
Students and school systems across Tennessee are getting ready for Principal Appreciation Day! Stories of how schools will celebrate this day are already making Utrust news! For example, Wilson County has a number of events planned. From chocolates to flowers to thank you cards, principals and assistant principals are in for a treat Thursday.
We look forward to hearing your stories and how you made a difference in your school system by showing appreciation for
your principals & assistant principals!
A Look Ahead
Professional Services Appreciation Day is Thursday, March 19th. This is a time for schools to show appreciation for school nurses, SROs, guidance counselors, speech therapists, and other professionals who help students and faculty in a time of need. Packets for Professional Services Day are now online, and we’ve got some great new items for you. Just go to our website login and then look under “Make A Difference Program”/Appreciation Days and click on Professional Services.
As we prepare to make our calendar of Appreciation Days for the 2009-2010 school year, we’d like to get some input from you. What days worked? Which didn’t? Are there days you’d like moved around? We value your opinion, so please let us know. we’ll send an email out soon to get your feedback.
Don’t forget to register for Utrust’s Employment Development Seminars online at
© 2008 Tennessee School Boards Unemployment Compensation Trust