Friday January 16th, 2009
11:45 AM
Sickles School – Art Room
Meeting Called to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of September General Meeting Minutes (available at meeting)
Treasurer’s Report
President’s Report
Executive Board Reports
BOE Reports
Faculty Reports
Old Business
New Business
Speaker: Cindy Arko – Keeping Kids Healthy
Adjournment of Business Meeting
Fair Haven PTA General Meeting Minutes
Friday, November 14th, 2008
Sickles School - Art Room
11:45 AM
For the names of those who attended, please see the sign-in book kept with the minutes.
The meeting was called to order by President, Carrie Marxen, at 11:47 AM.
RECORDING SECRETARY’S REPORT: The October minutes were accepted as distributed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: (Tina Joyce) September Treasurer’s Report:
Opening Balance: $ 44,545.77 Cash Receipts: $ 31,750.30 Cash Disbursed: $ 20,651.22 Ending Balance: $ 55,644.85
· The Holiday Gift Show is tomorrow, Saturday the 15th from 10:00-4:00. The Knollwood APR will be filled with vendors showcasing their items. Everything from jewelry to clothing and activewear to holiday gifts and accessories. The vendor list has been circulated. Please note all the Fair Haven businesses that will be there. Thank you to the vendors for supporting our PTA! Please stop by-the Show cannot be successful without shoppers! Door Prize will be a free chance to win a ticket to the Luncheon and a ticket to House Tour-$90 value! There will also be a chance auction with items from the vendors.
· The Luncheon only really needs Solicitors at this point. We need volunteers to take on a small list of businesses that have given in the past to see if they would like to donate again this year. Please contact Danielle Hester or Loretta Daluise.
· Bounce checks happen to the best of us! The PTA has established a Bounced Check policy. Any returned checks will need to repay the amount in full plus any fees charged by the bank.
· Thanks to Suzy Manelski for decoration the PTA Bulletin Board.
Directory: We can’t thank our directory committee enough for all their hard work they put into this years directory, Linda Bernabeu consolidated class list information, Aida Murphy edited all the information that the directory holds and Janice Peluso designed from cover to cover the format and presentation of the directory. Thank you also to our proof readers: Cathy Alescio, Marion Carolan, Adriene Makstein, Carrie Marxen, Amanda Stevens, and Randi Walker.
PTA Duplication:This committee makes over 470 copies for Sickles and 600 copies for Knollwood. As there is a different number of kids in each class the flyers have to be hand counted accordingly for each homeroom. There are 23 homeroom classes in Sickles and 26 in Knollwood. It’s a huge job and we can’t thank them enough for all their hard work.
Solicitation Chair: A list of Fair Haven businesses was updated with new information received from the Fair Haven Business Association. The list is ready to go for the solicitation efforts for the PTA luncheon.
Family Fun Activities: A huge thank you to all of those who helped make our first Family Fun Bingo night of the year such a big success! The families in attendance had lots of fun! We truly appreciated help from: Lisa Luckett, Ellen and Rich Phillips, Jennie Lucci, Christine Hearn, Susan Mazzeo, Heather Gorman, and Chris Spagnuola. Looking forward to Family Fun Bowling on Sunday, January 25, 2009.
Community Action and Awareness: Our neighborhood watch meeting with Mayor Halfacre on Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00 at the youth Center. He will be talking about how to keep ourselves and our kids safe.
Holiday Gift Giving: Sickles: Flyers were distributed on Nov. 5th. Sickles charity gift effort begins Nov. 12th and ends Nov. 26th. During this time, children with signed permission slips only (found on flyer) will have the chance to choose a gift tag and purchase a gift for the children of the Monmouth County Foster Parents Assoc. Unwrapped gifts with gift tags attached are due back to Sickles no later than Dec. 5th. There will be collection boxes throughout the school.
Knollwood: . 4th-6th graders can decorate gift bags (given out during the month of Nov.) and fill them with a holiday card for both mother and child and baby supplies for Holiday Express. 7th and 8th graders can choose gift tags with parent permission (permission slip found on flyer) for the children and caregivers/parents of the Jersey Shore Pediatric Unit. Wrapped gifts with gift tag/description are due back to Knollwood no later than Dec. 5th. Collection boxes can also be found throughout the school for both charities as well.
Recess Equipment: At the request of Tom Famulary, we recently purchased two ping pong tables for use at Knollwood. They should be in the school by early next week. They should be a fun addition to recess, etc.
Sickles Book Fair: We've received the potential volunteer list from the Directory sheets - this helps a great deal as we'll use it for the base of the effort. In addition, we’re just waiting on preview books for the fair.
Sickles Art Day: May 22nd has been set as the date for Art Day. We will be meeting to start thinking about and picking the crafts.
Condolences went out to Betty Crowly and her family for the death of her father.
Cultural Enrichment: The Cultural Enrichment Committee has been busy. In the past couple of weeks, the students at Sickles School were treated to an assembly by Joe Holiday entitled, "Books: The Magic is Real!" His lively performance interspersed excerpts from classic children's literature with dynamic music and exciting magic, which he conducted with the assistance of audience volunteers. The children learned about great fictional characters and the importance of reading, as part of an extremely entertaining show. The smiles on the children's faces were priceless! The eighth graders had an opportunity to learn about space travel firsthand, from Dr. Greg Olsen, the third American citizen to travel on the space station. Dr. Olsen conducted a slide show and shared anecdotes from his travels. The eighth graders' curiosity was piqued, as they engaged Dr. Olsen with countless questions about his journey. Dr. Olsen marveled at the beauty of the Earth as seen from space, and provided video clips depicting him "drinking" blobs of water and floating in the space station. The assembly provided great insights that the students will surely draw upon as they begin their studies in astronomy.
Science Club: Session 1 wrapped up on November 4th. Session 2 began on November 11th and will end on December 16th. Laurie Morales is our sub for Session 2.
School Flower Pots: The flower pots at both Sickles and Knollwood were planted prior to school starting. Although Sickles school has 6 flower pots, it should be noted that the Kindergarten plants and maintains one pot, so in the future we only need to plan for 5 pots. The flower pots at Knollwood are in very bad shape and will need to be replaced if the budget allows.
Website: Jennie had met with Chris on the website and had begun preliminary layouts. She is looking into purchasing fairhavenpta.com as a potential domain name. The cost will be somewhere around $5 or $6 per month. In the future, the PTA may need to purchase Dreamweaver software to continue updating the site when Jennie is done.
PTA Membership: 806 directories were delivered to families (including 5 to Police Headquarters, 5 to Knollwood, 5 to Sickles and 5 to the Superintendent’s Office). We have a total of 895 members: 76 Faculty/Staff, 111 Individual Members, 354 Household Memberships, and 16 people who did not sign up for membership, but ordered 26 directories.
Art Show: The Student Art Show will be on April 16th at Knollwood.
Parent Book Group: Our Nov/Dec meeting is December 2nd and the book is Misreading Masculinity.
Luncheon: Planning for the Luncheon continues and all seems to be going well. All of our key positions have been filled and we even have a basement to store items! We will begin our solicitation later this month and may need some solicitation helpers. Susan Culbert should be finished soon with our artwork and George DiSpigno has agreed to print our posters (and programs) again this year at no cost to the PTA. We also have been working on the Grand Prize and are pleased to announce that the Lawless Family has agreed to donate a week at their beach house at in South Carolina as part of that prize.
Cell Phones: We have about 75 phones now & send a box into Motorola when we reach 100 phones.
Spiritwear: Will be distributing the spiritwear on Monday, after it is all out then I will be able to conclude the profit for the PTA
Coupon Books: To date 141 books have been sold. Still waiting on one class. Books will be sold at the Holiday Gift Fair.
Boxtops: We collected over 2300 boxtops so far this year. That means $230 towards our teacher's special wish lists!!! Please continue to clip and send in your boxtops. Also, for all of your online holiday shopping, log into www.boxtopsforeducation.com first, then your online vendor. A percentage of your purchases will be donated directly to Sickles School. It's a fast and easy way to donate.
Gift Fair: The Holiday Gift Fair is tomorrow, Saturday, November 15 from 10 to 4. There will be 50 vendors, a door prize and a gift auction.
· No Report.
FACULTY REPORT: (RoseAnn LaBrocca)
· Bonnie Crotty wanted to thank the PTA for the book allowance.
· Faculty wanted to thank the PTA for the wonderful assembly.
· Student Body of Sickles held an election for their favorite authors. Mo Willems won!
NEW BUSINESS: A motion was made to purchase a Smartboard printer for Knollwood School. It was tabled, and will be revisited in the Spring.
· Gift Wrap to be picked up on Thursday the 20th
· Art of Giving gifts are due back December 5th
· No PTA meeting in December-see you in January
· PTA meeting for April has been rescheduled to April 17th because of The Art Show
· Thinking about bringing in possible speakers for some upcoming meetings.