OSLC Steering Committee (SC) Meeting 1609 – September 20, 2016



·  SC Voting Members:

o  Andreas Keis [ ], Bill Chown [ ], Bola Robiti [x], Jim Amsden [x], Mark Schulte [x], Martin Sarabura [x], Mats Berglund [x], Rainer Ersch [x], Wesley Coelho [ ]

·  SC Staff Members: Nelson Jean [x]

·  OASIS Staff: Jane Harnad [ ], Scott McGrath [ ]

·  Additional Attendees: Kalena Kelly [x]

# / Area / Topics
1 / General Business
(15 mins) / A. Vision/Mission, Strategy and Direction Update (10 mins) -- Rainer
·  Review Vision and feedback–
·  http://open-services.net/wiki/steering-committee/Vision/
·  http://open-services.net/wiki/steering-committee/OSLC-Vision-Comments/
·  FYI: Other URLs:
·  http://open-services.net/wiki/steering-committee/OSLC-Vision-Main/
·  Topics to consider: http://open-services.net/wiki/steering-committee/OSLC-Vision-topics/
·  Executive Summary was reviewed in the July meeting, and it was agreed that it should be posted along with the Vision Statement.
1.  Publicizing the vision and executive summary.
2.  Next steps.
·  Rainer didn’t’ receive any additional feedback.
·  Will proceed to publish it. Follow-up discussion at IoT conference.
·  [Kalena] Publish the vision and associated executive summary at open-services.net, oslc-ms, OASIS OSLC home page, and OASIS newsletter.
B. OASIS OSLC StC Elections (5 mins)
·  Elections in progress – first 2 weeks in September for nomination, and subsequent 2 weeks for voting.
·  3 seats up for election: Bill, Jim, and Mats all seeking re-election.
2 / TCs
(15 mins) / A. OSLC Domains TC Charter Update (5 mins) – Jim
·  Approved to proceed with OSLC Domain TC to support migration and development of OSLC Domain specifications, and closing the Automation TC once the Domain TC is up and running.
·  Core TC to take on Track Resource Sets and Linked Index Data providers. Vocabularies, shapes being established and in place, ready for review. So migration of existing specifications is proving to be fairly straightforward. Will start streaming to the TC for review.
1.  Status update.
·  TC is established; first meeting is being scheduled.
·  Martin Pain (Automation TC) agreed to close the Automation TC as relevant assets from that TC are being incorporated into the Domain TC. Need to put a pointer from Automation TC to the Domain TC.
·  Martin: should Automation be absorbed into Domain or does it fit better in Core?
o  Jim: depends on where we think it’ll go. We can always move it to Core later if we see it more logically belongs there down the road
·  [Rainer] Send email to Chet to ensure all Automation TC collateral is retained/archived and that a forward link is in-place.
B. OSLC Core V3.0 Update (5 mins) – Jim -> Martin
·  Core TC has approved a Committee Specification Draft and is available for public review until 9/28.
1.  Status updates and next steps.
·  No feedback received yet. Even if it closes without substantive comments, minor comments can be incorporated without another review.
·  Jim: acceptable to use v2.0 statements of use for v3.0? New 3.0 features do not have implementations yet.
o  OASIS might push back since their objective is to make these standards usable so there should minimally be a reference implementation.
·  Next steps: proceed with the current plan, and the SC will vote once the TC vote is complete.
C. Migrating Tracked Resource Sets v2.0 from open-services to OSLC Core (5 mins) – Jim
·  Planned as part of the next version of OSLC Core.
1.  Status update.
·  In progress. Draft document is complete and a set of issues identified. No serious issues identified so far.
3 / OSLC Initiatives
(0 mins) / A. How can we help drive greater adoption of OSLC
·  OSLC integration scenarios and business value. See Topic 4B.
4 / WGs / UGs
(40 mins) / A. OSLC Communications WG + Financials (20 mins) – Mark, Jane, Jim, Kalena
·  OSLC Communications Scorecard: http://open-services.net/wiki/communications/MonthlyCommunicationScorecard/
·  Need to look at past data and determine how frequently to gather it going-forward, and how best to leverage it.
·  Need to focus on a way to measure the impacts and effectiveness of certain things that we release, do or convey to the public. This is complementary to scorecard metrics, which are helpful to establish trends over time.
·  For scorecard to work, need to draw people to the various sites we are monitoring as well as the targeted initiatives/campaigns we intend on doing.
·  Discussion in August in Communications WG.
o  Status update.
·  Kalena working with Ginny to understand what’s information is being collected. Will discuss at Communications Workgroup next month.
·  FYI: Conference calendar:
o  SC wiki Front Page -> Working Documents -> Conferences and Events
§  Recommended list of conferences – http://open-services.net/wiki/communications/2016Events/
·  IBM Continuous Engineering Conference (Nov 15-17, California – OASIS OSLC participation) – Jane
o  Conference URL: http://learnquestconference.com/iceiot16/
o  Completed:
§  Silver exhibitor sponsorship ($2250)
·  Background on the exhibit space: The space provided with both packages will accommodate (1) 6' table and a chair. Pull-up banners and/or table top signage can be used. And wireless connectivity will be made available with both packages.
§  Includes: (1) 6' draped table in exhibit area, (2) full conference pass, logo and 40 word text on website, logo in onsite pocket guide, speaking opportunity and 1/2 page ad space in pocket guide.
·  Items that need attention:
o  Register for two free exhibitor passes - https://www.regonline.com/register/checkin.aspx?EventId=1829553&RegTypeID=1016919
1.  How best to utilize these? Members from the community? Any prominent speaker worthwhile to invite?
·  Propose to offer one pass to Axel Reichwein.
·  2nd pass: either Martin or Jim.
·  [Mark] Follow-up with Axel to offer the free pass.
·  [Kalena] Follow-up on whether session proposals are still being accepted (possibly for Axel).
o  Register for one main conference speaking slot - https://greenhouse.lotus.com/forms/anon/org/app/1b029636-6e7a-42a9-897a-88fd959ed6d3/launch/index.html?form=F_Form1
§  OSLC session submitted by Rainer has been accepted.
§  Rainer has circulated a first draft via email.
1.  Any next steps to be discussed at the StC?
o  OSLC Steering Committee F2F
§  Current date: Wednesday November 16th, 3-5pm. No charge for the room.
1.  Proceed with a F2F?
§  Consensus is to continue to have the F2F meeting. Nelson will ask if there’s Internet access within the room.
o  Community Meet-and-Greet reception event
·  Current date: Tuesday November 15th, 5:30 – 7pm. Capacity of room: 40-50 people. No charge for the room.
1.  Discuss and approve budget for this so the Communications WG can work through details of the reception.
§  Currently overlaps with wine/chocolate gathering, Kalena is determining if there’s an alternative for Wednesday 6-8pm.
o  Top 3 objectives for this conference and how to achieve it:
§  Reception, sessions, booth, etc.
§  Any particular data we want to collect?
§  Did not discuss.
·  Items in-progress or to be worked
o  Who’s attending?
§  Yes: Mark, Martin, Bill, Rainer, Bola
§  Likely: Jim, Kalena (going to Voice)
§  Regrets: Mats, Andreas, Wesley, Nelson
o  Communications WG
§  Session submissions – Kalena, Rainer
§  Exhibition booth details – Mark, Bill
·  Intend to co-locate with Mentor and Tasktop booths to optimize OSLC-related discussions.
·  Anything that needs budget approval --- e.g. giveaways, random draw prize?
§  As part of Silver Sponsorship:
·  40 word text on website
·  Logo in onsite pocket guide
·  ½ page ad space in pocket guide
·  10% registration discount for OASIS members via code “Oasis16” – need to share this with oslc-ms.
·  OSLC Community Update by StC
o  Timeframe options
§  CE OSLC Session – we’d record this session and make it available online.
·  Bill investigating whether Mentor has in-house skills that can assist with making a professional quality video.
§  4Q 2016
o  FYI: Last year’s update – http://youtu.be/Rtncf6S6w4c
§  Did not discuss.
§  Nelson will follow-up with Bill on the previous action noted above.
·  Budget updates (if any) – Mark
B. OSLC Integration Scenarios and Business Value (20 mins) -- Wesley
Minutes from last meeting:
·  How can we drive adoption? The scenarios will play a key role here. (Reference Vision Executive Summary - http://open-services.net/wiki/steering-committee/Vision/). What integration scenarios can we posit along with OSLC solutions?
·  [Jim] Multiple steps here. First, get all of our existing standards under OASIS to remove access barriers (in work). Secondly, present scenarios in conjunction with community participation. Finally, leverage Eclipse Lyo and other alternatives for helping users to get started immediately.
·  [Martin] Need extra collateral to help people getting started (videos, etc.). How much work is required to just get started? It may depend on your starting point (e.g. do my applications already use delegated UIs, e.g.) We need to demonstrate quick success and turnaround. Reference implementation will make it hopefully easier to leverage the V3 implementation. Compiled code with V2 is doable, but hard to know all fields a priori without having to redeploy.
·  We should be able to give people a quick 5-10 minute way to setup a compliant application. That would be great. Node.js application will be helpful.
·  [Rainer] Consider the audience. We have vendors building commercial products as well as users building local adaptations. So we might need multiple examples for different purposes. We should discuss this topic in more detail when more StC members are available to participate.
·  [Wesley] Let’s interview people. See who had adopted or is using OSLC and investigate in more detail where the blockers are, what is impeding adoption?
·  [Jim] IBM has done some amount of looking into that internally.
o  What are you using OSLC for?
o  How is it helping you deliver Client value that you couldn’t do without it?
o  What are the challenges and pain points you are experiencing?
o  What do you need to address these challenges and improve client value?
o  How can we help?
These are simple questions intended to stimulate open conversations. They are intended to guide the discussion scope without overly biasing the interviewee. Hopefully this will encourage discussions that might have been less predictable and help us gain better insight.
·  Briefly discussed this
·  Should have a template to facilitate the discussion
5 / Other
(0 mins) / · 
6 / RoundTable / ·