We were unable to find a single source that detailed all invasive species with human health impacts to use as a basis for our search. This list was compiled by combining species names from three review articles (Hulme 2014, Mazza et al. 2014 and Schindler et al. 2015) with an internet search of the Global Invasive Species Database to identify species with the category “human health” appearing on the impacts page that were also considered to be present and non-native within Europe. Species that were direct parasites or were considered to have impacts outside the scope of this review were removed. Duplicate entries were also removed and any species from the Mazza et al (2014) review that were not picked up by the other sources were checked to determine whether they were in fact present in non-native populations within Europe.
Type / Species / Hulme 2014 / Mazza et al. 2014 / Schindler et al. 2015 / GISD search / Other (added by authors)Plant / Acacia spp. / x / x
Plant / Acer spp. / x
Vertebrate / Acridotherestristis / x
Invertebrate / Aedesaegypti / x / x / x
Invertebrate / Aedesalbopictus / x / x / x / x
Invertebrate / Aedesjaponicus / x / x
Invertebrate / Aedeskoreicus / x
Vertebrate / Agapornisfischeri / x
Vertebrate / Agapornispersonata / x
Vertebrate / Agapornisroseicollis / x
Plant / Agave americana / x
Plant / Ageratum conyzoides / x
Plant / Ailanthus altissima / x / x / x
Vertebrate / Aix galericulata / x
Vertebrate / Amazonaleucocephala / x
Vertebrate / Amazonaochrocephala / x
Invertebrate / Amblyommadissimile / x
Invertebrate / Amblyommaexornatum / x
Invertebrate / Amblyommaflavomaculatum / x
Invertebrate / Amblyommanuttalli / x
Invertebrate / Amblyommarotundatum / x
Plant / Ambrosia artemisiifolia / x / x / x
Plant / Ambrosia coronopifolia (= Ambrosia psilostachya) / x / x
Plant / Ambrosia tenuifolia / x
Plant / Ambrosia trifida / x / x
Vertebrate / Ameiurusnebulosus / x
Vertebrate / Ammotraguslervia / x
Invertebrate / Aponommaexornatum / x
Invertebrate / Aponommalatum / x
Vertebrate / Aratingaacuticaudata / x
Vertebrate / Aratingamitrata / x
Invertebrate / Arion vulgaris / x
Plant / Artemisia absinthium / x
Plant / Artemisia annua / x
Plant / Artemisia vulgaris / x
Plant / Asclepiassyriaca / x
Vertebrate / Axis axis / x
Invertebrate / Bellamyachinensis / x
Invertebrate / Biomphalariaglabrataspp. / x / x
Vertebrate / Boigairregularis / x
Vertebrate / Brantacanadensis / x
Vertebrate / Canis lupus / x
Plant / Castaneaspp. / x
Vertebrate / Castor canadensis / x
Plant / Casuarinaspp. / x / x / x
Invertebrate / Cercopagispengoi / x / x
Vertebrate / Cervuscanadensis / x
Vertebrate / CervusNippon / x / x / x
Plant / Cestrum parqui / x / x
Vertebrate / Channaargus / x
Plant / Clematis vitalba / x
Vertebrate / Columba livia / x
Plant / Cortaderiaselloana / x / x
Vertebrate / Corvussplendens / x / x
Invertebrate / Corythuchaciliata / x
Invertebrate / Culextritaeniorhynchus / x
Invertebrate / Culexvishnui / x
Plant / Cynaracardunculus / x
Vertebrate / Damadama / x
Plant / Daturaspp. / x
Invertebrate / Dendrolimussibiricus / x
Invertebrate / Dermacentorvariabilis / x
Invertebrate / Dysderacrocata / x
Plant / Echiumplantagineum / x
Plant / Eichhorniacrassipes / x
Invertebrate / Eriocheirsinensis / x / x
Plant / Eucalyptus / x / x
Vertebrate / Geopeliacuneata / x
Vertebrate / Graptemyskohni / x
Vertebrate / Graptemyspseudogeographica / x
Invertebrate / Gyropusovalis / x
Invertebrate / Harmoniaaxyridis / x / x
Plant / Helianthusspp. / x / x
Vertebrate / Hemiechinusauritus / x
Plant / Heracleummantegazzianum / x / x / x
Vertebrate / Herpestesauropunctatus / x
Invertebrate / Hyalommaaegyptium / x / x
Invertebrate / Hyalommaanatolicum / x
Invertebrate / Hyalommadromedarii / x
Invertebrate / Hyalommaexcavatum / x
Invertebrate / Hyalommascupense / x
Plant / Iva xanthiifolia / x
Plant / Laburnum anagyroides / x
Invertebrate / Laelapsechidninus / x
Vertebrate / Lagocephalussceleratus / x
Vertebrate / Lagonostictasenegala / x
Vertebrate / Lamprotornischalybaeus / x
Invertebrate / Latrodectushasselti / x / x
Vertebrate / Lepuscapensis / x
Vertebrate / Lonchurastriatadomestica / x
Invertebrate / Loxoscelesspp / x / x
Invertebrate / Lymneacolumella / x
Vertebrate / Mesocricetusauratus / x / x
Plant / Morus spp. / x
Vertebrate / Myiopsittamonachus / x
Vertebrate / Myocastor coypus / x
Vertebrate / Nandayusnenday / x
Vertebrate / Neogobiusmelanostomus / x
Vertebrate / Neovisonvison / x
Plant / Nicotianaglauca / x
Plant / Nicotianatabacum / x
Invertebrate / Nosopsyllusfasciatus / x
Vertebrate / Nyctereutesprocyonoides / x / x / x
Invertebrate / Ochlerotatusatropalpus / x
Vertebrate / Ocyphapslophotes / x
Vertebrate / Odocoileusvirginianus / x
Vertebrate / Oncorhynchusketa / x
Vertebrate / Oncorhynchusnerka / x
Vertebrate / Ondatrazibethicus / x / x
Invertebrate / Orchopeashowardi / x
Invertebrate / Ornithonyssus bursa / x
Vertebrate / Paddaoryzivora / x
Plant / Partheniumhysterophorus / x / x
Plant / Pennisetumclandestinum / x
Invertebrate / Phoneutriaspp. / x
Vertebrate / Pionuschalcopterus / x
Vertebrate / Pionusfuscus / x
Plant / Platanus × hybrida / x / x
Plant / Platanusoccidentalis / x / x
Plant / Platanusorientalis / x / x
Vertebrate / Poicephalussenegalus / x
Invertebrate / Pomaceainsularum / x
Vertebrate / Procyonlotor / x / x
Vertebrate / Pseudemysnelsoni / x
Vertebrate / Psittaculakrameri / x
Vertebrate / Pyrrhurasp. / x
Vertebrate / Python molurusbivittatus / x
Vertebrate / Rattusnorvegicus / x / x
Vertebrate / Rattusrattus / x / x
Invertebrate / Rhipicephalusrossicus / x
Plant / Rhododendron spp. / x / x
Invertebrate / Rhopilemanomadica / x / x
Plant / Rhustyphina / x
Plant / Robiniapseudoacacia / x / x
Vertebrate / Rousettusaegyptiacus / x
Plant / Salsola tragus / x
Plant / Schinusterebinthifolius / x / x
Vertebrate / Sciuruscarolinensis / x
Vertebrate / Serinuscanaria / x
Vertebrate / Seriolafasciata / x / x
Vertebrate / Siganusluridus / x
Vertebrate / Siganusrivulatus / x
Invertebrate / Solenopsisgeminata / x
Invertebrate / Solenopsisinvicta / x / x
Plant / Solidagospp. / x
Vertebrate / Sphoeroidespachygaster / x
Invertebrate / Styelaclava / x / x
Vertebrate / Sylvilagusfloridanus / x
Vertebrate / Taeniopygiaguttata / x
Vertebrate / Tamiassibiricus / x / x
Vertebrate / Temenuchuspagodarum / x
Invertebrate / Thaumastocorisperegrinus / x
Invertebrate / Thaumetopoea processionea / x
Plant / Thujaorientalis / x
Vertebrate / Trachemysemolli / x
Vertebrate / Trachemysornata / x
Vertebrate / Trachemysscriptaelegans / x / x / x / x
Vertebrate / Trachemysscriptascripta / x / x / x
Invertebrate / Trogodermagranarium / x
Plant / Verbena rigida / x
Invertebrate / Vespavelutina / x / x
Invertebrate / Wasmanniaauropunctata / x
Plant / Wistariasinensis / x
Plant / Xanthiumspp. / x / x
Invertebrate / Xenopsyllabrasiliensis / x / x