Maine Youth Lacrosse Meeting – 6/28/16at theSouth Portland Community Center
Attendance:Jonathan Becker, BarbaraSnapp, Jeff Howes, JoeHezlep, Sabrina Best, RyanLarkum(via phone), Dave St.Germainand Cory Dow
Mid-Season Survey Review PPT – Jonathan
A)League Structure
-We need to keep travel within 1 hour.
-Work teams out of the region to play better teams if they want.
-We need to do a better job scheduling in 2017. Suggest we work a preseason template of possible games scheduled to be presented at preseason meeting. Sabrina and Jonathan will experiment before 2017 season
-Mandate Team Schedulers for 2017 for all Towns.Have regional contacts to assist in Scheduling so Sabrina and Jonathan do not get all the push back.
-Need to hold teams and towns accountable to their numbers – again puts stress on schedulingat the state level when they pull out their teamsdue to lack of numbers.
-Offer Sunday games to those towns who want them. Better for officials too.
-HS Schedule is out March 19thand we need towork off of that for officialson our Saturdays.
-Create a schedule email.
-Need to find a better way to release players on face off/draw.Most teams could win a face off/draw then shoot and score before the defense could set. Three pass rule fixes that.Rules Committee to run with
-Most teams did not follow the (no face off rule)after a goal is scored.
-Create a checklist for rules before game – still some confusion from adult officials on the youth rules. Rules Committee to run with
-Need to implement a procedure for game ejections and unsportsmanlike behavior from players and coaches. Rules Committee to run with
-We all felt strongly that the rules we moved towards were great for the game and the kids and we look to reinforce them in 2017 (iesmaller sided fields)
Finances – Cory and group discussion
-Cory’s first meeting. Focus on setting a budget. Will get back to Cory once we get financial assistance from Maine Chapter.
-501c3 forms filed takes 6-8 weeks to approve. FEIN number set.
-Should we charge officials? What amount do we charge towns or teams for being in Maine Youth Lacrosse?Funds would be used to go back to towns for scholarships andequipment needs for growing the sport in Maine. No answer just thinking about this now
-Start and finalize a strategic financial plan prior to 2017 season. Cory and Jonathan will run with
Officials Feedback – Jeff and Barbara
-Focus on doing a better job with scheduling refs 2-4 weeks before games.
-Some poor behavior noticed in some games see suggestions above on RULES.
-Make Arbiter a requirement for all teams.
-We had 125 more games to officiate (smaller fields and more teams). This means we need more YOUTH OFFICIALS – TARGET 7thand 8THGRADERS in 2017 they must be two years older than player. Good fit for grades 3rdand 4thgames.
Learn To Play – JonathanStill working dates for FALL (aimed at parents)
a)Possible towns to hold these in? Houlton andMidcoast(Boothbay, Damariscotta,Wiscassett)
-Kittery is also looking to start a new program
-Houlton is the other area
New committee members for consideration
a)AngFoley – Cape Elizabeth
b)Linda Levesque – Morse Girls HS CoachApproved for Rules Committee
c)Caitlin Clark – Central Maine Youth Official and coach
d)Others?Roger Prince from Scarborough was another name recommended