Total Qualification Time (TQT) Fact Sheet
Total Qualification Time (TQT) is a term introduced and used by Ofqual to describe the length of time it would take an average learner to complete a qualification. Ofqual require that the qualifications they regulate for the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF) have TQT assigned.
What does it mean?
In order to understand TQT it is also necessary to understand what we mean by Guided Learning Hours (GLH) and Unsupervised Learning Hours (ULH). Each can be defined as follows.
Guided Learning Hours
This is the time that the learner is being taught or instructed by a lecturer, supervisor, tutor or other person who provides education or training. In other words the learner is being observed, supervised, taught or assessed by someone.
Unsupervised Learning Hours
This is the time that the learner is carrying out activity they must complete as part of the qualification which is not carried out under immediate guidance or supervision of a lecturer, supervisor, tutor or other person who provides education or training. In other words the learner is not being observed, supervised, taught or assessed by someone.
Total Qualification Time
This is an estimate of the total number of notional hours that it would take an average learner to complete a qualification and is the total of both Guided Learning Hours and Unsupervised Learning Hours.
How is it worked out?
Guided Learning Hours + Unsupervised Learning Hours = Total Qualification time
Can I have some examples?
Have a look at this table to see some examples of whether certain activities are considered as carried out under supervision (Guided Learning) or not under supervision (Unsupervised Learning).
Type of Activity / Supervised (Guided Learning) / Unsupervised (Unsupervised Learning) / Total Qualification Time (Supervised and Unsupervised Learning)Learning in a classroom, delivered by a lecturer, teacher, supervisor or tutor. / /
Examinations or assessments carried out in invigilated supervised conditions / /
Face-to-face meetings with tutor or other prearranged 1:1 teaching session (e.g. telephone/webcam contact, internet messaging i.e. online conversation in real time) / /
Work-based practice (competence-based, formative assessment). Observed by employer, tutor or other witness more qualified than the student. / /
Carrying out independent research in order to produce a report without supervision / /
Independently collating evidence for a portfolio to demonstrate competence without supervision / /
Carrying out a task (as instructed) independent of supervision – such as reading a Health & Safety manual and then completing a personal log / /
How do I record it?
As the regulators will hold SQA ultimately responsible for the allocation of GLH evidence must be sought by SQA as to how this has been calculated and assigned. This evidence should include details of who was consulted, who carried out the calculations and the justification for the TQT assigned, including any existing qualifications with TQT allocated that were taken into account. . As with SQA developed qualifications this will be reviewed at a suitable time following delivery of the qualification to ensure that the TQT is appropriate.
The developer can use a form available from SQA (or an acceptable alternative of their own design) in order to provide an audit trail for the regulators to confirm the validity of the GLH assigned.