TfL CCM Guidance 2014Application Proforma1
Crossrail Complementary Measures Funding Submission
There are three stages to thefunding submission process. Applicants will need to complete:
Stage 1: A Scoping Application– This section ONLY to be completed and submittedby 1st August 2014 (Section A of this document)
Stage 2: A Confirming Application– Submittedin January before scheme design and implementation starts (Section B of this document)
Stage 3: A Reporting Checklist - To be used to record TfL scheme design and implementationprocess have been met (see Section C of this document)
Table 1: Summary of submission process
Application Description / Reference / Applicable Questions / Outcome / Submission Date of ApplicationScoping Application
This is the first stage of your funding request. Here you should set out the objectives, benefits and scope of the project as well the indicative cost, budget and risks. This will be based on the completed Crossrail Urban Realm Integration studies for the stations. / Section A / A1 to A28 / TfL will approve an indicative allocation (amount and year(s)). This will form part of a wider funding and delivery plan for the TfL Crossrail Complementary Measures Programme. / By Noon on Friday 1st August 2014
Confirmation Application
This builds on the information provided in your Scoping Application. It confirms the objectives, benefits and scope of the scheme. It also provides assurance that the scheme costs, budget and risks have been adequately considered.
Confirmation applications can only be submitted if a Scoping Application has previously been submitted and the borough has been advised ofan indicative funding allocation. / SectionB / B1 to B20 / TfL will re-confirm the amount and year(s) of the funding allocation.
A baseline delivery plan will be agreed. / By Noon on Friday January 23rd 2015 - for schemes starting in 2015/16 financial year
By Noon on Friday January 22nd2016 - for schemes starting in 2016/17 financial year
By Noon on Friday January 20th 2017 - for schemes starting in 2017/18 financial year
By Noon on Friday January 19th 2018 - for schemes starting in 2018/19 financial year
Reporting Checklist
This confirms TfL scheme design and process requirements have been met for the design and implementation stages / SectionC / C1 to C7 / This will be used to ensure consistency with the original scheme objectives and to provide a framework for project delivery. / Determined by the baseline delivery plan
Overview of the CCM Application:
- The CCM application consists of the three sections completed and submitted at the relevant stages of the submission process as set out in the table at the front of this document. Do not add oramend,split or remove any sections of the Proforma.
ONLY Section A should be completed for the Scoping Application with Section B and C left blank. The whole document should then be submitted.
- Confirmation applications can only be submitted if a Scoping Application has previously been submitted and the borough has been advised of an indicative funding allocation.ONLY Section B should be completed at the Confirmation application stage. The document will now consist of the previously completed Section A and the newly completed Section B and it is this full document that should be submitted at this confirmation stage. Confirmation applications are submitted on a rolling basis defined by the start year of the CCM schemes.
- Section A and B of the Proforma together are required for TfL to be able to allocate funding on the Portal to the scheme prior to the starts of the design.
- Include additional documents that support your application. Please keep these concise and reference all supporting documentation in your application form at the relevant questions in the Proforma. Supporting documents must be submitted at the same time as your application.
- All applications (including supporting documents) must be provided in electronic format. Hard copies of applications will not be accepted.
- Each stage of application together with any supporting documents should be uploaded to the LIP Document Management System on the Boroughs Portal with an e-mail confirming the upload sent to Anthony O Keeffe at ,uk
- Decisions to award funding are subject to a formal evaluation. Any expenditure that applicants incur or commit to prior to formal notification of funding is done so at their own risk.
Data protection and freedom of information
TfL follows the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We have a data protection policy, which is available from our website at
TfL also has a Freedom of Information policy which is available from our website at
Answer all relevant questions in the application forms. If the question in whole or part does not apply to your project enter ‘Not applicable’ or ‘N/a’. Failure to complete relevant questions may jeopardise the successful outcome of the application.
Complete questions A1 to A28
Station Details
A1 Name of Station:
A2 Type of Station:
A3 Crossrail Urban Realm Interchange Study:
Include name date and stage of design
A4 Number of station entrances: Details of any Station Entrancesexcluded from this application:
If this station has more than one public entranceTfL’s assumption will be that the application is forall thepublic entrances unless specifically statedat question A4. The public entrance is defined for the purposes of the CCM Guidance as an entrance open during normalweekday workinghours for the general public to enter / exit the station
Applicant Information
A5. Local authority name(s):
If the bid is a joint proposal, please enter the names of all participating local authorities and specify the lead authority
A6Contact Details: Name and position:
Name and position of officer preparing this Scoping Application
A7. Contact telephone number: Email address:
A8. Postal address:
A9. Priority
Are other Scoping Applications being submitted for other stations within your borough?
If ‘Yes’ pleasegive the priority of thisscheme relative to the other stationschemes:
out of
A10. Project name (if different from the station name)
A11. Scale of project
(Place an ‘ x’ in the relevant box)
Small project
(Total cost less than £2m)
Large project
(Total cost more than £2m)
A.12. Alignment to MTS goals and outcomesPlease record in the table below the extent the scheme contributes to the Mayoral goals and outcomesUse the following ranges
+3 = the proposal makes a strongly positive contribution to the outcome
+2 = the proposal makes a moderately positive contribution to the outcome
+1 = the proposal makes a slightly positive contribution to the outcome
0 = the proposal is neutral to the outcome to the outcome
-1 = the proposal makes a slightly negative contribution to the outcome
-2 = the proposal makes a moderately negative contribution to the outcome
-3 = the proposal makes a strongly negative contribution to the outcome
MTS goal / MTS outcome / Score +3 to-3Support Economic development and growth / O 01 - Balancing capacity and demand for travel through increasing public transport capacity and / or reducing the need to travel
O 02 - Improving people's access to jobs
O 03 - Improving access to commercial markets for freight movement & business travel, supporting the need for business to grow
O 04 - Smoothing traffic flow
O 05 - Improving public transport reliability
O 06 - Reducing operating costs
O 07 - Bringing and maintaining all assets to a state of good repair
O 08 - Enhancing the use of the Thames for people and goods
Enhance the quality of life for Londoners / O 09 - Improving public transport customer satisfaction
O 10 - Improving road user satisfaction (driver, pedestrians, cyclists etc)
O 11 - Reducing public transport crowding
O 12 - Enhancing streetscapes, improving perception of the urban realm and developing the better streets initiative
O 13 - Protecting and enhancing the natural environment
O 14 - Reducing air pollutant emissions from ground-based transport, contributing to EU air quality targets
O 15 - Improving perceptions and reducing the impact of noise
O 16a - Facilitating an increase in walking
O 16b - Facilitating an increase in cycling
Improve the safety and security of all Londoners / O 17 - Reducing crime rates
O 18 - Reducing the number of road traffic casualties
O 19 - Reducing casualties on public transport networks
Improve transport opportunities for all Londoners / O 20 - Improving the physical accessibility of public transport networks
O 21 - Improving access to services
O 22 - Supporting the wider regeneration
Reduce transports contribution to climate change / O 23 - Reducing CO2 emissions from ground-based transport
O 24 - Maintaining the reliability of transport networks
A13.Scheme purpose and objectives
Please summarise the purpose of the project and its key drivers. Refer as necessary to relevant Borough Policies and Transport Strategies.
(Max 200 words)
A14. Project scope
CCM Funding will be predominantly for work defined in the relevant Crossrail Urban Realm Integration Study as being within the immediate station environs, Works outside of this defined core area will need to be clearly described in Question A12. Further explanation can be found in Section 7.0 of the Crossrail Complementary Measures Guidance.
Please confirm that this application is only for works in the immediate station environs as defined in the Crossrail Urban Realm Integration Study
A15. Projectvariations
Please identify variations (if any) or additions to the project scope or proposed worksdefined in theCrossrail Urban Realm Integration Study as being within the immediate station environs. Proposed variations to the scope of the scheme must be clearly identified and reasoned. You may use plans or drawings to support your answers.
The following items are proposed to beadded to the scope of the works in the Crossrail Urban Realm Integration Study as part of this application:
The following items are proposed to be removed from the scope of the works in the Crossrail Urban Realm Integration Study as part of this application:
The following items are proposed to be varied in scope from the Crossrail Urban Realm Integration Study as part of this application:
A16. Estimated project costs
Please provide the total cost estimate for the project. This should cover its life cycle from design to delivery (build) to post implementation monitoring. Fees and contingency should also be identified. Figures should be entered in £000s (i.e. £10,000 = 10).
Cost Heading / Cost (£000’s) / Date and source of estimateData collection
Concept Design
Detailed Design
Traffic Modelling
Third Party Costs
Fees - Supervision
Fees - Project Management
Post Implementation Monitoring
Other (Please specify)
A17. Expected budget
Provide a breakdown of the total anticipated budget for the scheme including anyexpected sourcesof funding amounts and status of the funding elements.Figures should be entered in £000s (i.e. £10,000 = 10).
Funding Source / Amount £000’s / Status / NotesTfL Crossrail Complementary funding / Applied for in this application
Network Rail
Crossrail Other
Council Own Budgets
Other TfL funding (Specify)
CIL funding
Other Third Party Funding (User defined)
Other Third Party Funding (User defined)
Total / `
A18. Required funding profile for the TfL contribution
Please identify the required funding profile.
Figures should be entered in £000’s (i.e. £10,000=£10)
TfL funding requirement must not go beyond 2018/19 financial year
The total in this table must match the figure given for the TfL funding request in Question A14
2015/16 / 2016/17 / 2017/18 / 2018/19 / TotalTfL funding sought
A19. Delivery milestones
Please identify the start and end date for the milestones requested below:
Dates should be entered in mm/yyyy format. (I.e. January 2015 = 01/2015)
The timeline should be consistent with the expected funding profile
No additional milestones are required
Milestone / Start date / End date / Comments where applicableData collection
Concept Design
Detailed Design
Project Completion / N/a
Post Implementation Monitoring
A20. Scheme status
Please summarise the status of the project at the time of this application, including achievements to date and any milestones reached.
What are the expected deliverables in the remainder of this financial year?
A21. Consultation
Please summarise any consultation activity you haveundertaken on this scheme to date. Identify the stakeholders and the results of the consultation.
Internal (Borough)consultation
External consultation
A.22. Key risks
Please summarise the high level risks of the scheme, i.e. those having the highest impacton successfuldelivery. Space is provided for you to identifyadditional risks to those stated.
Description / Owner / Planned MitigationPolitical
Third Parties
Statutory & Legal Traffic Orders
Legal – (please describe)
Other – (Please describe)
A23. Benefits realisation
Please provide details on the baseline and projected benefits,including measures of success and their ownership.
Benefits should be proportionate to the size and scope of the proposed scheme.
(Max 200 words)
A24. Monitoring and evaluation
Evaluation is part of scheme development and should be considered atthe planning stageof the scheme. Evaluating the outcomes and impacts of schemes is important to show if a scheme has been successful.
Please set out how you plan to measure and report on the outcomes and impacts.
(Max 200 words)
A25. Associated initiatives
Please identify any other initiativesincluding TfL, GLA, or other partyinvestment likely to be active in the area, or which may be complementary tothis project.
Examples might include:
TfL LIPSchemes
TfL Cycling investment including Mini-Hollands
Local Enterprise Partnership funded projects
Mayors Regeneration Fund projects
A26. Required InformationITEM / Acceptable format / Included
with Submission?
A statement setting out the issues relating to crime and personal security to be addressed by the scheme / Statement
Identification of traffic signals affected by the scheme / Plan or list
Identification of TLRN, SRN (Strategic Route Network) and borough Principal roads that are affected by this scheme / Plan
Identification of TfL services affected by the scheme / Plan or Statement
Land OwnershipPlan / Plan
A separate plan showing the boundaries of the scheme / Plan
A statement setting out how the scheme supports the delivery of the Mayor’s Vision for Cycling in London / Statement
Details about related planning applications (if any) / Plan or statement
A27. Supporting information
Please list any other documents being provided in support of this application.
A28. Declaration and date of submission
By submitting this Scoping Application you are confirming the following:
(a)The information supplied on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
(b)Theborough accepts the terms and conditions set out for funding projects under the TfL Crossrail complementary work programme.
Answer all relevant questions in this section. If the question in whole or part does not apply to your project enter ‘Not applicable’ or ‘N/a’. Failure to complete relevant questions may jeopardise the successful outcome of the application.
Complete all questions B1 to B20
This document should be based on and expand on the detail the Scoping Application (Section A) submitted to TfL in summer 2014.
Station Details
B1 Name of Station:
B2 Number of station entrances: Details of any stationentrances excluded from this application:
If this station has more than one public entrance TfL’s assumption will be that the application is for all the entrances unless specifically stated above
Applicant Information
A3. Local authority name(s):
If the bid is a joint proposal, please enter the names of all participating local authorities and specify the lead authority
B4. Contact name and position:
Name and position of officer preparing this ConfirmingApplication
B5. Contact telephone number: Email address:
B6. Postal address:
B7. Status update
Please provide a brief summary of the project’s current status, including any achievementsor work completed on the scheme since the submission of the Scoping Application
(200 words)
Explain how TfL feedback (if any) to the scheme presented in the Scoping Applicationis being addressed
B8. Priority
If the number of CCM applications or the scheme priority has varied from that given in the Scoping Application (Question A9) give details and reasons.
B9. Scale of project
If the scale of the project has varied from that given in the Scoping application (Question A11) give details and reasons.
Projects are defined as Small projects(total cost less than£2m) or Large projects (total cost £2m or greater)
B10. Project scope
Referring to A14 and A15 in the Scoping Applicationgive details and reasons for any changes to the scheme defined in the Scoping Application.
a) The following changes proposed to the project previously defined in theScoping Application:
Reason for variation(s):
Supporting plans and drawing clearly showing the revised scheme must be provided. Provide reports and or any other statements that are required to explain the changes.
B11. Project costs
Providethe latesttotal cost estimate for the project. This should cover its total life cycle from design todelivery (build) through topost implementation monitoring. Fees and contingency should be identified.
Figures should be entered in £000s (i.e. £10,000 = 10).
Cost HeadingCost (£000s)Date Estimated
Please identify any assumptions / exclusions in the calculation of project costs given above.
Please indicate the source of estimated costs. For example, are they based on borough schedules of rates, costs for similar schemes completed by the Borough or a third party estimate? If it is a third party estimate, has there been an internal review of the figures?
If the cost estimate has varied from that given in the Scoping Application give details and reasons for the changes.
B12. Expected budget
Please provide a breakdown of the total anticipated budget for the scheme including any expected sources of funding and the status of these funding elements.
Figures should be entered in £000s (i.e. £10,000 = 10).
Funding Source / Amount £000’s / StatusTfL Crossrail Complementary Funding / Sought in this Application
B13. Third party funding
Please provide information on the following points (where applicable):
a)Non-TfL Crossrail Complementary Measures (CCM) funding contributions secured to the scheme. This should include the level of commitment and when the funding will become available.
b)Other funding applications you have made for this scheme and the outcome of these applications, including any reasons for rejection.
B14.Required funding profile for the TfL contribution