Research project: Bullying in Schools
Your group should have 4 or 5 members. Please do not go over 5. You are responsible for creating a guide that can be given to younger students (middle school; kids about to enter high school) that will help them understand what bullying is, what it looks like (it’s not always obvious), how to respond, what resources are available to them, and anything else your group finds important. Each group member will be responsible for a portion of the guide. Each group will have to sign up with me as to which section each member is completing. THIS IS ONE COHESIVE GUIDE! THE GUIDE IS DUE MONDAY MAY 15, 2017.
1)Cover- your guide must have a title and a relevant image. All group members’ names should appear on the cover as well. Remember! This is the FACE of your guide! Make it interesting!
2)Table of Contents- make a table of contents with page numbers for a quick reference.
3)Terms- Create a list of bullying terms WITH DEFINITIONS that might not be familiar to younger students. Minimum of 10 terms WITH DEFINITIONS required. Times New Roman 12 pt font only.
4)TCHS Bullying policy- look up the bullying policy for TCHS and place it in your guide. DO NOT SIMPLY REMOVE THE PAGE FROM THE HANDBOOK. TYPE IT OUT! Times New Roman 12 pt font only.
5)Introduction to the problem- this is exactly what it sounds like. Introduce the topic of bullying (1/2-3/4 of a page Times New Roman 12 pt font WITH A GRAPHIC THAT TIES IT ALL TOGETHER).
6)Definition of bullying based on research and student viewpoints WITH A FEW GRAPHICS TO FILL THE PAGE! YOU MUST CITE your definition based on research and identify the students by first name and last initial only. Please get their permission. If you do not have their permission just put “Anonymous”. You must have ONE researched definition and FIVE student/staff/community viewpoints.
7)Examples that illustrate the nature of bullying in schools (what does it look like? Who’s affected? Is it always easy to see or perceive?) (¾ of a page Times New Roman 12 pt font). CITE YOUR SOURCES. One large relevant image or several smaller ones is also required.
8)Explain, based on your research how bullies might be victims too. Explain this in ¾ of a page Times New Roman 12 pt font. Be sure to have a relevant image in this section as well.
9)Explain, based on research the phenomenon of “by standing” and how it affects bullying in general. ½ page Times New Roman 12 pt font. Be sure to have a relevant image to fill the page.
10)Advice- give advice for how to deal with bullies based on RESEARCH. CITE YOUR SOURCES (3/4-1 full page Times New Roman 12 pt font WITH GRAPHIC)
11)Resources for help- explain the various resources available to victims of bullying BASED ON RESEARCH (3/4 of a page Times New Roman 12pt font with graphics)
12)Community Contract- create a contract students can give to community members (TCHS) that aims to prevent bullying. Look up Anti-Bullying contracts on the web to help you. NOTE: PLAGUERIZED CONTRACTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!) Contract must be at least ¾ of a page Times New Roman 12 pt font.
13)Conclusion- one last chance to convince the students of your purpose in putting this guide together.
14)References/Bibliography- Look at the references at the end of the articles you used and create one for your guide.
15)Anything else you think is relevant. Art work, stories, anything that is relevant and helps in any way.
Sections 1-11 are worth 25 points each for a total of 275 points.
Neatness- 50 points
Use of researched information- 50 points
TOTAL – 375 points
Each group member will be graded on the sections they were responsible for. The entire group will be graded on neatness and use of research.
Please put your guide inside a folder or binder. Stapled together guides will receive a 10-point deduction. This needs to look semiprofessional.