1.4.2 - 1.4.6 Ecology FMQuiz Homework

Name: ______

Q. What is an ecosystem?

A. ______

Q. Explain the term biosphere.

A. ______

Q. What is a habitat?

A. ______

Q. In ecological studies what are abiotic factors.

A. ______


Q. Explain the term edaphic.

A. ______

Q. True or False. The term abiotic refers to the living factors in an ecosystem.

A. ______

Q. Give an example of an abiotic factor that influences the distribution of a named plant in an ecosystem.

A. ______

Q. Give an example of an edaphic factor.

A. ______

Q. In ecological studies what are biotic factors.

A. ______

Q. What is meant by a pyramid of numbers?

A. ______

Q. Give an example of a biotic factor that influences the distribution of a named animal.

A. ______

Q. What term is used by ecologists to describe the organisms that form the base of a pyramid of numbers?

A. ______

Q. In ecology what is meant by a trophic level?

A. ______

Q. What is a food web?

A. ______

Q. True or False. Herbivores normally live long lives.

A. ______

Q. Organisms capable of making their own food are known as …

A. ______

Q. Where in a food chain are primary producers found?

A. ______

Q. Why are most food chains short i.e. only consist of a few trophic levels?

A. ______

Q. What term is used to describe organisms that feed on primary producers?

A. ______

Q. What deduction may be made if the organisms at the start of the chain are less numerous than those that feed upon them?

A. ______

Q. Can a parasite be the first member of a food chain?

A. ______

Q. Energy enters food chains in the form of light. In which form do you think most energy is lost from food chains?

A. ______

Q. Name the process that takes place in plants in which the sun’s energy is converted to a usable form.

A. ______

Q. What is the source of energy for the earth’s ecosystems?

A. ______

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