Your Ref:
Our Ref: FOI/142517 APPEAL /
Mr Charles Levy
Email: / Date:18 May 2011
Dear Mr Levy
Freedom of Information request 142517APPEAL
I am writing to you about your request for a review of a Freedom of Information 2000 (FOIA) response dated 13 April2011 and your original information request made on 31 March 2011.
Your review request related to a decision made under the Freedom of Information Act by the Council on 8 April 2011
Your request has been assigned to me to investigate and review.
The result of my review is contained in this letter.
I have investigated the Council’s response to you made on 8 April 2011
The information you requested was as follows:
- The salary of the present Sports And Recreation Development Manager
The basis of your appeal was made on the following statement you emailed to the City Council on the 13 April 2011:
- The officer is a paid by the public and all salaries should be transparent. The Prime Minster's salary is made public why not a senior officer working in the public domain. An openness is needed
In order to confirm the validity of the information provided I have re-contacted and liaised with all of the relevant members of the City Council who were involved in the drafting of your response.
Having considered the information originally provided in the response and in light of the further discussions and investigations which have taken place subsequent to your request for a review, I can confirm that the information provided in the original response was correct
Sports Development Officers are paid within a salary range of £27,848 - £34,549pa.
However, after further examination of the exemption used in our response the City Council feels it can be reasonably expected to release the scale and salary band of the employee in question. Due to the large amount of public interaction the role has, the Council feels it right to disclose such information.
Please find below requested information:
TitleSalary Band
Sport & Recreation Development Manager£45166 - £48044
As I have now reviewed your original response, you have exhausted the Council’s appeals process for the purposes of this request. Accordingly, should you remain dissatisfied, please contact The Information Commissioner’s Office, via the following:
Website is and the postal address and telephone numbers are:-
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Wilmslow, Cheshire
Fax number 01625 524 510
Telephone 01625 545745
Email – (they advise that their email is not secure).
Yours sincerely
Andrea Glanville
Legal Services Manager
Information Team, Legal Services Municipal Buildings Dale Street
Liverpool L2 2DH
Telephone 0151 225 3132 Fax 0151 225 2392