Curriculum Vitae
Date: Jun, 2010
Maja Bucan, Ph.D.
Home Address: 2530 Naudain Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146
(215) 790-0395
Office Address: Department of Genetics and
Center for Neurobiology and Behavior in the
Department of Psychiatry, 115 CRB,
University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 898 0020 (Office)
(215) 898-0021 (Lab)
(215) 573-2041 (FAX)
Nationality: Croatian and USA,
Education: 1974-79 B.S. Belgrade University, Yugoslavia
(Molecular biology and physiology)
1979-83 M.S. Belgrade University, Yugoslavia
(Molecular biology and biochemistry)
1983-87 Ph.D. Belgrade University, Yugoslavia
(Biology) (work carried out with Dr. Hans Lehrach
at the EMBL, Heidelberg)
Postgraduate Training and Fellowship Appointments::
1987 - 88 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship,
Genome Analysis Laboratory,
Imperial Cancer Research Fund,
London, U.K.
1988 - 90 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship,
The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia
Faculty Appointments:
1990 - 96 Assistant Professor of Molecular Genetics in Psychiatry,
Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania,
School of Medicine, Philadelphia
1990 - 96 Assistant Professor of Molecular Genetics in Genetics,
(secondary appointment)
Department of Genetics, University of Pennsylvania,
1996- Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics in Psychiatry,
Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania,
School of Medicine, Philadelphia
1996- Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics in Genetics
(secondary appointment)
Department of Genetics, University of Pennsylvania,
2002- Associate Professor of Genetics
Department of Genetics, University of Pennsylvania,
2002- Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics in Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania,
(secondary appointment)
2003- Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Genetics,
Department of Psychiatry (secondary appointment),
School of Medicine, Philadelphia
2004-2009 Interim Director, Penn Center for Bioinformatics
Hospital and Administrative Appointments: None
Awards, Honors and Membership into Honorary Societies: None
2006 - NARSAD – Distinguished Investigator Award
Membership in Professional and Scientific Societies
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Society of Human Genetics
International Mammalian Genome Society
The Human Genome Organization
Society for Neuroscience
Editorial Positions:
1995- Editorial board and review editor of Mammalian Genome;
2000- Editorial board Genesis,
2000-2008 Editorial board Genome Research,
2001- Editorial board Genes, Brain and Behavior;
2001- Editorial board Biological Psychiatry
2002- Editorial board Embryo Today
Review Panel and Advisory Board Positions
1993 NIH Grant Reviewer (BIOL-1) and Ad Hoc Reviewer for other Study
1999- Priority Setting for Mouse Genomics and Genetic Resources (NIH)
2000- Priority Setting for Mouse Genomics and Genetic Resources (NIMH)
(Participant and Discussion Leader)
2000 Planning the Future of Genetics Research in the NIMH Intramural Research
2000 Advisory board of the Autism Genetics Research Exchange (CAN)
2001 Advisory board of the Tourette Syndrome Association
2001- Member of the Mouse Sequencing Liaison Group (NIH/NIHGR)
2001- Member of the Secretariat of the Mammalian Genome Society
2000 Member of the International Mouse Mutagenesis Consortium
2002 Chair, Special Emphasis Panel: RFA-HD-01-0202:
“Mouse Phenotyping: Developmental and Fertility Defects
2003 NIH/NIHGR delegated member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Mouse Genome Informatics, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor ME.
2005 NIMH Silvio O.Conte Review Panel
2006 NIMH, Ad Hoc, Board of Scientific Counselors Review
2008 NIMH, Ad Hoc, Board of Scientific Counselors Review
2006-8 President, Mammalian Genome Society
2008 Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee;
participant of the Risk factor workshop
2009 Member, Board of Scientific Counselors (NIH/NIMH)
Academic Committees at the University of Pennsylvania:
1993 -1996 Member, Admissions Committee, Biomedical Graduate Studies
1992 - Member, Advising Committee, Molecular Biology Graduate Group
1993 - Member, Research Committee, Department of Psychiatry
1993 -1994 Member, Graduate Education Subcommittee, Department of Psychiatry
1993 -1996 Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Genetics
1996 - Associate Director, University Scholars Council
1997 - Postdoctoral Advisory Committee, School of Medicine
1999 - Faculty 2000 Committee (Tenure Faculty)
2000/2001 - Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Genetics
2001 - Member of the Genomics Institute Advisory Committee
2001 - Member of the Long Term Planning Committee for Animal Space
2001 - Member of the Advisory Committee for the PENN Center for Bioinformatics
2002 - Member, Executive Committee, Admissions Committee,
Genomics and Computational Sciences Graduate Studies
2002 Chair, Genetics Theme Working Group
Penn Medicine Strategic Planning Project
2003 Member, Faculty Search Committee, PENN Center for Bioinformatics
2003 Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Psychiatry
2003 Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Medical Genetics,
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.
2005 Member, Review panel, Penn Genomics Institute
2006 Member, Committee for Promotions and Appointments, SOM
2007 Chair, Genomic and Computational Biology Graduate Group
Major Teaching Responsibilities for the University of Pennsylvania:
Courses and Lectures (last 10 years):
1990 - 1996 Molecular Genetics BIOL 421, 2 lectures annually,
School of Arts and Sciences, Fall
1991 - 1993 Molecular Biology and Genetics BIOL 425, 1 lecture
annually, School of Arts and Sciences, Summer
1991, 1993, 1995, 1997 Genetics 150, Team taught with Genetics
Faculty, School of Medicine, Fall
1991 - 1993 Fundamentals of Human Genetics 570, 1 lecture annually,
Grad. Group in Molecular Biology
1994 -1995 Eukaryotic Gene Organization and Expression BIOC 555,
1 lecture, Grad. Group in Biochem/Mol Biol, 1994 - Experimental Principles in Cell and Molecular Biology BIOL 526, Grad. Group in Biology, 1 lecture
1995 - Genomics BIOL 752, 1 lecture
Grad. Group in Biology and CAMB
1997 - Genetics of Mammalian Development and Differentiation
CAMB 534, co-organized with Dr. Taub,
Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Group
1996, 1998 Advanced Topics in Neuropychopharmacology
PHARM 550. co-organizer with Dr. Lucki,
1997 Molecular Neurobiology INSC571, 1 lecture
Neuroscience Graduate Group
2000 - Behavioral Genetics INSC578/BIO488
course co-director with Dr. Abel
2000 - Molecular Pharmacology PHARM 520, 3 session course director: Dr. Eberwine
2000 - Fundamental in Pharmacology PHARM 623, 1 session
course director Dr. Manning
2002 - Genetic Systems BIOL540/CAMB541, 3 sessions
course director Scott Poethig
2002 - Genomics and Computational Biology 531,
4 lectures, course co-organizer
Principal Investigator of Grants (Past 5 years)
1996-2001 Functional Maps of a Segment of Mouse Chromosome 5 (PI), National Institutes of Health Grant NIH R01 HD28410; $ 237,492 (direct costs per year).
1997-2001 Genetics of Sleep and Rest Behavior in the Mouse (PI), National Institutes
of Health Grant NIH R01 AR45325-01; $ 225,000 (direct costs per year).
1998-2003 Random Mutagenesis Screen for Behavioral Mutants in the Mouse,
National Institutes of Health Grant NIH R01 MH57855-01; $ 167,000
(direct costs per year).
2001- 2006 Functional Maps of a Segment of Mouse Chromosome 5 (PI), National Institutes of Health Grant NIH R01 HD28410; $ 337,492 (direct costs per year)
2005-2007 Analysis of circadian profiles in cultured fibroblasts (PI), National Institutes of Health Grant NIH R21 MH078179; $ 172,050 (direct costs per year)
2002-2007 Genetics of Rest:Activity Behavior in Mice, ), National Institutes of Health Grant NIH R01 MH064867; $ 215,279 (direct costs per year).
2006-2007 NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Award
2008- 2009 University of Pennsylvania ITMAT Pilot Grant N. Goal and M. Bucan (PIs) Genotyping neurobehavioral phenotypic responses to partial sleep deprivation
in humans; $100,000
2009-2011 “Pathway-based analysis of ASD” Autism Speaks Foundation
2009- 2013 CHOP/Pennn Center of Excellence for Autism Research
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public Welfare, PI: Schultz,
Dr. Bucan is PI on the subproject on the identification of rare variants in ASD).
Lectures by Invitation:
March 24, 2003 – “From ENU Mutagenesis to Sequence Annotation” Celera / Applied Biosystems, Rockville.
October 2003 – “Identification of Mouse Models for Neuropsychiatric Disorders” - EuMorphia meeting on Phenotype Screens for Mice developing an Integrated Platform, Slough/London.
February 2004 – “Identification of Mouse Models for Neuropsychiatric Disorders: From endophenotypes to pathways,” The Genome Conference, Lorne, Australia.
April 2004 – “Identification of Mouse Models for Neuropsychiatric Disorders: From ENU Mutagenesis to Bioinformatics”, MMRC, Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin.
May 2005 – Short talk, Cold Spring Harbor, Biology of Genomes
June 2005 – “Functional genomics in the Mouse,” Genome Analysis Workshop, The Jackson Laboratory
July 2005 – “Behavioral Genomics” Comparative and Functional Genomics, University Park at Penn State University
July 2006 – Cornell University, Symposium on Vertebrate Genomics, Ithaca, NY
November 2006 – “Modeling neuropsychiatric disorders”, Department of Genetics, University of Nebraska, Department of Genetics, Medical Center, Omaha, NE
March 2007 – “Genetics of Autism” – Mid-Atlantic Consortium Meeting of Mental Retardation Centers, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
October 2007 – “”Novel approaches for the analysis of high-density SNP genotype data”, World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, New York, NY.
March 2008 – “Genomic landscape of neuropsychiatric disorders” Department of Genetics, Denver, CO.
June 2008 – What can the emerging CNV genetics data tell us about the low functioning and nonverbal ASD population?, Workshop supported by Autism Speaks, Santa Monica, CA
July 2008 – “Genomic landscape of Autism Spectrum Disorders”, Invited speaker at “Genetics – Understanding living systems, XX International congress of genetics, Berlin, Germany.
July 2008 – “Genomic landscape of Autism Spectrum Disorders” – Lecture at the Institute of Molecular Genetics, ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic.
November 2008 – “Genetics of neuropsychiatric disorders” – Lecture in the Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
November 2008 – “Genomic landscape of Autism Spectrum Disorders”, Talk at the Meeting of the American Society for Human Genetics, Philadelphia.
January 2009 - - “Genomic landscape of neuropsychiatric disorders”, Talk at the Neurology
grand rounds, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Rose F. Kennedy Center,
New York.
April 2009 - “Genomic landscape of Autism Spectrum Disorders”, Talk at the Institute
for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
September 2009 - “Genomic landscape of Autism Spectrum Disorders”,
Talk at the Neuroscience Congress, Zadar, Croatia.
October 2009 – “Genetics of ASD: Search for neuronal enhancers in ASD candidate regions”,
American Society for Human Genetics, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Organizing Roles in Scientific Meetings:
1998-2001 Co-organizer of the Meeting on Mouse Molecular Genetics,
Cold Spring Harbor/Heidelberg
1999- Co-organizer of the 13th International Mouse Genome Conference,
2002 Co-organizer ENU Mutagenesis Workshop, Washington
2007, 2008 Co-organizer of the International Mammalian Genome Conference.
2009 Program Committee, Society for Neuroscience, USA.
Research Publications, (selected) peer reviewed
1. Hadley D., Murphy T., Ungar L., Kim J., Bucan M, (2006) Patterns of Sequence Conservation in Presynaptic Neural Genes, Genome Biology 7, R105.
2. The Autism Genome Project Consortium; (2007) Mapping autism risk loci using genetic linkage and chromosomal rearrangements. Nat Genet. 39, 319-28.
3. Chatterjee B, Richards K, Bucan M, Lo C. (2007) Nt mutation causing laterality defects associated with deletion of rotatin. Mamm Genome 18, 310-5.
4. Yang, S., Wang, K., Valladares, O., Hannenhalli, S., Bucan, M. (2007) Genome-wide expression profiling and bioinformatics analysis of genes with oscillating expression in the mouse prefrontal cortex, Genome Biology 8, R247.
5. Yang S., Van Dongen, H., Wang K., Berrettini W., Bucan M. (2009) Assessment of circadian function in fibroblasts derived from bipolar patients. Molecular Psychiatry 14, 143-55 E-pub Feb 2008
6. Wang K., Li M., Bucan M., (2007) Pathway-based approaches for analysis of genome-wide association studies, Am. J. of Human Genetics 81, 6.
7. Wang K, Li M, Hadley D, Liu R, Glessner J, Grant S, Hakonarson H, Bucan M (2007) High-resolution copy number variation detection: application of an integrated hidden Markov Model on whole-genome SNP genotyping data. Genome Research 17, 1665-1674.
8. Girirajan S, Patel N, Slager RE, Tokarz ME, Bucan M, Wiley JL, Elsea SH. How much is too much? Phenotypic consequences of Rai1 overexpression in mice. (2008) Eur J Hum Genet;16, 941-54.
9. Jakobsson M, Scholz SW, Scheet P, Gibbs JR, VanLiere JM, Fung HC, Szpiech ZA, Degnan JH, Wang K, Guerreiro R, Bras JM, Schymick JC, Hernandez DG, Traynor BJ, Simon-Sanchez J, Matarin M, Britton A, van de Leemput J, Rafferty I, Bucan M, Cann HM, Hardy JA, Rosenberg NA, Singleton AB. (2008) Genotype, haplotype and copy-number variation in worldwide human populations. Nature 451:998-1003.
10. Diskin S. J., Li, M., Hou C., Yang S., Glessner J., Hakonarson H., Bucan M., Maris J, and Wang K (2008) Adjustment of genomic waves in signal intensities of whole-genome SNP genotyping platforms, Nucleic Acids Res 36 (19).
11. Alenghat T, Meyers K, Mullican SE, Leitner K, Adeniji-Adele A, Avila J, Bucan M, Ahima RS, Kaestner KH, Lazar MA. (2008) Nuclear receptor corepressor and histone deacetylase 3 govern circadian metabolic physiology. Nature 456, 997-1000.
12. Hranilovic D, Bucan M, Wang Y. (2008) Emotional response in dopamine D2L receptor-deficient mice. Behav Brain Res. 195, 246-50.
13. Wang K, Chen Z, Tadesse MG, Glessner J, Grant SF, Hakonarson H, Bucan M, Li M. (2008) Modeling genetic inheritance of copy number variations. Nucleic Acids Res. 36 (21).
14. Yang S., Wang K., Gregory B., Berrettini W., Wang L., Hakonarson H., Bucan M. (2008) Genomic Landscape of a Three-generation Pedigree Segregating Affective Disorder, PLoS ONE 4:e4474.
15. Glessner J.T., Wang K., Cai G., Korvatska O., Wood S., E. Kim C. E., Zhang H., Estes A., Brune C., Bradfield J. P., Imielinski M., C. Frackelton E. C., Reichert J., Crawford E. L., Chiavacci R., Soorya L., Klei L., Piven J., Meyer K. J., Anagnostou E., Sakurai T., Game R. M., Rudd D. S., Zurawiecki D., Munson J., McDougle C., Davis L. K., Miller J., Posey D., Bernier R., Dawson G., Owley T., McMahon W. M., Wassink T. H., Sweeney J. A., Nurnberger Jr., J. I., Coon H., Sutcliffe J. S., Minshew N. J., Grant S. F. A., Bucan M., Cook Jr., E. H., Buxbaum, J. D., Devlin B., Schellenberg G. D., Hakon Hakonarson H. (2008) Autism genome wide copy number variation reveals ubiquitin and neuronal genes, Nature, 459; 569-73.
16. Wang K+, Zhang+ H, Ma+ D, Bucan M, Glessner JT, Abrahams BS, Salyakina D, Imielinski M, Bradfield JP, Sleiman PM, Kim CE, Hou C, Frackelton E, Chiavacci R, Takahashi N, Sakurai T, Rappaport E, Lajonchere CM, Munson J, Estes A, Korvatska O, Piven J, Sonnenblick LI, Alvarez Retuerto AI, Herman EI, Dong H, Hutman T, Sigman M, Ozonoff S, Klin A, Owley T, Sweeney JA, Brune CW, Cantor RM, Bernier R, Gilbert JR, Cuccaro ML, McMahon WM, Miller J, State MW, Wassink TH, Coon H, Levy SE, Schultz RT, Nurnberger JI, Haines JL, Sutcliffe JS, Cook EH, Minshew NJ, Buxbaum JD, Dawson G, Grant SF, Geschwind DH, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, Hakonarson H., (2009) Common genetic variants on 5p14.1 associate with autism spectrum disorders. Nature, 459:528-33. (+ equal contribution)