Teacher’s email:
THS Website/Fisher’s webpage:
THS Phone: 352-343-3007
This course incorporates reading and writing study through writing a variety of informative texts using grade-level writing craft and through the in-depth reading and analysis of informational selections in order to develop critical reading and writing skills necessary for success in college courses. This course prepares students for successful completion of Florida college English courses. The benchmarks reflect the Florida Postsecondary Readiness Competencies necessary for entry-level college courses and are also related to the College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards, the exit standards of Florida's K -12 Common Core Standards. Common Core standards to be covered will be based on the following:
Read and comprehend literature and informational text building in complexity. (R.10)
Write routinely over varied time frames (in all subjects) for multiple purposes, tasks and audiences. (W.10)
Engage in a range of collaborative discussions on various topics and texts to share knowledge and experiences, building upon one another’s ideas, and referring to the text for support. (SL.1)
Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English including grammar, usage, and mechanics while learning ways to use language to convey meaning effectively. (L.1-L.3)
Determine/clarify meaning of grade-appropriate words encountered through listening, reading, and use (L.4-L.6)
- Be on time! If you are tardy more than two times per quarter, you will receive a detention.
- Be prepared! Come to class with the following MATERIALS EACH DAY:
a pen (blue or black ink)a pencil
your own planner—this is worth a grade!
a spiral notebook with pockets—this is worth a grade!
an account with Skyward—proof of this is required for a grade!
*Note: Your spiral notebook will be collected at the end of each quarter. This will consist of organized notes taken in class in addition to journal entries and daily activities. This is worth a test grade and is a crucial part of class! I will not accept disorganized papers haphazardly stapled together. You must have a notebook dedicated specifically to this class.
- Be respectful: Disrespectful behavior to the teacher or other students will not be tolerated.
- Passes: Your passes are located in your planner. Per the administration, if you do not have your planner, you will not be given permission to leave the class.
- All Tavares High School rules apply in this class! Dress code, tardy policy, etc.
- Cell phones: Students who are using their cell phones (without permission) in class will have them taken away. Per THS policy, cell phones will be forwarded to administration.
- Sharing work and plagiarism: Unless otherwise specified, you are expected to complete your assignments independently. The sharing of answers or collaboration of work will result in a zero for the assignment. If you are completing an assignment which utilizes information provided by other sources, you must credit those sources through proper documentation techniques—otherwise the work is plagiarized.
- Sleeping in class: If you snooze, you lose! Do not expect me to allow you to make up work if you sleep in class.
- Videos: On rare occasions, the class will view videos/DVDs relating to the literature we read in class (Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Hamlet, Gulliver’s Travels, Frankenstein, Young Frankenstein, etc.). These films may possess the ratings of G, PG, and PG 13. By signing this syllabus, the parent gives consent to the showing of these films. If a parent has concerns about the ratings of these films, please contact the instructor immediately and an alternate assignment will be given.
- Do not draw or scribble on any work you turn in to me. I will not accept it if it is not legible. Always have the correct heading: Name, date, and class period—this should be located on the top left-hand corner of the paper.
- Turn in assignments on time (at the beginning of class on the due date). For each day of my class your homework is late, it will drop one letter grade. All work is due at the beginning of the class. Even if you hand it in to me ten minutes after I have collected it—it is late and subject to the late penalty.
I will not accept work over three days late. If your absence is unexcused, I will not accept the work–this includes missed tests.
- It is your responsibility to make up missing assignments. I will have my weekly lesson plans posted on a wall in my room; therefore, you will always be informed about the assignments you have missed. On the day you return to class, check the lesson plans on what you have missed. For security purposes, some make-up assignments are usually different than the original work in class. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me—this includes via email. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO EMAIL ME AND CHECK MY WEBSITE TO RECEIVE YOUR MAKE UP WORK SO YOU DO NOT GET BEHIND.
- With an EXCUSED absence, you have one week (five school days) to make up any missed tests or quizzes. This must be done after school. For security purposes, make-up tests are formatted differently than the original.
Daily work, mini-quizzes, reader responsesCount once out of 100 points
Major tests, essays, journal, and novel-based projectsCount twice out of 200 points
Do your work correctly the first time. EXTRA CREDIT WILL NOT BE GIVEN!
Mrs. Fisher’s Student Information Sheet
English IV
Last name First name
Parent(s) or Guardian(s) with whom you live:
- I have a copy of the class rules and agree to observe them.
- I understand that hall passes are not my right.
- I understand late work will be penalized one letter grade per day and not accepted after three days. If I have an excused absence, I have five school days to make up the work—this includes tests. Work from an unexcused absence will not be accepted.
- I understand work is due at the beginning of class as soon as the tardy bell rings and work turned in after it has been collected will be considered late.
- I understand I am encouraged to email the instructor to receive makeup work if I am absent.
- I know it is my responsibility to have a Skyward account and check my grades regularly.
Student Signature:______Date:______
Dear Parent,
- Please read this course guide and sign below. Your signature will indicate that you have read and understand the expectations and grading policy of my class.
- My policy is to issue progress reports to every student at or near the midpoint of each grading period. If you have questions or concerning you student's progress, please feel free to contact me at any time—see below.
- PLEASE USE the county gradebook program to monitor your child’s grades and attendance in all classes:
Kim Fisher, NBCT; M. Ed
English IV
Parent Signature:______Date:______
Email Address: ______Contact number ______
Please turn in this sheet by ______. This is for a grade.
CONTACT INFORMATION: or Phone: 352-343-3007
School Website/Teacher’s website: