Specialized Coating Technology, LLC
Company Profile
SCT is a protective coatings firm, specializing in corrosion control in the Cement and Petrochemical industry with an emphasis on fighting corrosion to steel substrates in cement kilns, as well as other flue gas vessels such as stacks, bag houses, scrubbers and more.
Corrosion occurs when the substrate and the environmental elements combine and react. Corrosion rates are affected by these environmental elements. In the cement industry, these elements are likely to be moisture, temperature, and environmental chemical residue from products burned through the kilns of these plants. The rate of corrosion on the interior portion of the flue gas equipment surpasses the rate of exterior corrosion at an alarming rate. A much accelerated deterioration pace than the exterior portion of the substrates
Without a barrier coating, the aggressive pace of deterioration leads to premature equipment failure, equipment replacement, and costly down time to the plant. The costs of our barrier coatings are minimal to the replacement costs, production loss and down time associated with the corrosion deterioration. Moreover, effects of this corrosion are becoming an ever growing “Safety Issue” to plant personnel and visiting vendors.
SCT, Inc. cares about our customers. We have unique and individual approaches to our customer’s unique and individual corrosion needs. We go out of our way to find the best solutions, using the best coatings available in the move cost efficient way with the utmost concern on safety. If we cannot find a coating, we won’t give up. We will make one. In 2001 SCT announced our development of “ASHGUARD”™ Kiln and Vessel Coatings. SCT is on the “Cutting Edge” of technology, applying our barrier coatings to the internal portions of flue gas equipment.
A few reasons to choose SCT over any other coating contractor are:
- We have more experience in cement industry industrial coatings than any other coatings contractor. (Insert some photos of early work from website). Debra Ashley has been in this industry for over twenty years, owning her own business for the past sixteen years. She has progressed from painting remote batch plants, to applying high heat coatings to external vessels in production plants , working closely with the owner and manufacturer to aid in writing specifications for her processes, to her latest venture, the internal coatings to kilns, bag houses and other related flue gas systems.
- We apply our coatings in an incredibly fast and efficient manner. Our research and development of high heat “on the run” applications in cement manufacturing plants, enabling the plants to keep producing while protecting the steel at the same time, was one of the first of its kind.
- We are inventive. We may use a coating designed for special marine environments (an epoxy which can actually cure under water), in a rock crushing “wet” plant.
- We apply our coatings in an incredibly fast and efficient manner.
- We can assure you that with our inventive application technique and “user friendly coatings” we can perform our sandblasting and coating procedures to interior portion of kilns during standard or emergency shutdowns, usually within one long shift. We can perform a fifty foot linear section within a twelve to fourteen hour shift, a one hundred linear foot section usually can be done within a less than thirty hour shift.
- The use of our specialized rigging saves extensive costs, which we can reflect on to the customer. Where some coating applicators would tie up cranes, we are proficient in our extensive and creative rigging techniques. This saves expensive and timely costs usually seen in other applicators applications.
- We are Osha/Msha certified. Debra Ashley is certified to instruct Msha Part 46. She is personally involved on each and every job from bid process. to performance quality assurance, to conclusion. Many times you may see her in her “Pink” hard hat. You may not know or remember her name at the time, but one thing is for sure... you will remember “The Paint Lady in the Pink Hard Hat”.
- Ms. Ashley is a “published author with her case studies of her internal linings for kilns, bag houses and flare stacks being published in world wide magazines. She is respected in the cement industry, many times being called upon by major cement companies to aid in writing their painting specifications. She is also called upon by the manufacturers of her coatings to perform trials and research and development techniques for their products in perhaps an “outside” field for that application.
Case studies of our applications, combined with post application steel tensile strength tests over the past several years, have proven that the cleaning(media blasting) of the kiln and vessel shell, removes chemical debris and contaminants from the substrate which can be a catalyst for the onset for corrosion.
The application of a heat and corrosion protective coating to the cleaned substrate creates a “barrier coating” between the chemical contamination and the shell wall. This process retards the progression to the shell wall’s thickness deterioration.
Proven benefits of our applications of internal coatings:
- Removal of chemical residues eliminates the chemical debris that is attached to the substrate surface.
- Barrier Coatings Saves Steel Thickness.
Heat and corrosion coatings act as a “barrier coating” protecting the steel’s thickness. The application of our “protective barrier coatings” has proven with our case studies, to safe steel thickness, or substrate deterioration. Our case studies have shown over one to three years consecutively, that no noticeable steel deterioration occurred for periods up to three years in some cases to date. The coating was still “intact”, and there was no evidence of the original “orange peel” steel delaminating (which in some cases previously without the cleaning and coating, approximately 1.6mm thickness was lost.
Debra Ashley will only use coatings she feels are dependable and user friendly in a shutdown environment. There is no time to spare. The key is to give the customer the best quality with the least interference of their time. Unlike some competitors, Ms. Ashley knows her customers have not got the time to use a product that cannot be walked on, or welded on, within a small amount of time. This is very important to the customers in shutdown situations. The applicator must be able to find a “user friendly” coating and be able of performing that application in conjunction within the plant’s schedule in the least possible time without causing undue delays.
We save your company priceless budgetary expenses with our applications, which, in turn, allow your company managers to be more efficient with their planning bugets for the next year. Our internal coating costs are a fraction of the costs involved in the replacement costs of this expensive steel. More efficient budget anticipations for plant managers lead to more efficient budgetary expenses for years to come
SCT is overseen by Debra Ashley and Park Jones, her partner., They are personally involved with each job. SCT is “Small enough to care... and large enough to carry through”.
All work performed is done by only “Specialized Coating Technology” certified applicators. In areas local to our natural environment, Debra will take her crew to perform the job. If she is called to a location which may be a great distance away, she is able to sell her material, supervise the job and certify a “local” crew for that company. If preferred, she can bring her crew, however, in great distances, by Ms Ashley being willing to certify a local crew, she can pass along those savings to the customer.
Finding a more efficient budget for plants, involves the managers and owners taking a closer look at the situation, the solution, and the benefits of the protective external and internal coatings.Current demands on increased production in cement and other manufacturing facilities have placed economic pressures on maintenance budgets. Plants are required to produce more products with higher quality, in less time than ever before to simply “keep up” with the competition.
It is more important than ever before to maintain the plant’s equipment and provide as much extended service life as possible. Given, it has been a temptation in the past to simply “pass” on coatings, or “pass on the responsibility” of the coatings in a contract to the General Contractor (who in many cases is not as versed on these unique applications and coatings as a certified coatings applicator).
Cement owners and managers simply cannot afford to follow the “old rules” any longer. They cannot afford to “not” find the time to include us in their budgets. Our case studies have proven quite positive results, in many instances, increasing over twice to three times the service life of that steel.
Steel, that would have been lost and replaced at incredible prices, causing undue and premature budget suffering to the plants.
“Small Enough to Care”
“Large Enough to Carry Through”