Religious Education

Sharing Jesus’ Special Meal – Eucharist

Year Three

C1 Catholics celebrate the Eucharist to say ‘thank you’ to God

Outcome 4 – Living Like Jesus

Students understand that Catholics are empowered to live like Jesus the Saviour as they draw on the power of God’s Spirit.

Assessment Task

When we say ‘thank you’ to others we show them love and respect for what they have done for us.Create a graffiti wall showing how to thank God and others for the many things they have done for you and continue to do.

Include pictures, words and prayers.Use examples of Jesus thanking God. People in your community may have also shown you ways of thanking God and others.

Assessment Rubric

The student… / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3
used pictures, words and prayers to convey appreciation to God and others for what they had done for them
provided examples of Bible stories in which Jesus and others showed appreciation to God
provided examples of people in their community who have shown appreciation to God and others / Salvation
LLJ 1.1
Students recall that God sent Jesus to help people live as God wants.
Students recognise that Jesus started the special family of God, called the Church, to teach his followers how to show love and to care for others.
Students identify the Apostles as the first leaders of the Church. / LLJ 2.1
Students identify examples of how prayer and gathering as a family helps people to be loving and good.
Students recognise how the Apostles, as the first leaders of the Christian family, passed on their gifts to chosen followers.
Students describe how the Holy Spirit guides these leaders and Jesus’ special family. / LLJ 3.1
Students recall that Jesus is the fulfilment of God’s promise to send a Saviour.
Students recall that people live in communities. They provide examples of what is needed to belong to communities.
Students recall that the Church is a community of believers which was begun by Jesus to share God’s power with all people.
Students describe how the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit and follows the teachings of Jesus.
Students outline how the Apostles and those who lead the Church today, bishops and priests, teach others the truth as taught by Jesus.
LLJ 1.2
Students recognise that people in their families can help others by using what they have learned from Jesus about caring for themselves and others.
Students identify examples of how the Church helps people live like Jesus when they pray and gather together. / LLJ 2.2
Students recognise that praying for others is one way people can love each other like Jesus did.
Students know that Mary, the Mother of God, joins with people in their prayer when they pray to her.
Students know that they can pray with the saints.
Students recognise that respecting parents is a way of showing people care and love.
Students provide examples of how following the commandments is another way of showing love and respect. / LLJ 3.2
Students provide examples of how followers of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, promote God’s saving power in the world through the ways they think and behave with others, in their families and in their communities.
Students describe how the sacraments strengthen people to live as God wants them to live.

C3 Jesus calls his followers to adore God

Outcome 5 – Catholic Practices

Students demonstrate the skills necessary in order to read and apply Scripture to life and to participate in Catholic ritual and prayer.

Assessment Task

Create a comic strip showing the actions and prayers a person participates in when going to Mass.

Assessment Rubric

The student… / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3
Prayer and Worship
provided examples of simple prayers to God
correctly included prayer responses used at Mass
included the correct vocabulary for furnishings and vessels etc used at Mass
correctly illustrated actions and gestures used at Mass
included elements of the Liturgy of the Eucharist / CP 1.1
Understands that prayer is about communicating with God.
Students discuss how people communicate with one another. They recognise that people can talk to God.
Students begin to formulate simple individual prayers as examples of ways people can talk to God.
With teacher direction students begin to recall basic formal prayers. / CP 2.1
Understands that participating and celebrating in the life of the Church involves the use of different prayers.
Students recognise that people pray in different places and in different ways.
Students identify and recall the prayers that are important for people to learn in order to participate in the life of the Church.
Students describe how Christians celebrate sacraments.
Students outline the basic structure of some of the sacraments and the reasons why these are important in the lives of Catholics. / CP 3.1
Understands that for Catholic communities there are different forms of prayer used and a variety of elements to how people participate in the sacraments.
Students recognise that Catholics belong to a particular community that prays together.
Students describe the role of prayer and worship in the life of the Church.
Students identify the elements of how to participate in the sacraments and outline the link between the sacraments and how Catholics are called to live their lives.