Embedding Quotes

Using your paper to argue

**Now that you know the rules of “introducing” the quotes, and ALWAYS giving credit to the author, let’s break these rules! Yes, I know break them completely so that YOUR paper sounds argumentative, strong, convincing and BETTER THAN BEFORE! ** 

Rule 1: When you mention the Author’s Full Name (not just the late name) OR the ENTIRE title of the document in the sentence, you DO NOT have to parenthetically reference afterwards. Also, write the author’s ethos/credentials in front of the quote. If there is no page number, do NOT include. If there is, include it at the end as the example suggests.

Ex: According to Dr. Mercola, prominent researcher at the UCLA medical center, “the after effects of shopping are a better high than any drug available” (34).

Rule 2: Now, I WANT YOU TO EMBED your quotes. That is, use the most important aspects of the quotes as part of a whole sentence. BUT YOU MUST STILL PARENTHETICALLY REFERNCE IF AUTHOR’S NAME IS NOT MENTIONED.

**There are several examples below. Take a look at them carefully and use them within your own paper**

1. Roll the quote into your own sentence (embedding).

Ex: Furthermore, after the 9/11 attacks destroyed the twin towers, many first responders“ran without hesitation

Transition word the beginning of your sentence, which will flow right into your quote… the quote

towards the chaos risking their lives for others” (Shin 3).

2. Introduce the quote with a complete sentence—use a colon.

Ex: For example, because the first responders acquired cancer after their heroic efforts, they deserve more

Transition word COMPLETE sentence which gives an overall context as to what the quote is talking about

healthcare than what they are getting now: “19% of all first responders will develop cancer and therefore die of Melanoma” (Shin 30).


So, when inserting quotes, be sure to include the SPEAKER (if applicable) and the CONTEXT/SITUATION.


Ex: In addition, while speaking at a women’s conference in New York, “Dr. Shin has shown through scientific research that the serotonin levels in one’s brains are significantly higher after a shopping spree” (“Wonderful Shoes”).

* For example, to clearly show how food negatively affects ones body, she says, “. . .

Transition words a SUPERB introduction to your quote WITH CONTEXT/SITUATION!

* In addition, while arguing for the benefits of dieting,Dr. Cunningham claims “. . .

Transition words a SUPERB introduction to your quote WITH CONTEXT/SITUATION!