Chevron BraceletBeading& Jewelry Making Tutorial Series i92
Copyrights DIY Beading Club 2016
Published By DIY Beading Club
Create an elegant beaded bracelet using Cubic Right Angle Weave. In this tutorial, you will create components in "V" shape and then construct to form a bracelet. Using silver beads, you'll have an elegant jewelry set that you can use in formal occasions.
The bracelet is measured 16cm, including the clasp. You can add more components if you needed a longer bracelet.
The tutorial is catered for intermediate and advanced students. One must have full knowledge of Cubic Right Angle Weave (CRAW). No basic instructions on CRAW is included in the steps. If you need to learn the basic CRAW, you can register for free at and you'll find a free Cubic Right Angle Weave tutorial.
If you followed this tutorial and then sell the accessory or jewelry, please give credit to the author or DIY Beading
Materials and tools needed:
Materials Needed
11/0 silver seedbeads
11/0 blue seedbeads
2 wire/thread guards
2 jump rings
Wildfire or Fireline beading thread
Beading needle
Beading Techniques
Cubic Right Angle Weave (CRAW)
Skill level:
Intermediate - Advanced
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1:
Create3 units of CRAW.
Weaving in diagonal direction, connect 2 units of CRAW and form a “V” shape.
Embellish the top of CRAW by adding blue seedbeads at the center of each unit. Add blue beads on the back side as well. When finished, secure your thread and set aside. Create several pieces or approximately 12 pieces.
Step 2:
Let’s construct the bracelet. Cut an arm span of thread and secure onto the component. Turn your component upside down and have your thread come out the center of the 3rd unit shown in red dot. You may choose whether you want to come out the left or right side.
String 5 silver beads. Weave in circular direction and pass thru the center of the adjacent unit.
Pull the thread to tighten and pass thru 3 of the silver beads you just added.
Slide in your wire/thread guard. Weave in circular direction and pass thru the 3rd bead again.
Pass thru the rest of the beads to secure the wire/thread guard.
Step 3:
Look at the image again and see the beads with the needle. These beads are where you will weave to connect components to components.
Have your thread come out the right bead (refer to previous image). String 3 silver beads and pass thru the bead on the left (refer to previous image) in opposite direction.
Pass the thread back thru the 3 silver beads.
Down the right bead.
Pass back thru 2 beads again.
Step 4:
Bring up a 2nd component. Pass the thread into a unit shown in red circle.
Then pass thread thru the silver bead again to connect the 2 components.
Pull the thread as you pull pass thru the bead from 2nd component. Now, you have 2 components connected.
Step 5:
Repeat step 3 and continue to connect components until you reach your desired length.Once you reach your desired length weave your wire/thread guard.
Finish your bracelet by attaching jump rings and your clasp.
contact Us
I hope you have enjoyed making the jewelry. If you have any query or feedback for the tutorial, please contact us at .
About The Author
I consider myself a late bloomer when it comes to crafting. I’m a self-taught jewelry maker. Jewelry making wasn’t a hobby of mine, but unforeseen events lead me to learn jewellery making. My family put up a craft store where we sell cross stitch, beads and all sorts of crafting materials. I fell in love with the beads and tried to create accessories only for myself. Clients liked the pieces and I started customizing handmade jewelleries. The craft store was a success for 6 years, but like any other small businesses we had to close it down and I was confined to staying at home. While at home I had all the time using the internet and now working as a home-based jewelry designer