Fact Sheet No 1: Developing Edinburgh’s Young Workforce (DEYW) Overview
John SchmidtEmployability Manager
Tel: 0131 5296587 / Joyce Rochford
Senior Phase Manager
Tel: 0131 4693058 / Monica Hoenigmann
16+ Manager
Tel: 0131 4693339 / DYW Regional Group
Post School Opportunities
Objectives/Success Targets
Objectives / Success Targets- Better prepare school leavers for the world of work; in the BGE and Senior Phase
- Work more strategically with schools/college/universities/employers to increase vocational opportunities for all
- Implementation of Pathfinder Apprenticeships
- Implement new Work Placement and CIAG national standards
- Develop more flexible senior phase pathways for all
- Improve employer engagement with all schools
- All schools are engaging within ‘The Market Place’, and engaging businesses within ‘Employability Clusters’
- Have the quality of work placements significantly enhanced - all school pupils to receive work experience
- Have skills for learning, life and work at the heart of curriculum developments from BGE into the Senior Phase
- Pilot the Pathfinder Apprenticeship pathways within schools
- Have different Senior Phase learner journey's identified
- Improve the number of school leavers leaving with meaningful industry relevant vocational qualifications
- Started to address the gender, black and ethnic minority groups, carers and LAC gaps, with no bias towards any
General Information
Update Schedule / Implementation Timeline / LinksParents (January update in line with course choice)
Schools (September (start), January (course choice) and April (evaluation and review) / 2014 – 2015 (Work streams to address recommendations)
2015 – 2016 (Implement and evaluate strategies, identify next steps)
2016 – 2017 (embedded within schools) / Education Working for All Report
DYW Education Scotland website
Youth Employment Strategy
BTC 4 (Skills for learning, life & work)
CfE Implementation Plan (2015-16)
DYW SharePoint (Communities)
Work Streams(Focus: Primary in BGE and Employer Engagement, Secondary all Work Streams)
Broad General Education (Skills Development & Profiling)Recommendation/s / Lead Person / Actions for 16+ Team / Link/s
Rec 2: Preparing learners for employment should form a core element of CfE. SDS, etc. develop comprehensive standard for careers guidance
Other: 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 26, 27, 28, 33 / Employability Manager /
- Focus on creating a framework for Skills for Careers from 3-18, alongside the Significant Aspects of Learning (SAL)
- Develop a context/s for delivery of skills through (enterprising T & L and entrepreneurial learning), and links to practice/resources
Parent Forum: Skills in a Nutshell
- Working towards implementing the STEM strategy (more information can be provided if needed)
Senior Phase, along with College/Universities
Recommendation/s / Lead Person / Actions for 16+ Team / Link/s
Rec 1: Pathways in the senior phase which lead to the delivery of industry recognised vocational qualifications alongside academic qualifications.
Rec 3: Modern standard of work experience & guidelines should be made available to employers (Insight/Inspection)
Rec 4: Colleges’ key role in the development of DSYW and managed through Regional Outcome Agreements
Other: 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 37 / Senior Phase Manager /
- Industry recognised vocational qualifications
- Academies; including STEM and Digital Academy
- Raising LAC attainment and positive destinations
- Increase the vocational opportunities with colleges/universities
- Service Level Agreements (SLA) with Moray House and Edinburgh College
- Memorandum of Understanding with Universities
16+ Manager /
- Opportunities for work placement through JET and enhanced/bespoke work placement
- Early interventions
- Working towards implementing the STEM strategy (more information can be provided if needed)
Apprenticeships (Pathfinder) in Schools
Recommendation/s / Lead Person / Actions for 16+ Team / Link/s
Rec 7: Modern Apprenticeships should be aligned with the skills required to support economic growth
Other: 8, 12, 26, 28, 31 / Employability Manager
16+ Team /
- Pilot the Pathfinder Apprenticeship in Financial Services, in conjunction with Edinburgh College and the financial industry
- Expand provision into possibly digital skills, retail, construction, etc. (model needed progression)
Employer Engagement
Recommendation/s / Lead Person / Actions for 16+ Team / Link/s
Rec 15: Businesses encouraged and supported to enter into 3-5 year partnerships with secondary schools, including feeder primaries
Other: 1, 2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 26 / Employability Manager
DYW Regional Group /
- Establish an ‘Employability Cluster’, to include feeder primaries, and if possible special schools
- Interact with and use features in ‘The Market Place’
- More effective partnerships with the Career Ready businesses attached to schools
- Guidance will be provided to help facilitate ‘Employability Cluster’ and developing partnerships
- CPD will engage with the aspects of engagement
- Working closely with DYW Regional Group
Skills Investment Plans
Some recommendations are not identified, as schools do not have influence or control over these.Version 2; Oct 2015