MON 7 JANUARY 2013 @ 7.30p.m.


Present: Cllrs K Martin, S Cox, R Coton, P Scully, N Smart, S Haynes & A McKelvie
Mrs A Squirrell (Clerk)

In Attendance: MSD Cllr T Curran & SCC Cllr E Alcock

P Atkins


1.  Public Session – nothing raised

2.  Apologies
Cllrs R Richardson & N Hardingham.

3.  Reports from District/County Councillors/ Police
MSDC – Cllr T Curran: reported the resignation of Tim Passmore, Leader of MSDC, following his election to the post of Suffolk Police Commissioner; MSDC interim leader will be the current Deputy Derek Hayley until the election in April. The MSDC reorganisation continues with consultations now taking place with a further 300 members of staff.
SCC Cllr E Alcock – presented his report (filed with these minutes) and highlighted three awards for which SCC had been nominated and short-listed. He also reported that Balfour Beatty had been awarded the contract to carry out all highway repairs within the county.
There was also discussion on the progress and future of the SCC’s new waste project at Gt Blakenham.
There was no police presence or report available.

4.  Declaration of Pecuniary/Non-Pecuniary interest – None

5.  Approval of minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 November 2012 and to consider any matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda
It was proposed by Cllr Scully, seconded by Cllr Cox and unanimously agreed that these were a true record of the meeting held. They were then signed by the Chairman.

There were no matters arising from either meeting.

6.  Reports from Parish Councillor Representatives not raised elsewhere
6.1 Report from SALC Representative – Cllr R Coton reported that he had attended the SALC regional meeting held 29 November 2012. Reports received included one on neighbourhood planning from P Isbell, MSDC Planning Officer; SCC budget re continued savings for 2013/14, Rail Policy report, SALC executive report and information re new parish formations within Lowestoft and Ipswich. There was comment at the low number of nominations for honours from the region.
6.2 Report from Emergency Co-ordinator – a copy of the MSDC Resilience Newsletter has been circulation to all councillors.
6.3 CSM Welfare Charities – Report has been received from Mr D Primmer (copy filed with these minutes) stating that 24 retirement grants and 4 TV licence grants were made on 4 January 2013. The 2012 accounts are with the independent auditors and will be available for inspection at the annual parish meeting.
6.4 CSM Village Hall Report – Cllr N Smart reported that there were no major issues at present with minor refurbishing still ongoing.
6.5 Footpaths – nothing significant to report
6.6 Sustainability/Environment – nothing significant to report
6.7 Highways – Cllr Scully reported on his attendance at the recent MSDC Gritting Workshop. There was general discussion on the use of village grit bins by volunteers with a call for a formalised volunteer list so that names could be forwarded to SCC for insurance purposes. Cllr Scully would put an updated item into the next newsletter.
Cllr McKelvie reported that there had been no flooding along St Marys Gardens/St Marys Road during the recent spell of very wet weather.
6.8 Newsletter – The clerk reported that there were still a number of outstanding advertising invoices. It was suggested that consideration be given to removing these adverts from the magazine.

7.  Blacksmiths Field
The recent wet weather has left the field very wet and boggy in places; no evidence of dog fouling had been noted which is pleasing to note.
The rear boundary fencing with the field requires attention as there is a perceived hazard with the drop to the steep ditch. The clerk read out a letter received from the Woodland Trust inviting opportunities to help community groups improve their woodland. It was agreed to follow this up to see if they could offer any advice.
Cllr Cox reported that some items within the play equipment area need attention; renewal of all swing seats, replacement play bark, attention to the slide steps and noted some wear to a support on the climbing frame.

8.  Village Survey
A revised quote would be sought for the modified survey form.

9.  Finance
(i) Payment for goods/services
Approval was give for the payment of the clerk’s salary.
(ii) Request for Charitable Donations
Following a request for financial assistance from Needham Mkt First responder Group for financial assistance (12 emergency calls were made to CSM during 2012) it was agreed to release the budgeted sum of £50.00. A similar sum was also agreed to be made available to MSCAB.

(iii) Precept for 2013/14
Following the recommendation to increase council support to the PCC for churchyard maintenance and increases from MSDC for dog bin emptying services for 2013/14 it was proposed by Cllr Haynes, seconded by Cllr Smart and unanimously agreed to submit an application to MSDC for a sum of £8,000 as the precept for the coming financial year.
Although this will give a council tax rise of 6% on a Band D property, in reality it will mean an increase of only £2.00 per property per annum.

10.  Planning
(i) New Planning Application Ref: 3699/12 & 3700/12 (Listed)
Location – 8 All Saints Road, CSM
Proposed – Demolition of existing rear single storey extension and construction of new extension.
This is a new application following the withdrawal of application ref 3020/12 & 3022/12 due to objections to a roof design from the Conservation Group. The disputed roof has been re-designed and now meets with approval. There were no other changes to the original application and in her absence Cllr Richardson (applicant) had re-iterated by email the comments made in support of her previous application.
It was proposed by Cllr Smart, seconded by Cllr Scully and unanimously agreed to send a comment of support to MSDC.
(ii) New Planning Application Ref: 3573/12
Location – 17 St Marys Gardens, CSM
Proposed – Erection of single storey rear and side extension together replacement front flat roof with pitched roof.
The applicant (Mr P Atkins) was present to outline the case for this proposal. No objections had been received by neighbours.

It was proposed by Cllr McKelvie, seconded by Cllr Martin and unanimously agreed to send a comment of support to MSDC.

(iii) Planning Ref: 2313/12 Amended Site Location Plan for variation on condition 4 &9 to planning permission 2134/11 Whissels Farm, All Saints Road, CSM.
Approval granted by MSDC on 2 January 2013.

11.  Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service – Stakeholder Consultation
Council had been invited to make comments on the proposal to merge the Suffolk and Cambridge Fire and Rescue Services. Comments were discussed and agreed (clarification of financial/efficiency benefits, no clear case had been made, loss of local knowledge) and the clerk asked to submit these on-line.

12.  Correspondence – nothing significant to report

13.  Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council
(i) Revision of Council Standing Orders
At the request of the internal auditors these were to be revised and adopted before the end of the current financial year. The Clerk and Cllr McKelvie had now completed the revision to comply with NALC Model Standing Orders and the new SOs together with associated council procedures and policies were circulated to councillors for their comments and opinions. Adoption of the agreed new SOs will be on the agenda at the next meeting.

14.  Date of next Meeting – Mon 11 February 2013 @ 7.30pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45pm

PC Meeting 07.01.13 22 – 2012/13