Class- 6- Ashoka the Great
Worksheet - History
Q1 Picture study
a) Define Stupa. What is the significance of this architecture?
b) Identify the monument. Who built it?
c) Where it is situated?
d) Name the stupa built at Sarnath.What is the importance of this structure?
e) Name the tallest stupa. Where is it situated?
Q2 Read the extract and answer the following questions
This sculpture is one of the best examples of Monolithic pillars built during Maurayan Empire. It shows the remarkable skill and quality of artist of that period, inscribed with Ashoka’s edict.
a) Define edict and name the sculpture.
b) In which period it was built?
c) Who built it?
d) Where it is now?
e) Write about its features?
Q3 On an outline map of India mark the following-
a) Kalinga
b) Sarnath
c) Sanchi
d) Patliputra
e) Bodhgaya
f) Kushinagar
h) Lumbini
Q4 Read the extract given below carefully. It is taken from the Arthashastra
Arthashastra,BookI, chapter19, The duties of a king
The king shall ever be wakeful…. During the first one – eighth part of the day, he shall post watchman and attend to the accounts of receipts and expenditure; during the second part, he shall look to the affairs of both citizens and country people during the third, he shall not only receive revenue in gold, but also attend to the appointments of superintendents; during the fifth, he shall correspond with his ministers, and receive the secret information gathered by his spies
a)Who wrote the book Arthashastra?
b)According to him, what were the duties of a king
c)Do you think all the kings discharged their duties as per the rules laid down in the Arthashastra?
d)Do you think our current leaders follow such a strict schedule?
Q5 Give one word for the underlined words in the following sentences –
a)He wrote Indica
b)This was the capital ofMauryan Dynasty
c)Buddha was born here
d)Buddha got enlightment at this place
e)He gave his first sermon at Sarnath
f)He was the last ruler of Nanda dynasty
g)Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by him
Q6 Answer the following questions -
i) What is the difference between Kingdom and Empire?
ii) Ashoka was a benevolent ruler. Why? Give reasons to support your answer.
iii) Why did Ashoka give up war?
iv) Mention any four principles of Dhamma which you can practise in your daily life.
v) What were the causes responsible for the decline of the Maurayan Empire?
vi) Write a short note on Alexander.