Nelson Community and Whanau Network Meeting
Wednesday 12 February 2014, Trafalgar St Hall, Nelson, 12 noon – 1.30pm
Nelson Community and Whanau notes, 12 February 2014 - page 1
Patrick Doherty Neighbourhood Connections, Clare Fairbrother Q-youth, Kamaya Crawford DIA, Karen Driver NEC, Adele Richardson te Rito, Kim MacDonald NS Nelson, Claire Nicholls Newcomers, Kaye Latham DIA, JoAnn Firestone Fresh FM, Bernadette Power The White House, Penny Molnar Victory CC/Whenua Iti, Mary Curnow NCC, Rosina Cornelissen Impact Church, Cameron Forbes ALS, Pip Bowman Attendance Service, Heather Thomas CAB, Gail Collingwood PA/NSC/ff, Jacquetta Bell CWTAS, Laurie Phillips & Irene Robertson Gateway Housing, Sue Bateup Health Action, Crs Pete Rainey & Gaile Noonan NCC, Andrea King & Nicola Harwood Nelson Public Libraries, Kath Allen NMDHB, Karen Bailey Support Works, Trudy Perrett & Gary Blomfield BUWT, Jill Harris MSD, Trish Walshe Victory Community Assn, Sue Alzheimer’s NN, Carrie Mozena NN Women’s Centre, Evey McAuliffe NN Multicultural Council, Deb Christie NBPH Suicide Prevention, Marie Johnstone NN Angel Women’s Loan Fund, Stephen Stiles Q-youth, Harriet Denham LifeLlnc, Gwen Daly Dover Post Natal Depression, Kindra Douglas VCH, Kathryn Sclater Nayland ACE, Fiona Price Brain Assn, Marie Elliot Electoral Commission, Shary Dalrymple Manuka House.
Nelson Community and Whanau notes, 12 February 2014 - page 1
Nelson Community and Whanau notes, 12 February 2014 - page 1
Jacqui Irwin VN, Nicky McDonald NCC, Bex Wiren, Esme Palliser, Dee Creswell, Cr Ruth Copeland, Kerry Budge
Facilitator and introductions:
Katy Steele, Volunteer Nelson, welcomed everyone to the meeting and we started with introductions and notices.
· A number of notices were read out at the meeting and relevant hand-outs were provided. No notes were taken of these notices, so please ensure that you publish them in Community News and Views, here if you wish others to know about events, programmes or initiatives.
After the lunch, tea & networking break, Jacquetta Bell CWTAS, facilitated the remainder of the meeting.
Councillor Pete Rainey:
Councillor Rainey said he was pleased that he and Councillor Gail Noonan were able to attend the meeting until 1pm. There is an issue with the new venue in that it’s hard to hear what people are saying who are not standing at the front. He stated that he would be interested in trying to secure some funding for a new venue for the meetings, if a suitable one can be found.
Action: Volunteer Nelson will investigate alternative venues and then discuss funding with Cr Pete Rainey.
Cr Rainey said he is keen to participate in the review of the Social Wellbeing Policy.
Kindra Douglas:
Kindra presented the quick snapshot review of progress on the Community and Whanau’s Social Wellbeing Report with the assistance of a few other people (also available through the Volunteer Nelson website, here).
The initial report was developed by the Community and Whanau in 2002 and the Nelson City Council subsequently produced a 2003 Social Wellbeing Policy, based on the report, which was most recently updated in 2011. Six focus groups were established to assist the development of the policy, producing 42 recommendations for action. An implementation report was developed in 2003-05, led by Kindra Douglas. Kindra’s quick review indicated that there were 24 successful outcomes of the 42 recommended actions, but additionally there were many new organisations and initiatives that were not included in the report e.g. Refugee Services and Settlement Support.
NCC was applauded for the development of its Social Wellbeing Policy, and Cr Pete Rainey stated that during Annual Plan discussions he would ensure that a review of this NCC policy and its implementation would be considered.
Gail Collingwood requested that the Nelson by Numbers statistical information was again collated by NCC. A number of people spoke of the importance of these regional statistics to their organisation and their lack of organisational capacity to undertake this research and collation themselves. Cr Pete Rainey encouraged the group to submit on this to the NCC Annual Plan.
Following a group discussion, it was agreed that there was a need, not only to review the existing policy and implementation plan, but to look forward to what future needs might be. A number of people offered to assist with this.
The group had a quick two minute break-out session to identify the big issues in social welfare, which were: ageing population; food security; housing; emergency accommodation; cost/policies of health; cost of education; the vulnerable; social isolation; community space; information/language; partnering with Maori; casualisation of labour; safety for gender diversity; cultural community development; environment; social isolation. If anyone wishes to provide further comments and thoughts on this please contact Kindra
Actions: Recommended that CWTAS submit to the NCC Annual Plan on both the Social Wellbeing Policy and the ongoing need for the Nelson by Numbers collated statistics.
Kim MacDonald, Neighbourhood Support:
Kim told the group about Neighbours’ Day which this year is on 29/30 March. This event is all about meeting with neighbours and undertaking activities that are appropriate to each group e.g. cups of tea through to organising street sports and BBQs.
If three people complete a form from neighbourhood Support agreeing to organise something for eight or more households, they will be in the draw to win some goodies from food packs to skips for community cleaning events.
There is no need to be a Neighbourhood Support Group to enter, but Kim will send out information about Neighbourhood Support to any neighbourhoods that enter.
JoAnn Firestone, Fresh FM:
JoAnn said Fresh FM’s ratings are skyrocketing now people can download podcasts of their programmes on i-tunes. She believes that the activities of the community sector are under the radar for many people in Nelson, so she would like to establish a one hour magazine-style programme. She is seeking two people who are interested in broadcasting to coordinate and deliver this programme. Topics could be on women’s issues; health; youth etc. Programmes can be live or pre-recorded, and Jo Ann would train people in use of the equipment etc.
If interested please get in touch with her.
JoAnn also spoke about Couch Stories an event on Friday 7 March at St John’s Hall, Hardy Street, $15, tickets from Everyman Records. Bar & nibbles from 6pm, event starts at 7 pm. The topic is “Anything but Politics” with numerous politicians or ex-politicians e.g. Miriam Hobbs, Jacinda Ardern MP and Gail Collingwood. Tickets are going fast so book in advance. Meeting closed at 1.30 pm
NOTE: new meeting day, venue for Nelson Community and Whanau Network
The Nelson Community and Whanau network’s meeting day has shifted to the second Wednesday of every month from 12 February 2014, unless special circumstances apply e.g. 21 May 2014.
Nelson Community & Whanau Meeting Dates for 2014
Nelson Community and Whanau notes, 12 February 2014 - page 1
· Wednesday 12 March
· Wednesday 9 April
· Wednesday 21 May (one week later than usual)
· Wednesday 11 June
· Wednesday 9 July
· Wednesday 13 August
· Wednesday 10 September
· Wednesday 8 October
· Wednesday 12 November
· Wednesday 10 December
Nelson Community and Whanau notes, 12 February 2014 - page 1
Venue: It was agreed at the December 2013 meeting that the venue would be the Trafalgar St Hall from Wednesday 12 February (formerly the Old Folks’ Hall). Thanks to CWTAS for the contribution towards venue hire. It is very close to the central city. For those who have to drive from further away, Millers Acre and Wakatu Square car parks are less than 5 minutes’ walk and there is also on-street parking in the general area. We have noted the issues with acoustics from the February meeting so will investigate options and report to the March meeting.
Next meeting: WEDNESDAY 12 March 2014 at the new venue – Trafalgar St Hall, Trafalgar St by the Maitai Bridge
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